Combined Total and Allele Specific Reads Sequencing Study

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Documentation for package ‘rxSeq’ version 0.99.3

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data.A Sample data example for autosomal genes
data.X Sample data example for X chromosome genes
get.tausB Produce _Xce_ estimates for mice with allele specific reads
nLogLik Negative log likelihood for coefficients provided in results of the fit using process function
process Optimization wrapper, maximizing either the joint model of total (TReC) and allele specific (ASE) counts or just TReC
rcA Reformatted data for autosomal set to be used as input to process function
rcX Reformatted data for chromosome X set to be used as input to process function
readCounts A list object that should be used as input to optimization process function.
simRX Produce simulated counts
trecase.A.out Example of results produced by optimizing step using process function on autosomal genes. Structured as a list.
trecase.X.out Example of results produced by optimizing step using process function on X chromosome genes. Structured as a list.