Risk Regression Models and Prediction Scores for Survival Analysis with Competing Risks

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Documentation for package ‘riskRegression’ version 2023.12.21

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-- A --

anova.ate Risk Comparison Over Time
ARR Risk Regression Fits a regression model for the risk of an event - allowing for competing risks.
as.data.table.ate Turn ate Object Into a 'data.table'
as.data.table.influenceTest Turn influenceTest Object Into a 'data.table'
as.data.table.predictCox Turn predictCox Object Into a 'data.table'
as.data.table.predictCSC Turn predictCSC Object Into a 'data.table'
ate Average Treatment Effects Computation
autoplot.ate Plot Average Risks
autoplot.predictCox Plot Predictions From a Cox Model
autoplot.predictCSC Plot Predictions From a Cause-specific Cox Proportional Hazard Regression
autoplot.Score ggplot AUC curve

-- B --

baseHaz_cpp C++ Fast Baseline Hazard Estimation
boot2pvalue Compute the p.value from the distribution under H1
boxplot.Score Boxplot risk quantiles

-- C --

calcSeCox Computation of standard errors for predictions
calcSeCSC Standard error of the absolute risk predicted from cause-specific Cox models
Cforest S3-wrapper function for cforest from the party package
coef.CauseSpecificCox Extract coefficients from a Cause-Specific Cox regression model
coef.riskRegression Extract coefficients from riskRegression model
colCenter_cpp Apply - by column
colCumSum Apply cumsum in each column
colMultiply_cpp Apply * by column
colScale_cpp Apply / by column
confint.ate Confidence Intervals and Confidence Bands for the Predicted Absolute Risk (Cumulative Incidence Function)
confint.influenceTest Confidence Intervals and Confidence Bands for the Difference Between Two Estimates
confint.predictCox Confidence Intervals and Confidence Bands for the predicted Survival/Cumulative Hazard
confint.predictCSC Confidence Intervals and Confidence Bands for the Predicted Absolute Risk (Cumulative Incidence Function)
coxBaseEstimator Extract the type of estimator for the baseline hazard
coxBaseEstimator.coxph Extract the type of estimator for the baseline hazard
coxBaseEstimator.phreg Extract the type of estimator for the baseline hazard
coxCenter Extract the mean value of the covariates
coxCenter.coxph Extract the mean value of the covariates
coxCenter.cph Extract the mean value of the covariates
coxCenter.phreg Extract the mean value of the covariates
coxFormula Extract the formula from a Cox model
coxFormula.coxph Extract the formula from a Cox model
coxFormula.cph Extract the formula from a Cox model
coxFormula.glm Extract the formula from a Cox model
coxFormula.phreg Extract the formula from a Cox model
coxLP Compute the linear predictor of a Cox model
coxLP.coxph Compute the linear predictor of a Cox model
coxLP.cph Compute the linear predictor of a Cox model
coxLP.phreg Compute the linear predictor of a Cox model
coxModelFrame Extract the design matrix used to train a Cox model
coxModelFrame.coxph Extract the design matrix used to train a Cox model
coxModelFrame.cph Extract the design matrix used to train a Cox model
coxModelFrame.phreg Extract the design matrix used to train a Cox model
coxN Extract the number of observations from a Cox model
coxN.CauseSpecificCox Extract the number of observations from a Cox model
coxN.coxph Extract the number of observations from a Cox model
coxN.cph Extract the number of observations from a Cox model
coxN.glm Extract the number of observations from a Cox model
coxN.phreg Extract the number of observations from a Cox model
coxSpecial Special characters in Cox model
coxSpecial.coxph Special characters in Cox model
coxSpecial.cph Special characters in Cox model
coxSpecial.phreg Special characters in Cox model
coxStrata Define the strata for a new dataset
coxStrata.coxph Define the strata for a new dataset
coxStrata.cph Define the strata for a new dataset
coxStrata.phreg Define the strata for a new dataset
coxStrataLevel Returns the name of the strata in Cox model
coxStrataLevel.coxph Returns the name of the strata in Cox model
coxStrataLevel.cph Returns the name of the strata in Cox model
coxStrataLevel.phreg Returns the name of the strata in Cox model
coxVarCov Extract the variance covariance matrix of the beta from a Cox model
coxVarCov.coxph Extract the variance covariance matrix of the beta from a Cox model
coxVarCov.cph Extract the variance covariance matrix of the beta from a Cox model
coxVarCov.phreg Extract the variance covariance matrix of the beta from a Cox model
coxVariableName Extract variable names from a model
CSC Cause-specific Cox proportional hazard regression
Ctree S3-Wrapper for ctree.

