scorematchingad-package {scorematchingad}R Documentation

scorematchingad: Score Matching Estimation by Automatic Differentiation


Hyvärinen's score matching (Hyvärinen, 2005) <> is a useful estimation technique when the normalising constant for a probability distribution is difficult to compute. This package implements score matching estimators using automatic differentiation in the 'CppAD' library <> and is designed for quickly implementing score matching estimators for new models. Also available is general robustification (Windham, 1995) <>. Already in the package are estimators for directional distributions (Mardia, Kent and Laha, 2016) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.1604.08470> and the flexible Polynomially-Tilted Pairwise Interaction model for compositional data. The latter estimators perform well when there are zeros in the compositions (Scealy and Wood, 2023) <doi:10.1080/01621459.2021.2016422>, even many zeros (Scealy, Hingee, Kent, and Wood, 2024) <doi:10.1007/s11222-024-10412-w>.


This package's main features are


Colleagues Andrew T. A. Wood and John T. Kent played important roles in developing the statistical ideas and theory for score matching estimation for the PPI model (Scealy et al. 2024).

We developed this package on Ngunnawal and Ngambri Country. We thank the Country for its influence.


Maintainer: Kassel Liam Hingee (ORCID)


Other contributors:


Amaral GJA, Dryden IL, Wood ATA (2007). “Pivotal Bootstrap Methods for k-Sample Problems in Directional Statistics and Shape Analysis.” Journal of the American Statistical Association, 102(478), 695–707. 27639898,

Bell B (2023). “CppAD: A Package for Differentiation of C++ Algorithms.”

Hyvärinen A (2005). “Estimation of Non-Normalized Statistical Models by Score Matching.” Journal of Machine Learning Research, 6(24), 695–709.

Hyvärinen A (2007). “Some extensions of score matching.” Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 51(5), 2499–2512. doi:10.1016/j.csda.2006.09.003.

Liu S, Kanamori T, Williams DJ (2019). “Estimating Density Models with Truncation Boundaries using Score Matching.” doi:10.48550/arXiv.1910.03834.

Mardia K (2018). “A New Estimation Methodology for Standard Directional Distributions.” In 2018 21st International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION), 724–729. doi:10.23919/ICIF.2018.8455640.

Mardia KV, Jupp PE (2000). Directional Statistics, Probability and Statistics. Wiley, Great Britain. ISBN 0-471-95333-4.

Mardia KV, Kent JT, Laha AK (2016). “Score matching estimators for directional distributions.” doi:10.48550/arXiv.1604.08470.

Martin I, Uh H, Supali T, Mitreva M, Houwing-Duistermaat JJ (2019). “The mixed model for the analysis of a repeated-measurement multivariate count data.” Statistics in Medicine, 38(12), 2248–2268. doi:10.1002/sim.8101.

Scealy JL, Hingee KL, Kent JT, Wood ATA (2024). “Robust score matching for compositional data.” Statistics and Computing, 34, 93. doi:10.1007/s11222-024-10412-w.

Scealy JL, Wood ATA (2023). “Score matching for compositional distributions.” Journal of the American Statistical Association, 118(543), 1811–1823. doi:10.1080/01621459.2021.2016422.

Windham MP (1995). “Robustifying Model Fitting.” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Methodological), 57(3), 599–609. 2346159,

Wiria AE, Prasetyani MA, Hamid F, Wammes LJ, Lell B, Ariawan I, Uh HW, Wibowo H, Djuardi Y, Wahyuni S, Sutanto I, May L, Luty AJ, Verweij JJ, Sartono E, Yazdanbakhsh M, Supali T (2010). “Does treatment of intestinal helminth infections influence malaria?” BMC Infectious Diseases, 10, 77. doi:10.1186/1471-2334-10-77.

Yu S, Drton M, Shojaie A (2019). “Generalized Score Matching for Non-Negative Data.” Journal of Machine Learning Research, 20(76), 1–70.

Yu S, Drton M, Shojaie A (2020). “Generalized Score Matching for General Domains.” doi:10.48550/arXiv.2009.11428.

See Also

Useful links:

[Package scorematchingad version 0.0.67 Index]