A B C D E F G H I L M N O P Q R S V W misc
as.liger | Converting other classes of data to a liger object |
as.liger.dgCMatrix | Converting other classes of data to a liger object |
as.liger.Seurat | Converting other classes of data to a liger object |
as.liger.SingleCellExperiment | Converting other classes of data to a liger object |
as.ligerDataset | Converting other classes of data to a ligerDataset object |
as.ligerDataset.default | Converting other classes of data to a ligerDataset object |
as.ligerDataset.ligerDataset | Converting other classes of data to a ligerDataset object |
as.ligerDataset.matrix | Converting other classes of data to a ligerDataset object |
as.ligerDataset.Seurat | Converting other classes of data to a ligerDataset object |
as.ligerDataset.SingleCellExperiment | Converting other classes of data to a ligerDataset object |
bmmc | liger object of bone marrow subsample data with RNA and ATAC modality |
c.liger | liger class |
calcAgreement | Calculate agreement metric after integration |
calcAlignment | Calculate alignment metric after integration |
calcARI | Calculate adjusted Rand index (ARI) by comparing two cluster labeling variables |
calcDatasetSpecificity | Calculate a dataset-specificity score for each factor |
calcPurity | Calculate purity by comparing two cluster labeling variables |
cbind.ligerDataset | ligerDataset class |
cellMeta | liger class |
cellMeta-method | liger class |
cellMeta<- | liger class |
cellMeta<--method | liger class |
closeAllH5 | Close all links (to HDF5 files) of a liger object |
closeAllH5.liger | Close all links (to HDF5 files) of a liger object |
closeAllH5.ligerDataset | Close all links (to HDF5 files) of a liger object |
commandDiff | Check difference of two liger command |
commands | liger class |
commands-method | liger class |
convertOldLiger | Convert old liger object to latest version |
coordinate | Access ligerSpatialDataset coordinate data |
coordinate-method | Access ligerSpatialDataset coordinate data |
coordinate<- | Access ligerSpatialDataset coordinate data |
coordinate<--method | Access ligerSpatialDataset coordinate data |
createH5LigerDataset | Create on-disk ligerDataset Object |
createLiger | Create liger object |
createLigerDataset | Create in-memory ligerDataset object |
dataset | liger class |
dataset-method | liger class |
dataset<- | liger class |
dataset<--method | liger class |
datasets | liger class |
datasets-method | liger class |
datasets<- | liger class |
datasets<--method | liger class |
defaultCluster | liger class |
defaultCluster-method | liger class |
defaultCluster<- | liger class |
defaultCluster<--method | liger class |
defaultDimRed | liger class |
defaultDimRed-method | liger class |
defaultDimRed<- | liger class |
defaultDimRed<--method | liger class |
dim-method | liger class |
dim-method | ligerDataset class |
dimnames-method | liger class |
dimnames-method | ligerDataset class |
dimnames<--method | liger class |
dimnames<--method | ligerDataset class |
dimRed | liger class |
dimRed-method | liger class |
dimRed<- | liger class |
dimRed<--method | liger class |
dimReds | liger class |
dimReds-method | liger class |
dimReds<- | liger class |
dimReds<--method | liger class |
downsample | Downsample datasets |
exportInteractTrack | Export predicted gene-pair interaction |
featureMeta | ligerDataset class |
featureMeta-method | ligerDataset class |
featureMeta<- | ligerDataset class |
featureMeta<--method | ligerDataset class |
fortify.liger | liger class |
getFactorMarkers | Find shared and dataset-specific markers |
getH5File | ligerDataset class |
getH5File-method | liger class |
getH5File-method | ligerDataset class |
getMatrix | ligerDataset class |
getMatrix-method | liger class |
getMatrix-method | ligerDataset class |
getProportionMito | Calculate proportion mitochondrial contribution |