-- D --

discreteRoot Dichotomic search for monotone function

-- F --

FGR Formula wrapper for crr from cmprsk

-- G --

getSplitMethod Input for data splitting algorithms
GLMnet Fitting GLMnet for use with predictRisk

-- H --

Hal9001 Fitting HAL for use with predictRisk

-- I --

iid.wglm IID for IPCW Logistic Regressions
iidCox Extract iid decomposition from a Cox model
iidCox.CauseSpecificCox Extract iid decomposition from a Cox model
iidCox.coxph Extract iid decomposition from a Cox model
iidCox.cph Extract iid decomposition from a Cox model
iidCox.phreg Extract iid decomposition from a Cox model
influenceTest Influence test [Experimental!!]
influenceTest.default Influence test [Experimental!!]
influenceTest.list Influence test [Experimental!!]
information.wglm Information for IPCW Logistic Regressions
IPA Explained variation for settings with binary, survival and competing risk outcome
IPA.CauseSpecificCox Explained variation for settings with binary, survival and competing risk outcome
IPA.coxph Explained variation for settings with binary, survival and competing risk outcome
IPA.default Explained variation for settings with binary, survival and competing risk outcome
IPA.glm Explained variation for settings with binary, survival and competing risk outcome
ipcw Estimation of censoring probabilities
ipcw.aalen Estimation of censoring probabilities
ipcw.cox Estimation of censoring probabilities
ipcw.marginal Estimation of censoring probabilities
ipcw.none Estimation of censoring probabilities
ipcw.nonpar Estimation of censoring probabilities

-- L --

LRR Risk Regression Fits a regression model for the risk of an event - allowing for competing risks.

-- M --

Melanoma Malignant melanoma data
model.matrix.cph Extract design matrix for cph objects
model.matrix.phreg Extract design matrix for phreg objects

-- P --

Paquid Paquid sample
penalizedS3 S3-wrapper for S4 function penalized
plot.riskRegression Plotting predicted risk
plotAUC Plot of time-dependent AUC curves
plotBrier Plot Brier curve
plotCalibration Plot Calibration curve
plotEffects Plotting time-varying effects from a risk regression model.
plotPredictRisk Plotting predicted risks curves.
plotRisk plot predicted risks
plotROC Plot ROC curves
predict.CauseSpecificCox Predicting Absolute Risk from Cause-Specific Cox Models
predict.FGR Predict subject specific risks (cumulative incidence) based on Fine-Gray regression model
predict.riskRegression Predict individual risk.
predictBig.CauseSpecificCox Predicting Absolute Risk from Cause-Specific Cox Models
predictCox Fast computation of survival probabilities, hazards and cumulative hazards from Cox regression models
predictCoxPL Computation of survival probabilities from Cox regression models using the product limit estimator.
predictRisk Extrating predicting risks from regression models
predictRisk.aalen Extrating predicting risks from regression models
predictRisk.ARR Extrating predicting risks from regression models
predictRisk.BinaryTree Extrating predicting risks from regression models
predictRisk.CauseSpecificCox Extrating predicting risks from regression models
predictRisk.comprisk Extrating predicting risks from regression models
predictRisk.cox.aalen Extrating predicting risks from regression models
predictRisk.CoxConfidential Extrating predicting risks from regression models
predictRisk.coxph Extrating predicting risks from regression models
predictRisk.coxph.penal Extrating predicting risks from regression models
predictRisk.coxphTD Extrating predicting risks from regression models
predictRisk.cph Extrating predicting risks from regression models
predictRisk.CSCTD Extrating predicting risks from regression models
predictRisk.default Extrating predicting risks from regression models
predictRisk.double Extrating predicting risks from regression models
predictRisk.factor Extrating predicting risks from regression models
predictRisk.FGR Extrating predicting risks from regression models
predictRisk.flexsurvreg Extrating predicting risks from regression models
predictRisk.formula Extrating predicting risks from regression models
predictRisk.gbm Extrating predicting risks from regression models
predictRisk.glm Extrating predicting risks from regression models
predictRisk.GLMnet Extrating predicting risks from regression models
predictRisk.Hal9001 Extrating predicting risks from regression models
predictRisk.integer Extrating predicting risks from regression models
predictRisk.lrm Extrating predicting risks from regression models
predictRisk.matrix Extrating predicting risks from regression models
predictRisk.multinom Extrating predicting risks from regression models
predictRisk.numeric Extrating predicting risks from regression models
predictRisk.pecCforest Extrating predicting risks from regression models
predictRisk.pecCtree Extrating predicting risks from regression models
predictRisk.penfitS3 Extrating predicting risks from regression models
predictRisk.prodlim Extrating predicting risks from regression models
predictRisk.psm Extrating predicting risks from regression models
predictRisk.randomForest Extrating predicting risks from regression models
predictRisk.ranger Extrating predicting risks from regression models
predictRisk.rfsrc Extrating predicting risks from regression models
predictRisk.riskRegression Extrating predicting risks from regression models
predictRisk.rpart Extrating predicting risks from regression models
predictRisk.selectCox Extrating predicting risks from regression models
predictRisk.singleEventCB Extrating predicting risks from regression models
predictRisk.SuperPredictor Extrating predicting risks from regression models
predictRisk.survfit Extrating predicting risks from regression models
predictRisk.wglm Extrating predicting risks from regression models
print.ate Print Average Treatment Effects
print.CauseSpecificCox Print of a Cause-Specific Cox regression model
print.FGR Print of a Fine-Gray regression model
print.influenceTest Output of the DIfference Between Two Estimates
print.IPA Print IPA object
print.predictCox Print Predictions From a Cox Model
print.predictCSC Print Predictions From a Cause-specific Cox Proportional Hazard Regression
print.riskRegression Print function for riskRegression models
print.Score Print Score object
print.subjectWeights Print subject weights

