Windham_populationinverse {scorematchingad}R Documentation

Inverse Transform for the Population Parameters Under Windham Weights


Returns the matrix which reverses the effect of weights on a population for certain models.



Windham_populationinverse_alternative(newtheta, previoustheta, cW, cWav)



A vector of tuning constants for the Windham robustification method performed by Windham().


The parameter vector most recently estimated


The parameter vector estimated in the previous step


The value of the non-zero elements of cW. That is cW have elements that are zero or equal to cWav.


In the Windham robustification method (Windham()) the effect of weighting a population plays a central role. When the the model density is proportional to exp(η(θ)T(u))\exp(\eta(\theta) \cdot T(u)), where T(u)T(u) is a vector of sufficient statistics for a measurement uu, and η\eta is a linear function, Then weights proportional to exp(η(cθ)t(u))\exp(\eta(c \circ \theta) \cdot t(u)), where cc is a vector of tuning constants and \circ is the Hadamard (element-wise) product, have a very simple effect on the population parameter vector θ\theta: the weighted population follows a density of the same form, but with a parameter vector of (1+c)θ(1 + c) \circ \theta. The inverse of this change to the parameter vector is then a matrix multiplication by a diagonal matrix with elements 1/(1+ci)1/(1+c_i), with cic_i denoting the elements of cc.


A diagonal matrix with the same number of columns as cW.


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