Data Quality Checks for Study Data Tabulation Model (SDTM) Datasets

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Documentation for package ‘sdtmchecks’ version 1.0.0

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check_ae_aeacnoth Check for null AEACNOT1/2 when AEACNOTH = 'MULTIPLE'
check_ae_aeacnoth_ds_disctx Check if, whenever a patient experiences an AE leading to study discontinuation, they also have a DS record indicating this.
check_ae_aeacnoth_ds_stddisc_covid Check for COVID-19 AE leading to Study Discon without DS Study Discon
check_ae_aeacn_ds_disctx_covid Check for COVID-19 AE with DRUG WITHDRAWN action without "ADVERSE EVENT" for DS Trt Discon
check_ae_aedecod Check for missing AEDECOD values
check_ae_aedthdtc_aesdth Check AEs with AEDTHDTC value but AESDTH not "Y"
check_ae_aedthdtc_ds_death Check for missing AEDTHDTC where DS indicates death due to AE
check_ae_aelat Check if AESOC has Eye, and Affected Eye is missing
check_ae_aeout Check for inconsistency between AE outcome (AEOUT) and death date (AEDTHDTC)
check_ae_aeout_aeendtc_aedthdtc Check for AE outcome (AEOUT) of 'FATAL' with non-missing resolution date that is not equal to the death date
check_ae_aeout_aeendtc_nonfatal Check for non-fatal AEs with inconsistent AEOUT and AEENDTC
check_ae_aerel Check for AEREL1 - AERELN when AEREL is missing and when AEREL is unexpected
check_ae_aesdth_aedthdtc Check AEs with AESDTH of "Y" but No AEDTHDTC Value
check_ae_aestdtc_after_aeendtc Check that all AE start dates are on or before AE end dates
check_ae_aestdtc_after_dd Check for AE dates occurring after death date
check_ae_aetoxgr Check for missing AETOXGR and/or AESEV values
check_ae_death Check for Grade 5 AE death variable consistency
check_ae_death_ds_discon Check if death in AE then there should be a study discon form
check_ae_ds_partial_death_dates Check for partial death dates in AE and DS
check_ae_dup Check for duplicate AE entries
check_ae_fatal Check for death variable consistency when AEOUT=="FATAL"
check_ae_withdr_ds_discon Check if an AE leading to drug being withdrawn is reflected in DS
check_ce_missing_month Check for clinical events dates with year and day known but month unknown
check_cm_cmdecod Check for missing CMDECOD values
check_cm_cmindc Check for concomitant medication indication with text string "PROPHYL" when not given for prophylaxis
check_cm_cmlat Check if ocular concomitant medication has laterality missing or laterality field is populated but route is not eye-related.
check_cm_cmlat_prior_ocular Check if ocular concomitant medication has laterality missing for specific "PRIOR OCULAR THERAPIES AND TREATMENTS" (or similar names) CRF page.
check_cm_missing_month Check for conmed dates with year and day known but month unknown
check_dd_ae_aedthdtc_ds_dsstdtc Check if death date is the same in AE and DS domains
check_dd_ae_aeout_aedthdtc Check if there is a death date and AEOUT='FATAL' agreement
check_dd_death_date Check if patient with Death due to AE also has Death record in DS
check_dm_actarm_arm Check DM where ARM is not equal to ACTARM
check_dm_ae_ds_death Check if death reported in DM then death indicator also present in DS or AE
check_dm_age_missing Check for patients with suspicious age values
check_dm_armcd Check for missing ARM or ARMCD values in DM
check_dm_dthfl_dthdtc Check that when DM.DTHFL is Y, DM.DTHDTC does not have a missing value, and vice versa
check_dm_usubjid_ae_usubjid Check patients in the DM dataset who do not have records in the AE dataset
check_dm_usubjid_dup Check duplicate patient records in DM based on USUBJID
check_ds_ae_discon Check for treatment discontinuation consistency between DS and AE
check_ds_dsdecod_death Check for study discontinuation record if death indicated
check_ds_dsdecod_dsstdtc Check DS with death record but no death date
check_ds_dsscat Check for patients with more than one study discontinuation records
check_ds_dsterm_death_due_to Check missing cause of death information in DS
check_ds_duplicate_randomization Check for duplicate randomization records for a patient
check_ds_ex_after_discon Check for patients who had Start/End date of treatment after study discontinuation date
check_ds_multdeath_dsstdtc Check DS with multiple death records with death dates, where death dates do not match
check_ds_sc_strat Check if randomized patients are missing stratification factor data
check_dv_ae_aedecod_covid Check for consistency between DV and AE for COVID-19 events
check_dv_covid Check for consistency in COVID-19 DV variables, DVREAS and DVEPRELI
check_ec_sc_lat Check if Study Drug is not administered in the Study Eye
check_eg_egdtc_visit_ordinal_error Check that all ECG datetimes are earlier than last visit's (possible datetime data entry error)
check_ex_dup Check for duplicate EX records
check_ex_exdose_exoccur Check for Missing EXDOSE.
check_ex_exdose_pos_exoccur_no Check for EXDOSE>0 When EXOCCUR is not "Y"
check_ex_exdosu Check for missing EXDOSU records
check_ex_exoccur_exdose_exstdtc Check for Invalid EXDOSE (Dose per Administration) and Missing/Incomplete EXSTDTC (Start Date) Values for valid exposures
check_ex_exoccur_mis_exdose_nonmis Check for missing EXOCCUR but EXDOSE not missing
check_ex_exstdtc_after_dd Check for EX dates occurring after death date
