Regression Estimation and Presentation

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Documentation for package ‘rockchalk’ version 1.8.157

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rockchalk-package rockchalk: regression functions
addLines Superimpose regression lines on a plotted plane
centerNumerics Find numeric columns, center them, re-name them, and join them with the original data.
centralValues Central Tendency estimates for variables
cheating Cheating and Looting in Japanese Electoral Politics
checkIntFormat A way of checking if a string is a valid file name.
checkPosDef Check a matrix for positive definitness
combineLevels recode a factor by "combining" levels
cutByQuantile Calculates the "center" quantiles, always including the median, when n is odd.
cutBySD Returns center values of x, the mean,,
cutByTable Select most frequently occurring values from numeric or categorical variables.
cutFancy Create an ordinal variable by grouping numeric data input.
descriptiveTable Summary stats table-maker for regression users
dir.create.unique Create a uniquely named directory. Appends number & optionally date to directory name.
drawnorm draw a normal distribution with beautiful illustrations
focalVals Create a focal value vector.
formatSummarizedFactors Prints out the contents of an object created by summarizeFactors in the style of base::summary
formatSummarizedNumerics Reformat numeric summarize output as one column per variable, similar to R summary
genCorrelatedData Generates a data frame for regression analysis
genCorrelatedData2 Generates a data frame for regression analysis.
genCorrelatedData3 Generate correlated data for simulations (third edition)
genX Generate correlated data (predictors) for one unit
getAuxRsq retrieves estimates of the coefficient of determination from a list of regressions
getDeltaRsquare Calculates the delta R-squares, also known as squared semi-partial correlation coefficients.
getFocal Select focal values from an observed variable.
getFocal.character Select focal values from an observed variable.
getFocal.default Select focal values from an observed variable.
getFocal.factor Select focal values from an observed variable.
getPartialCor Calculates partial correlation coefficients after retrieving data matrix froma fitted regression model
getVIF Converts the R-square to the variance inflation factor
gmc Group Mean Center: Generate group summaries and individual deviations within groups
kurtosis Calculate excess kurtosis
lazyCor Create correlation matrices.
lazyCov Create covariance matrix from correlation and standard deviation information
lmAuxiliary Estimate leave-one-variable-out regressions
magRange magRange Magnify the range of a variable.
makeSymmetric Create Symmetric Matrices, possibly covariance or correlation matrices, or check a matrix for symmetry and serviceability.
makeVec makeVec for checking or creating vectors
mcDiagnose Multi-collinearity diagnostics
mcGraph1 Illustrate multicollinearity in regression, part 1.
mcGraph2 Illustrate multicollinearity in regression, part 1.
mcGraph3 Illustrate multicollinearity in regression, part 1.
meanCenter meanCenter
meanCenter.default meanCenter Create a "raw" (UNTRANSFORMED) data frame equivalent to the input data that would be required to fit the given model. Create a data frame suitable for estimating a model
mvrnorm Minor revision of mvrnorm (from 'MASS') to facilitate replication
newdata Create a newdata frame for usage in predict methods
newdata.default Create a newdata frame for usage in predict methods
outreg Creates a publication quality result table for regression models. Works with models fitted with lm, glm, as well as lme4.
outreg2HTML Convert LaTeX output from outreg to HTML markup
padW0 Pad with 0's.
pctable Creates a cross tabulation with counts and percentages
pctable.character Creates a cross tabulation with counts and percentages
pctable.default Creates a cross tabulation with counts and percentages
pctable.formula Creates a cross tabulation with counts and percentages
perspEmpty perspEmpty
plot.testSlopes Plot testSlopes objects
plotCurves Assists creation of predicted value curves for regression models.
plotFancy Regression plots with predicted value lines, confidence intervals, color coded interactions
plotFancyCategories Draw display for discrete predictor in plotSlopes
plotPlane Draw a 3-D regression plot for two predictors from any linear or nonlinear lm or glm object
plotPlane.default Draw a 3-D regression plot for two predictors from any linear or nonlinear lm or glm object
plotSeq Create sequences for plotting
plotSlopes Generic function for plotting regressions and interaction effects
plotSlopes.lm Generic function for plotting regressions and interaction effects
predict.rcreg Calculates a "residual-centered" interaction regression.
predictCI Calculate a predicted value matrix (fit, lwr, upr) for a regression, either lm or glm, on either link or response scale.
predictOMatic Create predicted values after choosing values of predictors. Can demonstrate marginal effects of the predictor variables.
print.pctable Display pctable objects
print.summarize print method for output from summarize
print.summary.pctable print method for summary.pctable objects
rbindFill Stack together data frames
religioncrime Religious beliefs and crime rates
removeNULL Remove NULL values variables from a list
residualCenter Calculates a "residual-centered" interaction regression.
residualCenter.default Calculates a "residual-centered" interaction regression.
rockchalk rockchalk: regression functions
se.bars Draw standard error bar for discrete variables
skewness Calculate skewness
standardize Estimate standardized regression coefficients for all variables
standardize.lm Estimate standardized regression coefficients for all variables
summarize Sorts numeric from discrete variables and returns separate summaries for those types of variables.
summarizeFactors Extracts non-numeric variables, calculates summary information, including entropy as a diversity indicator.
summarizeNumerics Extracts numeric variables and presents an summary in a workable format.
summary.factor Tabulates observed values and calculates entropy
summary.pctable Extract presentation from a pctable object
testSlopes Hypothesis tests for Simple Slopes Objects
vech2Corr Convert the vech (column of strictly lower trianglar values from a matrix) into a correlation matrix.
vech2mat Convert a half-vector (vech) into a matrix.
waldt T-test for the difference in 2 regression parameters