newdata {rockchalk}R Documentation

Create a newdata frame for usage in predict methods


This is a generic function. The default method covers almost all regression models.


newdata(model, predVals, n, ...)

## Default S3 method:
  model = NULL,
  predVals = NULL,
  n = 3,
  emf = NULL,
  divider = "quantile",



Required. Fitted regression model


Predictor Values that deserve investigation. Previously, the argument was called "fl". This can be 1) a keyword, one of c("auto", "margins") 2) a vector of variable names, which will use default methods for all named variables and the central values for non-named variabled, 3) a named vector with predictor variables and divider algorithms, or 4) a full list that supplies variables and possible values. Please see details and examples.


Optional. Default = 3. How many focal values are desired? This value is used when various divider algorithms are put to use if the user has specified keywords "default", "quantile", "" "seq", and "table".


Other arguments.


Optional. data frame used to fit model (not a model frame, which may include transformed variables like log(x1). Instead, use output from function It is UNTRANSFORMED variables ("x" as opposed to poly(x,2).1 and poly(x,2).2).


Default is "quantile". Determines the method of selection. Should be one of c("quantile", "", "seq", "table").


It scans the fitted model, discerns the names of the predictors, and then generates a new data frame. It can guess values of the variables that might be substantively interesting, but that depends on the user-supplied value of predVals. If not supplied with a predVals argument, newdata returns a data frame with one row – the central values (means and modes) of the variables in the data frame that was used to fit the model. The user can supply a keyword "auto" or "margins". The function will try to do the "right thing."

The predVals can be a named list that supplies specific values for particular predictors. Any legal vector of values is allowed. For example, predVals = list(x1 = c(10, 20, 30), x2 = c(40, 50), xcat = levels(xcat))). That will create a newdata object that has all of the "mix and match" combinations for those values, while the other predictors are set at their central values.

If the user declares a variable with the "default" keyword, then the default divider algorithm is used to select focal values. The default divider algorithm is an optional argument of this function. If the default is not desired, the user can specify a divider algorithm by character string, either "quantile", "", "seq", or "table". The user can mix and match algorithms along with requests for specific focal values, as in predVals = list(x1 = "quantile", x2 = "", x3 = c(10, 20, 30), xcat1 <- levels(xcat1))


A data frame of x values that could be used as the data = argument in the original regression model. The attribute "varNamesRHS" is a vector of the predictor variable names.


Paul E. Johnson

See Also




## Replicate some R classics.  The budworm.lg data from predict.glm
## will work properly after re-formatting the information as a data.frame:

## example from Venables and Ripley (2002, pp. 190-2.)
df <- data.frame(ldose = rep(0:5, 2),
                 sex = factor(rep(c("M", "F"), c(6, 6))),
                 SF.numdead = c(1, 4, 9, 13, 18, 20, 0, 2, 6, 10, 12, 16))
df$SF.numalive = 20 - df$SF.numdead

budworm.lg <- glm(cbind(SF.numdead, SF.numalive) ~ sex*ldose,
                  data = df,  family = binomial)


predictOMatic(budworm.lg, n = 7)

predictOMatic(budworm.lg, predVals = c("ldose"), n = 7)

predictOMatic(budworm.lg, predVals = c(ldose = "", sex = "table"))

## Now make up a data frame with several numeric and categorical predictors.

N <- 100
x1 <- rpois(N, l = 6)
x2 <- rnorm(N, m = 50, s = 10)
x3 <- rnorm(N)
xcat1 <- gl(2,50, labels = c("M","F"))
xcat2 <- cut(rnorm(N), breaks = c(-Inf, 0, 0.4, 0.9, 1, Inf),
             labels = c("R", "M", "D", "P", "G"))
dat <- data.frame(x1, x2, x3, xcat1, xcat2)
rm(x1, x2, x3, xcat1, xcat2)
dat$xcat1n <- with(dat, contrasts(xcat1)[xcat1, , drop = FALSE])
dat$xcat2n <- with(dat, contrasts(xcat2)[xcat2, ])
STDE <- 15
dat$y <- with(dat,
              0.03 + 0.8*x1 + 0.1*x2 + 0.7*x3 + xcat1n %*% c(2) +
              xcat2n %*% c(0.1,-2,0.3, 0.1) + STDE*rnorm(N))
## Impose some random missings
dat$x1[sample(N, 5)] <- NA
dat$x2[sample(N, 5)] <- NA
dat$x3[sample(N, 5)] <- NA
dat$xcat2[sample(N, 5)] <- NA
dat$xcat1[sample(N, 5)] <- NA
dat$y[sample(N, 5)] <- NA

m0 <- lm(y ~ x1 + x2 + xcat1, data = dat)
## The function in rockchalk creates as near as possible
## the input data frame. <-