H5Apply | Apply function to chunks of H5 data in ligerDataset object |
h5fileInfo | ligerDataset class |
h5fileInfo-method | ligerDataset class |
h5fileInfo<- | ligerDataset class |
h5fileInfo<--method | ligerDataset class |
importBMMC | Import prepared dataset publically available |
importCGE | Import prepared dataset publically available |
importPBMC | Import prepared dataset publically available |
imputeKNN | Impute the peak counts from gene expression data referring to an ATAC dataset after integration |
is.newLiger | Check if given liger object if under new implementation |
isH5Liger | Check if a liger or ligerDataset object is made of HDF5 file |
length.liger | liger class |
lengths.liger | liger class |
liger | liger class |
liger-class | liger class |
ligerATACDataset | Subclass of ligerDataset for ATAC modality |
ligerATACDataset-class | Subclass of ligerDataset for ATAC modality |
ligerCommand | ligerCommand object: Record the input and time of a LIGER function call |
ligerCommand-class | ligerCommand object: Record the input and time of a LIGER function call |
ligerDataset | ligerDataset class |
ligerDataset-class | ligerDataset class |
ligerMethDataset | Subclass of ligerDataset for Methylation modality |
ligerMethDataset-class | Subclass of ligerDataset for Methylation modality |
ligerRNADataset | Subclass of ligerDataset for RNA modality |
ligerRNADataset-class | Subclass of ligerDataset for RNA modality |
ligerSpatialDataset | Subclass of ligerDataset for Spatial modality |
ligerSpatialDataset-class | Subclass of ligerDataset for Spatial modality |
ligerToSeurat | Convert between liger and Seurat object |
linkGenesAndPeaks | Linking genes to putative regulatory elements |
louvainCluster-deprecated | [Deprecated] Louvain algorithm for community detection |
makeFeatureMatrix | Fast calculation of feature count matrix |
makeInteractTrack-deprecated | [Deprecated] Export predicted gene-pair interaction |
makeRiverplot-deprecated | [Deprecated] Generate a river (Sankey) plot |
mapCellMeta | Create new variable from categories in cellMeta |
mergeDenseAll | Merge matrices while keeping the union of rows |
mergeH5 | Merge hdf5 files |
mergeSparseAll | Merge matrices while keeping the union of rows |
modalOf | Return preset modality of a ligerDataset object or that of all datasets in a liger object |
names.liger | liger class |
names<-.liger | liger class |
normalize | Normalize raw counts data |
normalize.dgCMatrix | Normalize raw counts data |
normalize.liger | Normalize raw counts data |
normalize.ligerDataset | Normalize raw counts data |
normalize.Seurat | Normalize raw counts data |
normalizePeak | Normalize raw counts data |
normData | ligerDataset class |
normData-method | liger class |
normData-method | ligerDataset class |
normData<- | ligerDataset class |
normData<--method | liger class |
normData<--method | ligerDataset class |
normPeak | Access ligerATACDataset peak data |
normPeak-method | Access ligerATACDataset peak data |
normPeak<- | Access ligerATACDataset peak data |
normPeak<--method | Access ligerATACDataset peak data |
online_iNMF-deprecated | [Deprecated] Perform online iNMF on scaled datasets |
optimizeALS-deprecated | [Deprecated] Perform iNMF on scaled datasets |
optimizeNewData | Perform factorization for new data |
optimizeNewK | Perform factorization for new value of k |
optimizeNewLambda | Perform factorization for new lambda value |
optimizeSubset | Perform factorization for subset of data |
pbmc | liger object of PBMC subsample data with Control and Stimulated datasets |
pbmcPlot | liger object of PBMC subsample data with plotting information available |
plotByDatasetAndCluster | Generate scatter plot(s) using liger object |
plotCellViolin | Generate violin/box plot(s) using liger object |
plotClusterDimRed | Generate scatter plot(s) using liger object |
plotClusterFactorDot | Make dot plot of factor loading in cell groups |
