Several Examined and Concealed States-Dependent Speciation and Extinction

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Documentation for package ‘secsse’ version 3.1.0

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cla_id_paramPos Parameter structure setting for cla_secsse It sets the parameters (speciation, extinction and transition) IDs. Needed for ML calculation with cladogenetic options (cla_secsse_ml)
cla_secsse_loglik Likelihood for SecSSE model, using Rcpp Loglikelihood calculation for the cla_SecSSE model given a set of parameters and data using Rcpp
cla_secsse_ml Maximum likehood estimation for (SecSSE)
cla_secsse_ml_func_def_pars Maximum likehood estimation for (SecSSE) with parameter as complex functions. Cladogenetic version
create_default_lambda_transition_matrix Helper function to create a default lambda list
create_default_shift_matrix Helper function to create a default 'shift_matrix' list
create_lambda_list Helper function to automatically create lambda matrices, based on input
create_mu_vector Generate mus vector
create_q_matrix Helper function to neatly setup a Q matrix, without transitions to concealed states (only observed transitions shown)
event_times Event times of a (possibly non-ultrametric) phylogenetic tree
example_phy_GeoSSE A phylogeny with traits at the tips
expand_q_matrix Function to expand an existing q_matrix to a number of concealed states
extract_par_vals Extract parameter values out of the result of a maximum likelihood inference run
fill_in Helper function to enter parameter value on their right place
id_paramPos Parameter structure setting Sets the parameters (speciation, extinction and transition) ids. Needed for ML calculation ('secsse_ml()').
phylo_vignette A phylogenetic reconstuction to run the vignette
plot_state_exact Plot the local probability along a tree
prepare_full_lambdas Prepares the entire set of lambda matrices for cla_secsse. It provides the set of matrices containing all the speciation rates
q_doubletrans Basic Qmatrix Sets a Q matrix where double transitions are not allowed
secsse_loglik Likelihood for SecSSE model Loglikelihood calculation for the SecSSE model given a set of parameters and data
secsse_loglik_eval Likelihood for SecSSE model Logikelihood calculation for the SecSSE model given a set of parameters and data, returning also the likelihoods along the branches
secsse_ml Maximum likehood estimation for (SecSSE)
secsse_ml_func_def_pars Maximum likehood estimation for (SecSSE) with parameter as complex functions.
secsse_sim Function to simulate a tree, conditional on observing all states.
sortingtraits Data checking and trait sorting In preparation for likelihood calculation, it orders trait data according the tree tips
traits A table with trait info to run the vignette