sunspots_births {rotasym} | R Documentation |
Recorded sunspots births during 1872–2018
Processed version of the Debrecen Photoheliographic Data (DPD) sunspot catalogue and the revised version of the Greenwich Photoheliographic Results (GPR) sunspot catalogue. The two sources contain the records of sunspots appeared during 1872–2018 (GPR for 1872–1976; DPD for 1974–2018).
Sunspots appear in groups and have a variable lifetime. This dataset has been processed to account only for the births or emergences (first observations) of groups of sunspots.
A data frame with 51303 rows and 6 variables:
- date
UTC date, as
, of the first observation of a group of sunspots.- cycle
solar cycle in which the group of sunspots was observed.
- total_area
total whole spot area of the group, measured in millionths of the solar hemisphere.
- dist_sun_disc
distance from the center of Sun's disc, measured in units of the solar radius.
- theta
mean longitude angle
of the group position.
- phi
mean latitude angle
of the group position.
The mean position of the group of sunspots is obtained by a weighted average of the positions of the single sunspots by the whole spot area of the single spots. The areas are corrected to account for foreshortening.
The angles are such their associated Cartesian
coordinates are:
with denoting the north pole.
The DPD data has different states of completeness and quality control. The longest span of "final complete data" (no missing observation days and the data has undergone a systematic quality control) is from 2005 to 2015.
The data has been preprocessed using the following pipeline:
Retrieve data from the GPR and DPD sunspot catalogues.
Omit observations with
s in the sunspot positions.Filter for sunspot groups.
Relabel the NOAA identifier for the sunspot group for records before 1974, prefixing the "GPR" string. Otherwise, very different groups of sunspots from the two catalogues may share the same identifier.
Keep only the first row of each NOAA instance, the first-ever observation of each sunspot group.
The script performing the preprocessing is available at
Data processed by Eduardo García-Portugués, Davy Paindaveine, and Thomas Verdebout from the original sources.
Baranyi, T., Győri, L., Ludmány, A. (2016) On-line tools for solar data compiled at the Debrecen observatory and their extensions with the Greenwich sunspot data. Solar Physics, 291(9–10):3081–3102. doi:10.1007/s11207-016-0930-1
Győri, L., Ludmány, A., Baranyi, T. (2019) Comparative analysis of Debrecen sunspot catalogues. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 465(2):1259–1273. doi:10.1093/mnras/stw2667
# Load data
# Transform to Cartesian coordinates
sunspots_births$X <-
cbind(cos(sunspots_births$phi) * cos(sunspots_births$theta),
cos(sunspots_births$phi) * sin(sunspots_births$theta),
# Plot data associated to the 23rd cycle
sunspots_23 <- subset(sunspots_births, cycle == 23)
n <- nrow(sunspots_23$X)
if (requireNamespace("rgl")) {
rgl::plot3d(0, 0, 0, xlim = c(-1, 1), ylim = c(-1, 1), zlim = c(-1, 1),
radius = 1, type = "s", col = "lightblue", alpha = 0.25,
lit = FALSE)
n_cols <- 100
cuts <- cut(x = sunspots_23$date, include.lowest = TRUE,
breaks = quantile(sunspots_23$date,
probs = seq(0, 1, l = n_cols + 1)))
if (requireNamespace("rgl")) {
rgl::points3d(sunspots_23$X, col = viridisLite::viridis(n_cols)[cuts])
# Spörer's law: sunspots at the beginning of the solar cycle (dark blue
# color) tend to appear at higher latitutes, gradually decreasing to the
# equator as the solar cycle advances (yellow color)
# Estimation of the density of the cosines
V <- cosines(X = sunspots_23$X, theta = c(0, 0, 1))
h <- bw.SJ(x = V, method = "dpi")
plot(kde <- density(x = V, bw = h, n = 2^13, from = -1, to = 1), col = 1,
xlim = c(-1, 1), ylim = c(0, 3), axes = FALSE, main = "",
xlab = "Cosines (latitude angles)", lwd = 2)
at <- seq(-1, 1, by = 0.25)
axis(2); axis(1, at = at)
axis(1, at = at, line = 1, tick = FALSE,
labels = paste0("(", 90 - round(acos(at) / pi * 180, 1), "º)"))
legend("topright", legend = c("Full cycle", "Initial 25% cycle",
"Final 25% cycle"),
lwd = 2, col = c(1, viridisLite::viridis(12)[c(3, 8)]))
# Density for the observations within the initial 25% of the cycle
part1 <- sunspots_23$date < quantile(sunspots_23$date, 0.25)
V1 <- cosines(X = sunspots_23$X[part1, ], theta = c(0, 0, 1))
h1 <- bw.SJ(x = V1, method = "dpi")
lines(kde1 <- density(x = V1, bw = h1, n = 2^13, from = -1, to = 1),
col = viridisLite::viridis(12)[3], lwd = 2)
# Density for the observations within the final 25% of the cycle
part2 <- sunspots_23$date > quantile(sunspots_23$date, 0.75)
V2 <- cosines(X = sunspots_23$X[part2, ], theta = c(0, 0, 1))
h2 <- bw.SJ(x = V2, method = "dpi")
lines(kde2 <- density(x = V2, bw = h2, n = 2^13, from = -1, to = 1),
col = viridisLite::viridis(12)[8], lwd = 2)
# Computation the level set of a kernel density estimator that contains
# at least 1 - alpha of the probability (kde stands for an object
# containing the output of density(x = data))
kde_level_set <- function(kde, data, alpha) {
# Estimate c from alpha
c <- quantile(approx(x = kde$x, y = kde$y, xout = data)$y, probs = alpha)
# Begin and end index for the potentially many intervals in the level sets
kde_larger_c <- kde$y >= c
run_length_kde <- rle(kde_larger_c)
begin <- which(diff(kde_larger_c) > 0) + 1
end <- begin + run_length_kde$lengths[run_length_kde$values] - 1
# Return the [a_i, b_i], i = 1, ..., K in the K rows
return(cbind(kde$x[begin], kde$x[end]))
# Level set containing the 90% of the probability, in latitude angles
90 - acos(kde_level_set(kde = kde, data = V, alpha = 0.10)) / pi * 180
# Modes (in cosines and latitude angles)
modes <- c(kde$x[kde$x < 0][which.max(kde$y[kde$x < 0])],
kde$x[kde$x > 0][which.max(kde$y[kde$x > 0])])
90 - acos(modes) / pi * 180