plotClusterGeneDot | Make dot plot of gene expression in cell groups |
plotClusterProportions | Visualize proportion across two categorical variables |
plotDatasetDimRed | Generate scatter plot(s) using liger object |
plotDensityDimRed | Create density plot basing on specified coordinates |
plotDimRed | Generate scatter plot(s) using liger object |
plotEnhancedVolcano | Create volcano plot for Wilcoxon test result |
plotFactorDimRed | Generate scatter plot(s) using liger object |
plotFactorHeatmap | Plot Heatmap of Gene Expression or Factor Loading |
plotGeneDetectedViolin | Visualize gene expression or cell metadata with violin plot |
plotGeneDimRed | Generate scatter plot(s) using liger object |
plotGeneHeatmap | Plot Heatmap of Gene Expression or Factor Loading |
plotGeneLoadingRank | Visualize factor expression and gene loading |
plotGeneLoadings | Visualize factor expression and gene loading |
plotGeneViolin | Visualize gene expression or cell metadata with violin plot |
plotGroupClusterDimRed | Comprehensive group splited cluster plot on dimension reduction with proportion |
plotMarkerHeatmap | Create heatmap for showing top marker expression in conditions |
plotPeakDimRed | Generate scatter plot(s) using liger object |
plotProportion | Visualize proportion across two categorical variables |
plotProportionBar | Visualize proportion across two categorical variables |
plotProportionDot | Visualize proportion across two categorical variables |
plotProportionPie | Visualize proportion across two categorical variables |
plotSankey | Make Riverplot/Sankey diagram that shows label mapping across datasets |
plotSpatial2D | Visualize a spatial dataset |
plotSpatial2D.liger | Visualize a spatial dataset |
plotSpatial2D.ligerSpatialDataset | Visualize a spatial dataset |
plotTotalCountViolin | Visualize gene expression or cell metadata with violin plot |
plotVarFeatures | Plot the variance vs mean of feature expression |
plotVolcano | Create volcano plot for Wilcoxon test result |
quantileAlignSNF | Quantile align (normalize) factor loadings |
quantileNorm | Quantile Align (Normalize) Factor Loadings |
quantileNorm.liger | Quantile Align (Normalize) Factor Loadings |
quantileNorm.Seurat | Quantile Align (Normalize) Factor Loadings |
quantile_norm-deprecated | [Deprecated] Quantile align (normalize) factor loading |
rawData | ligerDataset class |
rawData-method | liger class |
rawData-method | ligerDataset class |
rawData<- | ligerDataset class |
rawData<--method | liger class |
rawData<--method | ligerDataset class |
rawPeak | Access ligerATACDataset peak data |
rawPeak-method | Access ligerATACDataset peak data |
rawPeak<- | Access ligerATACDataset peak data |
rawPeak<--method | Access ligerATACDataset peak data |
read10X | Load in data from 10X |
read10XATAC | Load in data from 10X |
read10XRNA | Load in data from 10X |
readLiger | Read liger object from RDS file |
readSubset | [Deprecated] See 'downsample' |
removeMissing | Remove missing cells or features from liger object |
removeMissingObs | Remove missing cells or features from liger object |
restoreH5Liger | Restore links (to HDF5 files) for reloaded liger/ligerDataset object |
restoreOnlineLiger | Restore links (to HDF5 files) for reloaded liger/ligerDataset object |
retrieveCellFeature | Retrieve a single matrix of cells from a slot |
reverseMethData | Create "scaled data" for DNA methylation datasets |
runCINMF | Perform consensus iNMF on scaled datasets |
runCINMF.liger | Perform consensus iNMF on scaled datasets |
runCINMF.Seurat | Perform consensus iNMF on scaled datasets |
runCluster | SNN Graph Based Community Detection |
runDoubletFinder | Doublet detection with DoubletFinder |
runGeneralQC | General QC for liger object |
runGOEnrich | Run Gene Ontology enrichment analysis on differentially expressed genes. |
