Create Interactive Linked Charts with Minimal Code

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Documentation for package ‘rlc’ version 0.5.0

Help Pages

chartEvent Trigger an event
closePage Stop server
dat Link data to the chart
getMarked Get currently marked elements
getPage Get the currently running app
LCApp LCApp class
lc_abLine Lines and ribbons
lc_bars Create a barplot
lc_beeswarm Visualize a set of points
lc_colourSlider Add a colour slider
lc_dens Histograms and density plots
lc_heatmap Create a heatmap
lc_hist Histograms and density plots
lc_hLine Lines and ribbons
lc_html Add HTML code to the page
lc_image Add static plot or custom image to the page
lc_input Add input forms to the page
lc_line Lines and ribbons
lc_path Lines and ribbons
lc_ribbon Lines and ribbons
lc_scatter Visualize a set of points
lc_vLine Lines and ribbons
listCharts List all existing charts and layers
listen Listen to the server
mark Mark elements of a chart
openPage Open a new empty page
removeChart Remove chart from the page
removeLayer Remove a layer from a chart
setProperties Set properties of the chart
updateCharts Update a chart