## no predVals: analyzes each variable separately
(m0.p1 <- predictOMatic(m0))

## requests confidence intervals from the predict function
(m0.p2 <- predictOMatic(m0, interval = "confidence"))

## predVals as vector of variable names: gives "mix and match" predictions
(m0.p3 <- predictOMatic(m0, predVals = c("x1", "x2")))

## predVals as vector of variable names: gives "mix and match" predictions
(m0.p3s <- predictOMatic(m0, predVals = c("x1", "x2"), divider = ""))

## "seq" is an evenly spaced sequence across the predictor.
(m0.p3q <- predictOMatic(m0, predVals = c("x1", "x2"), divider = "seq"))

(m0.p3i <- predictOMatic(m0, predVals = c("x1", "x2"),
                         interval = "confidence", n = 3))

(m0.p3p <- predictOMatic(m0, predVals = c("x1", "x2"), divider = pretty))

## predVals as vector with named divider algorithms.
(m0.p3 <- predictOMatic(m0, predVals = c(x1 = "seq", x2 = "quantile")))
## predVals as named vector of divider algorithms

## same idea, decided to double-check
(m0.p3 <- predictOMatic(m0, predVals = c(x1 = "quantile", x2 = "")))
getFocal($x2, xvals =  "", n = 5)

## Change from quantile to standard deviation divider
(m0.p5 <- predictOMatic(m0, divider = "", n = 5))

## Still can specify particular values if desired
(m0.p6 <- predictOMatic(m0, predVals = list("x1" = c(6,7),
                            "xcat1" = levels($xcat1))))

(m0.p7 <- predictOMatic(m0, predVals = c(x1 = "quantile", x2 = "")))
getFocal($x2, xvals =  "", n = 5)

(m0.p8 <- predictOMatic(m0, predVals = list( x1 = quantile($x1,
                        na.rm = TRUE, probs = c(0, 0.1, 0.5, 0.8,
                        1.0)), xcat1 = levels($xcat1))))

(m0.p9 <- predictOMatic(m0, predVals = list(x1 = "seq", "xcat1" =
                                levels($xcat1)), n = 8) )

(m0.p10 <- predictOMatic(m0, predVals = list(x1 = "quantile",
                                 "xcat1" = levels($xcat1)), n =  5) )

(m0.p11 <- predictOMatic(m0, predVals = c(x1 = ""), n = 10))

## Previous same as

(m0.p11 <- predictOMatic(m0, predVals = c(x1 = "default"), divider =
                         "", n = 10))

## Previous also same as

(m0.p11 <- predictOMatic(m0, predVals = c("x1"), divider = "", n = 10))

(m0.p11 <- predictOMatic(m0,  predVals = list(x1 = c(0, 5, 8), x2 = "default"),
                         divider = "seq"))

m1 <- lm(y ~ log(10+x1) + sin(x2) + x3, data = dat) <-

(newdata(m1, predVals = list(x1 = c(6, 8, 10))))
(newdata(m1, predVals = list(x1 = c(6, 8, 10), x3 = c(-1,0,1))))
(newdata(m1, predVals = list(x1 = c(6, 8, 10),
                 x2 = quantile($x2, na.rm = TRUE), x3 = c(-1,0,1))))

(m1.p1 <- predictOMatic(m1, divider = "", n = 5))
(m1.p2 <- predictOMatic(m1, divider = "quantile", n = 5))

(m1.p3 <- predictOMatic(m1, predVals = list(x1 = c(6, 8, 10),
                            x2 = median($x2, na.rm = TRUE))))

(m1.p4 <- predictOMatic(m1, predVals = list(x1 = c(6, 8, 10),
                                x2 = quantile($x2, na.rm = TRUE))))