runGSEA | Analyze biological interpretations of metagene |
runINMF | Perform iNMF on scaled datasets |
runINMF.liger | Perform iNMF on scaled datasets |
runINMF.Seurat | Perform iNMF on scaled datasets |
runIntegration | Integrate scaled datasets with iNMF or variant methods |
runIntegration.liger | Integrate scaled datasets with iNMF or variant methods |
runIntegration.Seurat | Integrate scaled datasets with iNMF or variant methods |
runMarkerDEG | Find DEG between two groups |
runOnlineINMF | Perform online iNMF on scaled datasets |
runOnlineINMF.liger | Perform online iNMF on scaled datasets |
runOnlineINMF.Seurat | Perform online iNMF on scaled datasets |
runPairwiseDEG | Find DEG between two groups |
runTSNE | Perform t-SNE dimensionality reduction |
runUINMF | Perform Mosaic iNMF (UINMF) on scaled datasets with unshared features |
runUINMF.liger | Perform Mosaic iNMF (UINMF) on scaled datasets with unshared features |
runUMAP | Perform UMAP Dimensionality Reduction |
runWilcoxon | Find DEG between two groups |
scaleData | ligerDataset class |
scaleData-method | liger class |
scaleData-method | ligerDataset class |
scaleData<- | ligerDataset class |
scaleData<--method | liger class |
scaleData<--method | ligerDataset class |
scaleNotCenter | Scale genes by root-mean-square across cells |
scaleNotCenter.dgCMatrix | Scale genes by root-mean-square across cells |
scaleNotCenter.liger | Scale genes by root-mean-square across cells |
scaleNotCenter.ligerDataset | Scale genes by root-mean-square across cells |
scaleNotCenter.ligerMethDataset | Scale genes by root-mean-square across cells |
scaleNotCenter.Seurat | Scale genes by root-mean-square across cells |
scaleUnsharedData | ligerDataset class |
scaleUnsharedData-method | liger class |
scaleUnsharedData-method | ligerDataset class |
scaleUnsharedData<- | ligerDataset class |
scaleUnsharedData<--method | liger class |
scaleUnsharedData<--method | ligerDataset class |
selectGenes | Select a subset of informative genes |
selectGenes.liger | Select a subset of informative genes |
selectGenes.Seurat | Select a subset of informative genes |
selectGenesVST | Select variable genes from one dataset with Seurat VST method |
seuratToLiger | Converting other classes of data to a liger object |
show-method | liger class |
show-method | ligerCommand object: Record the input and time of a LIGER function call |
show-method | ligerDataset class |
sub-liger | Subset liger with brackets |
sub-ligerDataset | Subset ligerDataset object |
sub-sub-liger | Get cell metadata variable |
subsetH5LigerDataset | Subset ligerDataset object |
subsetLiger | Subset liger object |
subsetLigerDataset | Subset ligerDataset object |
subsetMemLigerDataset | Subset ligerDataset object |
varFeatures | liger class |
varFeatures-method | liger class |
varFeatures<- | liger class |
varFeatures<--method | liger class |
varUnsharedFeatures | liger class |
varUnsharedFeatures-method | liger class |
varUnsharedFeatures<- | liger class |
varUnsharedFeatures<--method | liger class |
writeH5 | Write in-memory data into H5 file |
writeH5.default | Write in-memory data into H5 file |
writeH5.dgCMatrix | Write in-memory data into H5 file |
writeH5.liger | Write in-memory data into H5 file |
writeH5.ligerDataset | Write in-memory data into H5 file |
$.liger | liger class |
$<-.liger | liger class |
.complexHeatmapDotPlot | Generate dot plot from input matrix with ComplexHeatmap |
.ggCellViolin | Produce single violin plot with data frame passed from upstream |
.ggplotLigerTheme | Generic ggplot theme setting for rliger package |
.ggScatter | Produce single scatter plot with data frame passed from upstream |
.plotHeatmap | General heatmap plotting with prepared matrix and data.frames |
[.liger | Subset liger with brackets |
[.ligerDataset | Subset ligerDataset object |
[[.liger | Get cell metadata variable |
[[<-.liger | liger class |