getPage {rlc}R Documentation

Get the currently running app


rlc offers two ways to control an interactive app. One is by using methods of class LCApp. This allows one to have any number of apps within one R session but requires some understanding of object oriented-programming. Another way is to use provided wrapper functions that are exported by the package. These functions internally work with the LCApp object stored in the package namespace upon initialization with the openPage function. getPage returns this object, if any.




Note that the rlc package is based on the jrc library. Both packages are similarly organized. Both have a central class representing the entire app and can be fully managed with their methods (LCApp and App, respectively). And both also provide a set of wrapper functions that can be used instead of the methods. However, wrapper functions of the jrc package can't be used for rlc apps, while LCApp inherits all the methods of class App. Therefore, if you want to get more low-level control over your app, such as managing client sessions, local variables and memory usage, you should use methods of the App class.


An object of class LCApp or NULL if there is no active app.

[Package rlc version 0.5.0 Index]