Score Matching Estimation by Automatic Differentiation

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Documentation for package ‘scorematchingad’ version 0.0.67

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scorematchingad-package scorematchingad: Score Matching Estimation by Automatic Differentiation
ADFun A Class for Storing a CppAD Tape (ADFun) Object
Bingham Score Matching Estimators for the Bingham Distribution
buildsmdtape Build CppAD Tapes for Score Matching
cppad_closed Score Matching Estimator for Quadratic-Form Score Matching Discrepancies
cppad_search Iterative Score Matching Estimator Using Conjugate-Gradient Descent
customll Compile a custom log-likelihood function.
customll_test Compile a custom log-likelihood function.
dppi Improper Log-Density of the PPI Model
evalll Evaluate a custom log-likelihood function
evaltape Evaluate a CppAD Tape Many Times
evaltape_wsum Evaluate a CppAD Tape Many Times
FB Estimate the Fisher-Bingham Distribution
microbiome 16s Microbiome Data for Soil-Transmitted Helminths
moretapebuilders Build New Tapes from Existing Tapes
ppi Estimation of Polynomially-Tilted Pairwise Interaction (PPI) Model
ppi_cW Quickly Generate a Vector of Windham Exponents for the PPI Model
ppi_cW_auto Quickly Generate a Vector of Windham Exponents for the PPI Model
ppi_fromAstar PPI Parameter Tools
ppi_mmmm A PPI Score-Matching Marginal Moment Matching Estimator (dimension=3 only)
ppi_parammats PPI Parameter Tools
ppi_paramvec PPI Parameter Tools
ppi_param_tools PPI Parameter Tools
ppi_robust Robustly Estimate Parameters of the PPI Distribution
ppi_robust_alrgengamma Robustly Estimate Parameters of the PPI Distribution
ppi_smvalues Estimation of Polynomially-Tilted Pairwise Interaction (PPI) Model
ppi_toAstar PPI Parameter Tools
quadratictape_parts Evaluate the Hessian and Gradient Offset of a Taped Quadratic Function
rppi Simulate from a PPI Model
rppi_egmodel Simulate from a PPI Model
rsymmetricmatrix Quickly Generate a Symmetric Matrix for Testing and Examples
scorematchingad scorematchingad: Score Matching Estimation by Automatic Differentiation
scorematchingtheory Introduction to Score Matching
smvalues Compute Score Matching Discrepancy Value, Gradient, and Hessian
smvalues_wsum Compute Score Matching Discrepancy Value, Gradient, and Hessian
tapeGradOffset Build New Tapes from Existing Tapes
tapeHessian Build New Tapes from Existing Tapes
tapeJacobian Build New Tapes from Existing Tapes
tapeLogJacDet Build New Tapes from Existing Tapes
tapeSwap Build New Tapes from Existing Tapes
testquadratic Test Whether a CppAD Tape is a Quadratic Function
vMF Score Matching Estimator for the von-Mises Fisher Distribution
vMF_robust Robust Fitting of von Mises Fisher
Windham Windham Robustification of Point Estimators for Exponential Family Distributions
Windham_populationinverse Inverse Transform for the Population Parameters Under Windham Weights
Windham_populationinverse_alternative Inverse Transform for the Population Parameters Under Windham Weights