rcA {rxSeq}R Documentation

Reformatted data for autosomal set to be used as input to process function


This is an object of type readCounts provides with example of experimental data for a subset of autosomal genes. The full model requires a combination of total read counts (y) - all the reads belonging for a gene, and finding out which of these reads we can specifically attribute to allele A or allele B - allele specific counts (n), separately the reads attributed specifically to allele B (n0B). In autosomes Xce effect is absent, so it would be set to NULL for this dataset. Also, it includes the other data pieces to fit the model: kappas - total number of counts for each mouse, on log scale, index - specifying which cross each mouse belongs to, and geneids - Ensembl ids of genes. Such values also can be simulated with simRX can be fitted using process with appropriate options chrom="X" and field model to be either "full" or "short".



vector defining the cross of the mouse, female - AB=1, BA=2, AA=3, BB=4, and male - AB=5, BA=6, AA=7, BB=8. If mice are of only one sex, AB=1, BA=2, AA=3, BB=4.


matrix of TReC counts. Note, the expected input assumes that inbred mice will be in the last columns of the table, after the last F1 mouse.


matrix of ASE counts for corresponding F1 mouse (classes 1,2,5,6) for corresponding genes.


matrix of ASE counts belonging for allele B, for correponding genes and mice as in n.


A parameter, specifying as overall TReC for the mouse, on log scale


Xce effect: expression of allele B relative to the overall allele specific count for each mouse. Set to NULL in autosomes.


For which genes Xce effect should be switched. Null for autosomes.


ids of genes, if not provided, rownames of the matrix y will be used


this field would be set to be "X" since this is dataset for chromosome X


set to be "full", can be modified to "short" to run a TReC oply model


Ensembl gene ids


a list of overdispersion boundaries and log(2)


Vasyl Zhabotynsky vasyl@unc.edu

See Also

process,readCounts, simRX.


# see total read counts (TReC) for first 2 X chromosome genes of a data example:

[Package rxSeq version 0.99.3 Index]