check_ex_exstdtc_after_exendtc Check that all exposure start dates are on or before exposure end dates
check_ex_exstdtc_visit_ordinal_error Check that all EX start dates are earlier than last visit's (possible datetime data entry error)
check_ex_extrt_exoccur Check for EX records where EXTRT is missing
check_ex_infusion_exstdtc_exendtc Check that an infusion drug has same start/end exposure dates, also including missing start/end dates
check_ex_visit Check for missing EX.VISIT
check_lb_lbdtc_after_dd Check for LB dates occurring after death date
check_lb_lbdtc_visit_ordinal_error Check that all LB dates are duplicated or earlier than last visit's (possible datetime data entry error)
check_lb_lbstnrlo_lbstnrhi Check for missing lab reference ranges (LBSTNRLO, LBSTNRHI)
check_lb_lbstresc_char Check LBORRES/LBSTRESC populated with number beginning with character '>' or '<', which will yield missing AVAL in ADaM and records will be omitted in analyses such as Hy's Law
check_lb_lbstresn_missing Check missing standard lab values (LBSTRESN/LBSTRESC)
check_lb_lbstresu Check for missing lab units (LBSTRESU)
check_lb_missing_month Check for lab dates with year and day known but month unknown
check_mh_missing_month Check for MH dates with year and day known but month unknown
check_mi_mispec Check for missing values in the MISPEC variable
check_oe_bcva_1m_late_early_tot Check if 1m BCVA test stops too late, too early and has correct total
check_oe_bcva_4m_late_early_tot Check if 4m BCVA test stops too late, too early and has correct total
check_oe_bcva_4m_vs_1m_req Check if 1m BCVA test is completed per BCVA 4m result
check_oe_bcva_tot_mismatch Check mismatch between Derived BCVA Total Score & Total BCVA Score from Data
check_oe_sc_lat_count_fingers Check if Post Treatment Count Fingers in Study Eye laterality does not match with Subject Characteristics Study Eye laterality
check_pr_missing_month Check for procedure dates with year and day known but month unknown
check_pr_prlat Check if ocular procedures/surgeries has laterality missing for CRF pages which contain the word "OCULAR" (and not "NON-OCULAR").
check_qs_dup Check for multiple dates at the same visit in QS
check_qs_qsdtc_after_dd Check for QS dates occurring after death date
check_qs_qsdtc_visit_ordinal_error Check that all QS dates are duplicated or earlier than last visit's (possible datetime data entry error)
check_qs_qsstat_qsreasnd Check to confirm that there is a reason for a questionnaire being marked as not done
check_qs_qsstat_qsstresc Check for non-missing QSSTRESC if QSSTAT is NOT DONE
check_rs_rscat_rsscat Check for patients with populated RSSCAT but missing RSCAT.
check_rs_rsdtc_across_visit Check RS records where the same date occurs across multiple visits
check_rs_rsdtc_visit Check missing RSDTC and VISIT
check_rs_rsdtc_visit_ordinal_error Check that all RS dates for INV Overall Response are duplicated or earlier than last visit's (possible date entry error)
check_sc_dm_eligcrit Check SC Eye Meeting Eligibility Criteria assignments among DM patients
check_sc_dm_seyeselc Check SC Study Eye Selection assignments among DM patients
check_ss_ssdtc_alive_dm Check non-missing last ALIVE status date in SS is before than death date in DM
check_ss_ssdtc_dead_ds Check non-missing DEAD status date in SS and non-missing according DS record with death date where status date is greater or equal to death date
check_ss_ssdtc_dead_dthdtc Check non-missing DEAD status date in SS and an according DM record with death date where status date is greater or equal to death date
check_ss_ssstat_ssorres Check for non-missing SSORRES if SSSTAT is NOT DONE
check_tr_dup Check for duplicate TR records
check_tr_trdtc_across_visit Check TR Longest Diameter Records where the same date occurs across multiple visits
check_tr_trdtc_visit_ordinal_error Check that all TR dates by INV are duplicated or earlier than last visit's (possible date entry error)
check_tr_trstresn_ldiam Check for TR records with missing TRSTRESN for Longest Diameter (LDIAM)
check_ts_aedict Check for missing MedDRA version in TS
check_ts_cmdict Check for missing WHODrug version in TS
check_ts_sstdtc_ds_consent Check for missing SSTDTC (Study Start Date) in TS
check_tu_rs_new_lesions Check for consistency between new lesions and overall PD response
check_tu_tudtc Check for missing TUDTC values
check_tu_tudtc_across_visit Check TU Records where the same date occurs across multiple visits
check_tu_tudtc_visit_ordinal_error Check that all TU dates are duplicated or earlier than last visit's (possible datetime data entry error)
check_tu_tuloc_missing Check for missing TULOC values
check_vs_height Check for missing height values
check_vs_sbp_lt_dbp Check that DBP is not higher than SBP in VS
check_vs_vsdtc_after_dd Check for VS dates occurring after death date
create_R_script Create .R file with sdtmchecks function calls

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diff_reports Create a sdtmchecks list object with column indicating whether the issue was previously seen

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run_all_checks Run all data checks in sdtmchecks package using parallel processing
run_check Run a single check in sdtmchecks package

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sdtmchecksmeta Metadata for sdtmchecks