3D Visualization Using OpenGL

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Documentation for package ‘rgl’ version 1.3.1

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A B C D E F G H I L M N O P Q R S T U V W misc

rgl-package 3D visualization device system

-- A --

abclines3d Lines intersecting the bounding box
addNormals Add normal vectors to objects so they render more smoothly
addNormals.mesh3d Add normal vectors to objects so they render more smoothly
addNormals.shapelist3d Add normal vectors to objects so they render more smoothly
addToSubscene3d Create, select or modify a subscene
ageControl Set attributes of vertices based on their age
all.equal.mesh3d Compare mesh3d objects in a meaningful way.
arc3d Draw arcs
arrow3d Draw an arrow
as.mesh3d Convert object to mesh object
as.mesh3d.ashape3d Convert alpha-shape surface of a cloud of points to RGL mesh object
as.mesh3d.default Convert object to mesh object
as.mesh3d.deldir Plot a Delaunay triangulation
as.mesh3d.rglId Convert object in plot to RGL mesh object
as.mesh3d.tri Plot an interp or tripack Delaunay triangulation
as.mesh3d.triSht Plot an interp or tripack Delaunay triangulation
as.rglscene Convert an object to an 'rglscene' object.
as.tmesh3d Convert object to a triangular mesh
as.tmesh3d.default Convert object to a triangular mesh
as.tmesh3d.mesh3d Convert object to a triangular mesh
as.triangles3d Convert an object to triangles
as.triangles3d.rglId Convert an object to triangles
asEuclidean Work with homogeneous coordinates
asEuclidean2 Work with homogeneous coordinates
asHomogeneous Work with homogeneous coordinates
asHomogeneous2 Work with homogeneous coordinates
aspect3d Set the aspect ratios of the current plot
asRow Convenience functions for RGL HTML layouts
axes3d Draw boxes, axes and other text outside the data
axis3d Draw boxes, axes and other text outside the data

-- B --

bbox3d Set up bounding box decoration
bg3d Set up background
bgplot3d Use base graphics for RGL background
box3d Draw boxes, axes and other text outside the data
Buffer R6 Class for binary buffers in glTF files.

-- C --

check3d Check for an open RGL window.
checkDeldir Check for a compatible version of 'deldir'
clear3d Scene management
clearSubsceneList Set up multiple figure layouts
clipMesh3d Clip mesh or RGL object to general region
clipObj3d Clip mesh or RGL object to general region
clipplaneControl Sets attributes of a clipping plane
clipplanes3d Add planes
close3d Work with RGL windows
compare_proxy.mesh3d Compare mesh3d objects in a meaningful way.
contourLines3d Draw contours on a surface
contourLines3d.mesh3d Draw contours on a surface
contourLines3d.rglId Draw contours on a surface
cube3d Sample 3D mesh objects
cuboctahedron3d Sample 3D mesh objects
cur3d Work with RGL windows
currentSubscene3d Create, select or modify a subscene
cylinder3d Create cylindrical or "tube" plots

-- D --

decorate3d Add decorations to a 3D plot
deform.mesh3d Subdivide a mesh
delFromSubscene3d Create, select or modify a subscene
divide.mesh3d Subdivide a mesh
dodecahedron3d Sample 3D mesh objects
dot3d Draw 3D mesh objects
dot3d.mesh3d Draw 3D mesh objects
drape3d Drape lines over a scene.
drape3d.default Drape lines over a scene.
drape3d.mesh3d Drape lines over a scene.

-- E --

elementId2Prefix Use widget with old-style controls
ellipse3d Make an ellipsoid
ellipse3d.default Make an ellipsoid
ellipse3d.glm Make an ellipsoid
ellipse3d.lm Make an ellipsoid
ellipse3d.nls Make an ellipsoid
expect_known_scene Helper for 'testthat' testing.
extrude3d Generate extrusion mesh

-- F --

facing3d Subset an object to parts facing in a particular direction
figHeight Get R Markdown figure dimensions in pixels
figWidth Get R Markdown figure dimensions in pixels
filledContour3d Draw contours on a surface
filledContour3d.mesh3d Draw contours on a surface
filledContour3d.rglId Draw contours on a surface

-- G --

gc3d Create, select or modify a subscene
getBoundary3d Extract the boundary of a mesh
getr3dDefaults Work with RGL windows
getShaders Set user-defined shaders for RGL objects, or get shaders.
getWidgetId Convenience functions for RGL HTML layouts
gltfTypes Names of glTF types.
GramSchmidt The Gram-Schmidt algorithm
grid3d Add a grid to a 3D plot

-- H --

highlevel RGL id values
hook_rgl Displaying RGL scenes in 'knitr' documents
hook_rglchunk Displaying RGL scenes in 'knitr' documents
hook_webgl Displaying RGL scenes in 'knitr' documents
hover3d Display hover info in plot.

-- I --

icosahedron3d Sample 3D mesh objects
identify3d Identify points in plot
identityMatrix Work with homogeneous coordinates
ids3d Scene management
in_pkgdown_example Are we running in a 'pkgdown' example?