(m1.p5 <- predictOMatic(m1))
(m1.p6 <- predictOMatic(m1, divider = ""))
(m1.p7 <- predictOMatic(m1, divider = "", n = 3))
(m1.p8 <- predictOMatic(m1, divider = "", interval = "confidence"))

m2 <- lm(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + xcat1 + xcat2, data = dat)
##  has only columns and rows used in model fit <-

## Check all the margins
(predictOMatic(m2, interval = "conf"))

## Lets construct predictions the "old fashioned way" for comparison

m2.new1 <- newdata(m2, predVals = list(xcat1 = levels($xcat1),
                           xcat2 = levels($xcat2)), n = 5)
predict(m2, newdata = m2.new1)

(m2.p1 <- predictOMatic(m2,
                        predVals = list(xcat1 = levels($xcat1),
                            xcat2 = levels($xcat2)),
                        xcat2 = c("M","D")))
## See? same!

## Pick some particular values for focus
m2.new2 <- newdata(m2, predVals = list(x1 = c(1,2,3), xcat2 = c("M","D")))
## Ask for predictions
predict(m2, newdata = m2.new2)

## Compare: predictOMatic generates a newdata frame and predictions in one step

(m2.p2 <- predictOMatic(m2, predVals = list(x1 = c(1,2,3),
                                xcat2 = c("M","D"))))

(m2.p3 <- predictOMatic(m2, predVals = list(x2 = c(0.25, 1.0),
                                xcat2 = c("M","D"))))

(m2.p4 <- predictOMatic(m2, predVals = list(x2 = plotSeq($x2, 10),
                                xcat2 = c("M","D"))))

(m2.p5 <- predictOMatic(m2, predVals = list(x2 = c(0.25, 1.0),
                                xcat2 = c("M","D")), interval = "conf"))

(m2.p6 <- predictOMatic(m2, predVals = list(x2 = c(49, 51),
                                xcat2 = levels($xcat2),
                                x1 = plotSeq(dat$x1))))

plot(y ~ x1, data =
by(m2.p6, list(m2.p6$xcat2), function(x) {
    lines(x$x1, x$fit, col = x$xcat2, lty = as.numeric(x$xcat2))

m2.newdata <- newdata(m2, predVals = list(x2 = c(48, 50, 52),
                              xcat2 = c("M","D")))
predict(m2, newdata = m2.newdata)

(m2.p7 <- predictOMatic(m2, predVals = list(x2 = c(48, 50, 52),
                                xcat2 = c("M","D"))))

(m2.p8 <- predictOMatic(m2,
             predVals = list(x2 = range($x2, na.rm = TRUE),
             xcat2 = c("M","D"))))

(m2.p9 <- predictOMatic(m2, predVals = list(x2 = plotSeq($x2),
             x1 = quantile($x1, pr =c(0.33, 0.66), na.rm = TRUE),
             xcat2 = c("M","D"))))
plot(y ~ x2 , data =

by(m2.p9, list(m2.p9$x1, m2.p9$xcat2), function(x) {lines(x$x2, x$fit)})

(predictOMatic(m2, predVals = list(x2 = c(50, 60), xcat2 = c("M","D")),
               interval = "conf"))

## create a dichotomous dependent variable
y2 <- ifelse(rnorm(N) > 0.3, 1, 0)
dat <- cbind(dat, y2)

m3 <- glm(y2 ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + xcat1, data = dat, family = binomial(logit))
summary(m3) <-

(m3.p1 <- predictOMatic(m3, divider = ""))

(m3.p2 <- predictOMatic(m3, predVals = list(x2 = c(40, 50, 60),
                             xcat1 = c("M","F")),
                        divider = "", interval = "conf"))

## Want a full accounting for each value of x2?
(m3.p3 <- predictOMatic(m3,
                predVals = list(x2 = unique($x2),
                    xcat1 = c("M","F")), interval = "conf"))

## Would like to write a more beautiful print method
## for output object, but don't want to obscure structure from user.
## for (i in names(m3.p1)){
##     dns <- cbind(m3.p1[[i]][i], m3.p1[[i]]$fit)
##     colnames(dns) <- c(i, "predicted")
##     print(dns)
## }

[Package rockchalk version 1.8.157 Index]