Linked Inference of Genomic Experimental Relationships

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Documentation for package ‘rliger’ version 2.0.1

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A B C D E F G H I L M N O P Q R S V W misc

-- A --

as.liger Converting other classes of data to a liger object
as.liger.dgCMatrix Converting other classes of data to a liger object
as.liger.Seurat Converting other classes of data to a liger object
as.liger.SingleCellExperiment Converting other classes of data to a liger object
as.ligerDataset Converting other classes of data to a ligerDataset object
as.ligerDataset.default Converting other classes of data to a ligerDataset object
as.ligerDataset.ligerDataset Converting other classes of data to a ligerDataset object
as.ligerDataset.matrix Converting other classes of data to a ligerDataset object
as.ligerDataset.Seurat Converting other classes of data to a ligerDataset object
as.ligerDataset.SingleCellExperiment Converting other classes of data to a ligerDataset object

-- B --

bmmc liger object of bone marrow subsample data with RNA and ATAC modality

-- C --

c.liger liger class
calcAgreement Calculate agreement metric after integration
calcAlignment Calculate alignment metric after integration
calcARI Calculate adjusted Rand index (ARI) by comparing two cluster labeling variables
calcDatasetSpecificity Calculate a dataset-specificity score for each factor
calcPurity Calculate purity by comparing two cluster labeling variables
cbind.ligerDataset ligerDataset class
cellMeta liger class
cellMeta-method liger class
cellMeta<- liger class
cellMeta<--method liger class
closeAllH5 Close all links (to HDF5 files) of a liger object
closeAllH5.liger Close all links (to HDF5 files) of a liger object
closeAllH5.ligerDataset Close all links (to HDF5 files) of a liger object
commandDiff Check difference of two liger command
commands liger class
commands-method liger class
convertOldLiger Convert old liger object to latest version
coordinate Access ligerSpatialDataset coordinate data
coordinate-method Access ligerSpatialDataset coordinate data
coordinate<- Access ligerSpatialDataset coordinate data
coordinate<--method Access ligerSpatialDataset coordinate data
createH5LigerDataset Create on-disk ligerDataset Object
createLiger Create liger object
createLigerDataset Create in-memory ligerDataset object

-- D --

dataset liger class
dataset-method liger class
dataset<- liger class
dataset<--method liger class
datasets liger class
datasets-method liger class
datasets<- liger class
datasets<--method liger class
defaultCluster liger class
defaultCluster-method liger class
defaultCluster<- liger class
defaultCluster<--method liger class
defaultDimRed liger class
defaultDimRed-method liger class
defaultDimRed<- liger class
defaultDimRed<--method liger class
dim-method liger class
dim-method ligerDataset class
dimnames-method liger class
dimnames-method ligerDataset class
dimnames<--method liger class
dimnames<--method ligerDataset class
dimRed liger class
dimRed-method liger class
dimRed<- liger class
dimRed<--method liger class
dimReds liger class
dimReds-method liger class
dimReds<- liger class
dimReds<--method liger class
downsample Downsample datasets

-- E --

exportInteractTrack Export predicted gene-pair interaction

-- F --

featureMeta ligerDataset class
featureMeta-method ligerDataset class
featureMeta<- ligerDataset class
featureMeta<--method ligerDataset class
fortify.liger liger class

-- G --

getFactorMarkers Find shared and dataset-specific markers
getH5File ligerDataset class
getH5File-method liger class
getH5File-method ligerDataset class
getMatrix ligerDataset class
getMatrix-method liger class
getMatrix-method ligerDataset class
getProportionMito Calculate proportion mitochondrial contribution

-- H --

H5Apply Apply function to chunks of H5 data in ligerDataset object
h5fileInfo ligerDataset class
h5fileInfo-method ligerDataset class
h5fileInfo<- ligerDataset class
h5fileInfo<--method ligerDataset class

-- I --

importBMMC Import prepared dataset publically available
importCGE Import prepared dataset publically available
importPBMC Import prepared dataset publically available
imputeKNN Impute the peak counts from gene expression data referring to an ATAC dataset after integration
is.newLiger Check if given liger object if under new implementation
isH5Liger Check if a liger or ligerDataset object is made of HDF5 file

-- L --

length.liger liger class
lengths.liger liger class
liger liger class
liger-class liger class
ligerATACDataset Subclass of ligerDataset for ATAC modality
ligerATACDataset-class Subclass of ligerDataset for ATAC modality
ligerCommand ligerCommand object: Record the input and time of a LIGER function call
ligerCommand-class ligerCommand object: Record the input and time of a LIGER function call
ligerDataset ligerDataset class
ligerDataset-class ligerDataset class
ligerMethDataset Subclass of ligerDataset for Methylation modality
ligerMethDataset-class Subclass of ligerDataset for Methylation modality
ligerRNADataset Subclass of ligerDataset for RNA modality
ligerRNADataset-class Subclass of ligerDataset for RNA modality
ligerSpatialDataset Subclass of ligerDataset for Spatial modality
ligerSpatialDataset-class Subclass of ligerDataset for Spatial modality
ligerToSeurat Convert between liger and Seurat object
linkGenesAndPeaks Linking genes to putative regulatory elements
louvainCluster-deprecated [Deprecated] Louvain algorithm for community detection

