getMarked {rlc}R Documentation

Get currently marked elements


getMarked returns indices of the chart's elements that are currently marked. To mark elements select them with your mouse while holding the Shift key. Double click on the chart with the Shift key pressed will deselect all the elements. This function is a wrapper of method getMarked of class LCApp.


getMarked(chartId = NULL, layerId = NULL, sessionId = NULL)



An ID of the chart. This argument is optional if there is only one chart.


An ID of the layer. This argument is optional if there is only one chart with a single layer.


An ID of the session from which to get the marked elements. It can be NULL if there is only one active session. Otherwise must be a valid session ID. Check Session for more information on client sessions. If a call to this function was triggered from a web page, the ID of the corresponding session would be used automatically.


a vector of indices or, in the case of heatmaps, an n x 2 matrix where first and second columns contain row and column indices of the marked cells, respectively.


## Not run: data(iris)

lc_scatter(dat(x = iris$Sepal.Length, y = iris$Petal.Length))

#now mark some points by selecting them with your mouse with Shift pressed

## End(Not run)

[Package rlc version 0.5.0 Index]