-- R --

reconstructData Reconstruct the original dataset
riskLevelPlot Level plots for risk prediction models
riskRegression Risk Regression Fits a regression model for the risk of an event - allowing for competing risks.
riskRegression.options Global options for 'riskRegression'
rowCenter_cpp Apply - by row
rowCumSum Apply cumsum in each row
rowMultiply_cpp Apply * by row
rowPaste Collapse Rows of Characters.
rowScale_cpp Apply / by row
rowSumsCrossprod Apply crossprod and rowSums
rsquared Explained variation for settings with binary, survival and competing risk outcome
rsquared.CauseSpecificCox Explained variation for settings with binary, survival and competing risk outcome
rsquared.coxph Explained variation for settings with binary, survival and competing risk outcome
rsquared.default Explained variation for settings with binary, survival and competing risk outcome
rsquared.glm Explained variation for settings with binary, survival and competing risk outcome

-- S --

sampleData Simulate data with binary or time-to-event outcome
sampleDataTD Simulate data with binary or time-to-event outcome
saveCoxConfidential Save confidential Cox objects
Score Score risk predictions
Score.list Score risk predictions
score.wglm Score for IPCW Logistic Regressions
selectCox Backward variable selection in the Cox regression model
selectJump Evaluate the influence function at selected times
simActiveSurveillance Simulate data of a hypothetical active surveillance prostate cancer study
simMelanoma Simulate data alike the Melanoma data
simPBC simulating data alike the pbc data
simsynth Simulating from a synthesized object
SmcFcs SmcFcs
splitStrataVar Reconstruct each of the strata variables
subjectWeights Estimation of censoring probabilities at subject specific times
subjectWeights.aalen Estimation of censoring probabilities at subject specific times
subjectWeights.cox Estimation of censoring probabilities at subject specific times
subjectWeights.km Estimation of censoring probabilities at subject specific times
subjectWeights.marginal Estimation of censoring probabilities at subject specific times
subjectWeights.none Estimation of censoring probabilities at subject specific times
subjectWeights.nonpar Estimation of censoring probabilities at subject specific times
subsetIndex Extract Specific Elements From An Object
subsetIndex.default Extract Specific Elements From An Object
subsetIndex.matrix Extract Specific Elements From An Object
summary.ate Summary Average Treatment Effects
summary.FGR Summary of a Fine-Gray regression model
summary.riskRegression Summary of a risk regression model
summary.Score Summary of prediction performance metrics
SuperPredictor Formula interface for SuperLearner::SuperLearner
SurvResponseVar Extract the time and event variable from a Cox model
synthesize Cooking and synthesizing survival data
synthesize.formula Cooking and synthesizing survival data
synthesize.lvm Cooking and synthesizing survival data

-- T --

terms.phreg Extract terms for phreg objects
transformCIBP Compute Confidence Intervals/Bands and P-values After a Transformation

-- W --

wglm Logistic Regression Using IPCW