-- M --

makeFeatureMatrix Fast calculation of feature count matrix
makeInteractTrack-deprecated [Deprecated] Export predicted gene-pair interaction
makeRiverplot-deprecated [Deprecated] Generate a river (Sankey) plot
mapCellMeta Create new variable from categories in cellMeta
mergeDenseAll Merge matrices while keeping the union of rows
mergeH5 Merge hdf5 files
mergeSparseAll Merge matrices while keeping the union of rows
modalOf Return preset modality of a ligerDataset object or that of all datasets in a liger object

-- N --

names.liger liger class
names<-.liger liger class
normalize Normalize raw counts data
normalize.dgCMatrix Normalize raw counts data
normalize.liger Normalize raw counts data
normalize.ligerDataset Normalize raw counts data
normalize.Seurat Normalize raw counts data
normalizePeak Normalize raw counts data
normData ligerDataset class
normData-method liger class
normData-method ligerDataset class
normData<- ligerDataset class
normData<--method liger class
normData<--method ligerDataset class
normPeak Access ligerATACDataset peak data
normPeak-method Access ligerATACDataset peak data
normPeak<- Access ligerATACDataset peak data
normPeak<--method Access ligerATACDataset peak data

-- O --

online_iNMF-deprecated [Deprecated] Perform online iNMF on scaled datasets
optimizeALS-deprecated [Deprecated] Perform iNMF on scaled datasets
optimizeNewData Perform factorization for new data
optimizeNewK Perform factorization for new value of k
optimizeNewLambda Perform factorization for new lambda value
optimizeSubset Perform factorization for subset of data

-- P --

pbmc liger object of PBMC subsample data with Control and Stimulated datasets
pbmcPlot liger object of PBMC subsample data with plotting information available
plotByDatasetAndCluster Generate scatter plot(s) using liger object
plotCellViolin Generate violin/box plot(s) using liger object
plotClusterDimRed Generate scatter plot(s) using liger object
plotClusterFactorDot Make dot plot of factor loading in cell groups
plotClusterGeneDot Make dot plot of gene expression in cell groups
plotClusterProportions Visualize proportion across two categorical variables
plotDatasetDimRed Generate scatter plot(s) using liger object
plotDensityDimRed Create density plot basing on specified coordinates
plotDimRed Generate scatter plot(s) using liger object
plotEnhancedVolcano Create volcano plot for Wilcoxon test result
plotFactorDimRed Generate scatter plot(s) using liger object
plotFactorHeatmap Plot Heatmap of Gene Expression or Factor Loading
plotGeneDetectedViolin Visualize gene expression or cell metadata with violin plot
plotGeneDimRed Generate scatter plot(s) using liger object
plotGeneHeatmap Plot Heatmap of Gene Expression or Factor Loading
plotGeneLoadingRank Visualize factor expression and gene loading
plotGeneLoadings Visualize factor expression and gene loading
plotGeneViolin Visualize gene expression or cell metadata with violin plot
plotGroupClusterDimRed Comprehensive group splited cluster plot on dimension reduction with proportion
plotMarkerHeatmap Create heatmap for showing top marker expression in conditions
plotPeakDimRed Generate scatter plot(s) using liger object
plotProportion Visualize proportion across two categorical variables
plotProportionBar Visualize proportion across two categorical variables
plotProportionDot Visualize proportion across two categorical variables
plotProportionPie Visualize proportion across two categorical variables
plotSankey Make Riverplot/Sankey diagram that shows label mapping across datasets
plotSpatial2D Visualize a spatial dataset
plotSpatial2D.liger Visualize a spatial dataset
plotSpatial2D.ligerSpatialDataset Visualize a spatial dataset
plotTotalCountViolin Visualize gene expression or cell metadata with violin plot
plotVarFeatures Plot the variance vs mean of feature expression
plotVolcano Create volcano plot for Wilcoxon test result

-- Q --

quantileAlignSNF Quantile align (normalize) factor loadings
quantileNorm Quantile Align (Normalize) Factor Loadings
quantileNorm.liger Quantile Align (Normalize) Factor Loadings
quantileNorm.Seurat Quantile Align (Normalize) Factor Loadings
quantile_norm-deprecated [Deprecated] Quantile align (normalize) factor loading

