Tests for Rotational Symmetry on the Hypersphere

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Documentation for package ‘rotasym’ version 1.1.5

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rotasym-package 'rotasym' - Tests for Rotational Symmetry on the Hypersphere
ACG Angular central Gaussian distribution
cosines Cosines and multivariate signs of a hyperspherical sample about a given location
cosines-signs Cosines and multivariate signs of a hyperspherical sample about a given location
c_ACG Angular central Gaussian distribution
c_vMF von Mises-Fisher distribution
d_ACG Angular central Gaussian distribution
d_tang_norm Distributions based on the tangent-normal decomposition
d_TE Tangent elliptical distribution
d_TM Tangent von Mises-Fisher distribution
d_unif_sphere Uniform distribution on the hypersphere
d_vMF von Mises-Fisher distribution
estimators Estimators for the axis of rotational symmetry theta
Gamma_theta Cosines and multivariate signs of a hyperspherical sample about a given location
g_vMF von Mises-Fisher distribution
rotasym 'rotasym' - Tests for Rotational Symmetry on the Hypersphere
r_ACG Angular central Gaussian distribution
r_g_vMF von Mises-Fisher distribution
r_tang_norm Distributions based on the tangent-normal decomposition
r_TE Tangent elliptical distribution
r_TM Tangent von Mises-Fisher distribution
r_unif_sphere Uniform distribution on the hypersphere
r_vMF von Mises-Fisher distribution
signs Cosines and multivariate signs of a hyperspherical sample about a given location
spherical_loc_PCA Estimators for the axis of rotational symmetry theta
spherical_mean Estimators for the axis of rotational symmetry theta
sunspots_births Recorded sunspots births during 1872-2018
tang-norm-decomp Distributions based on the tangent-normal decomposition
tangent-elliptical Tangent elliptical distribution
tangent-vMF Tangent von Mises-Fisher distribution
TE Tangent elliptical distribution
test_rotasym Tests of rotational symmetry for hyperspherical data
TM Tangent von Mises-Fisher distribution
unif Uniform distribution on the hypersphere
vMF von Mises-Fisher distribution
w_p Uniform distribution on the hypersphere