-- R --

rawData ligerDataset class
rawData-method liger class
rawData-method ligerDataset class
rawData<- ligerDataset class
rawData<--method liger class
rawData<--method ligerDataset class
rawPeak Access ligerATACDataset peak data
rawPeak-method Access ligerATACDataset peak data
rawPeak<- Access ligerATACDataset peak data
rawPeak<--method Access ligerATACDataset peak data
read10X Load in data from 10X
read10XATAC Load in data from 10X
read10XRNA Load in data from 10X
readLiger Read liger object from RDS file
readSubset [Deprecated] See 'downsample'
removeMissing Remove missing cells or features from liger object
removeMissingObs Remove missing cells or features from liger object
restoreH5Liger Restore links (to HDF5 files) for reloaded liger/ligerDataset object
restoreOnlineLiger Restore links (to HDF5 files) for reloaded liger/ligerDataset object
retrieveCellFeature Retrieve a single matrix of cells from a slot
reverseMethData Create "scaled data" for DNA methylation datasets
runCINMF Perform consensus iNMF on scaled datasets
runCINMF.liger Perform consensus iNMF on scaled datasets
runCINMF.Seurat Perform consensus iNMF on scaled datasets
runCluster SNN Graph Based Community Detection
runDoubletFinder Doublet detection with DoubletFinder
runGeneralQC General QC for liger object
runGOEnrich Run Gene Ontology enrichment analysis on differentially expressed genes.
runGSEA Analyze biological interpretations of metagene
runINMF Perform iNMF on scaled datasets
runINMF.liger Perform iNMF on scaled datasets
runINMF.Seurat Perform iNMF on scaled datasets
runIntegration Integrate scaled datasets with iNMF or variant methods
runIntegration.liger Integrate scaled datasets with iNMF or variant methods
runIntegration.Seurat Integrate scaled datasets with iNMF or variant methods
runMarkerDEG Find DEG between two groups
runOnlineINMF Perform online iNMF on scaled datasets
runOnlineINMF.liger Perform online iNMF on scaled datasets
runOnlineINMF.Seurat Perform online iNMF on scaled datasets
runPairwiseDEG Find DEG between two groups
runTSNE Perform t-SNE dimensionality reduction
runUINMF Perform Mosaic iNMF (UINMF) on scaled datasets with unshared features
runUINMF.liger Perform Mosaic iNMF (UINMF) on scaled datasets with unshared features
runUMAP Perform UMAP Dimensionality Reduction
runWilcoxon Find DEG between two groups

-- S --

scaleData ligerDataset class
scaleData-method liger class
scaleData-method ligerDataset class
scaleData<- ligerDataset class
scaleData<--method liger class
scaleData<--method ligerDataset class
scaleNotCenter Scale genes by root-mean-square across cells
scaleNotCenter.dgCMatrix Scale genes by root-mean-square across cells
scaleNotCenter.liger Scale genes by root-mean-square across cells
scaleNotCenter.ligerDataset Scale genes by root-mean-square across cells
scaleNotCenter.ligerMethDataset Scale genes by root-mean-square across cells
scaleNotCenter.Seurat Scale genes by root-mean-square across cells
scaleUnsharedData ligerDataset class
scaleUnsharedData-method liger class
scaleUnsharedData-method ligerDataset class
scaleUnsharedData<- ligerDataset class
scaleUnsharedData<--method liger class
scaleUnsharedData<--method ligerDataset class
selectGenes Select a subset of informative genes
selectGenes.liger Select a subset of informative genes
selectGenes.Seurat Select a subset of informative genes
selectGenesVST Select variable genes from one dataset with Seurat VST method
seuratToLiger Converting other classes of data to a liger object
show-method liger class
show-method ligerCommand object: Record the input and time of a LIGER function call
show-method ligerDataset class
sub-liger Subset liger with brackets
sub-ligerDataset Subset ligerDataset object
sub-sub-liger Get cell metadata variable
subsetH5LigerDataset Subset ligerDataset object
subsetLiger Subset liger object
subsetLigerDataset Subset ligerDataset object
subsetMemLigerDataset Subset ligerDataset object

-- V --

varFeatures liger class
varFeatures-method liger class
varFeatures<- liger class
varFeatures<--method liger class
varUnsharedFeatures liger class
varUnsharedFeatures-method liger class
varUnsharedFeatures<- liger class
varUnsharedFeatures<--method liger class

-- W --

writeH5 Write in-memory data into H5 file
writeH5.default Write in-memory data into H5 file
writeH5.dgCMatrix Write in-memory data into H5 file
writeH5.liger Write in-memory data into H5 file
writeH5.ligerDataset Write in-memory data into H5 file

-- misc --

$.liger liger class
$<-.liger liger class
.complexHeatmapDotPlot Generate dot plot from input matrix with ComplexHeatmap
.ggCellViolin Produce single violin plot with data frame passed from upstream
.ggplotLigerTheme Generic ggplot theme setting for rliger package
.ggScatter Produce single scatter plot with data frame passed from upstream
.plotHeatmap General heatmap plotting with prepared matrix and data.frames
[.liger Subset liger with brackets
[.ligerDataset Subset ligerDataset object
[[.liger Get cell metadata variable
[[<-.liger liger class