-- L --

layout3d Set up multiple figure layouts
legend3d Use base graphics for RGL background
light3d Add light source
lines3d Add primitive shape
lowlevel RGL id values

-- M --

makeDependency Process Javascript for HTML dependency
material3d Get or set material properties
matrices Work with homogeneous coordinates
merge.mesh3d Merge RGL mesh objects
mergeVertices Merge duplicate vertices in mesh object
mesh3d Construct 3D mesh objects
mfrow3d Set up multiple figure layouts
movie3d Play animation of RGL scene
mtext3d Draw boxes, axes and other text outside the data

-- N --

newSubscene3d Create, select or modify a subscene
next3d Set up multiple figure layouts
normalize.mesh3d Subdivide a mesh

-- O --

observer3d Set the observer location
octahedron3d Sample 3D mesh objects
oh3d Sample 3D mesh objects
open3d Work with RGL windows

-- P --

par3d Set or query RGL parameters
par3dinterp Interpolator for par3d parameters
par3dinterpControl Control RGL widget like par3dinterp()
par3dsave Modal dialog for saving par3d settings
particles3d Add sprites
pch3d Plot symbols similar to base graphics
persp3d Surface plots
persp3d.default Surface plots
persp3d.deldir Plot a Delaunay triangulation
persp3d.formula Methods for formulas
persp3d.function Plot a function of two variables
persp3d.tri Plot an interp or tripack Delaunay triangulation
persp3d.triSht Plot an interp or tripack Delaunay triangulation
pipe Imported from magrittr
planes3d Add planes
play3d Play animation of RGL scene
playwidget Add a widget to play animations
playwidgetOutput Functions for integration of RGL widgets into Shiny app
plot3d 3D scatterplot
plot3d.default 3D scatterplot
plot3d.deldir Plot a Delaunay triangulation
plot3d.formula Methods for formulas
plot3d.function Plot a function of two variables
plot3d.lm Method for plotting simple linear fit
plot3d.mesh3d 3D scatterplot
plot3d.rglobject Saves the current scene to a variable, and displays such variables
plot3d.rglscene Saves the current scene to a variable, and displays such variables
plot3d.tri Plot an interp or tripack Delaunay triangulation
plot3d.triSht Plot an interp or tripack Delaunay triangulation
plotmath3d Draw text using base graphics math plotting
points3d Add primitive shape
polygon3d Draw a polygon in three dimensions
pop3d Scene management
primitives Add primitive shape
print.rglId RGL id values
print.rglobject Saves the current scene to a variable, and displays such variables
print.rglscene Saves the current scene to a variable, and displays such variables
projectDown Subset an object to parts facing in a particular direction
propertyControl Controls to use with playwidget()

-- Q --

qmesh3d Construct 3D mesh objects
quads3d Add primitive shape

-- R --

r3d Generic 3D interface
r3dDefaults Work with RGL windows
readOBJ Read and write Wavefront OBJ format files
readSTL Read and write STL (stereolithography) format files
registerSceneChange Make large change to a scene from Shiny
renderPlaywidget Functions for integration of RGL widgets into Shiny app
renderRglwidget Functions for integration of RGL widgets into Shiny app
RGL 3D visualization device system
rgl 3D visualization device system
rgl.attrib Get information about shapes
rgl.attrib.count Get information about attributes of objects
rgl.attrib.info Get information about attributes of objects
rgl.bringtotop Assign focus to an RGL window
rgl.dev.list Work with RGL windows
rgl.getAxisCallback Get user-defined axis labelling callbacks.
rgl.getMouseCallbacks User callbacks on mouse events
rgl.getWheelCallback User callbacks on mouse events
rgl.init Initializing RGL
rgl.material.names Get or set material properties
rgl.material.readonly Get or set material properties
rgl.par3d.names Set or query RGL parameters
rgl.par3d.readonly Set or query RGL parameters
rgl.pixels Extract pixel information from window
rgl.postscript Export vector graphics
rgl.printRglwidget An htmlwidget to hold an RGL scene
rgl.projection Convert between RGL user and window coordinates
rgl.quit Work with RGL windows
rgl.select Switch to select mode, and return the mouse position selected
rgl.setMouseCallbacks User callbacks on mouse events
rgl.setWheelCallback User callbacks on mouse events
rgl.snapshot Export screenshot
rgl.Sweave Integrating RGL with Sweave
rgl.Sweave.off Integrating RGL with Sweave
rgl.useNULL Report default use of null device
rgl.user2window Convert between RGL user and window coordinates
rgl.window2user Convert between RGL user and window coordinates
rglExtrafonts Register extra fonts
rglFonts Specify FreeType fonts
rglHighlevel RGL id values
rglId RGL id values
rglLowlevel RGL id values
rglMouse Generate HTML code to select mouse mode
rglobject-class Saves the current scene to a variable, and displays such variables
rglscene-class Saves the current scene to a variable, and displays such variables
rglShared Create shared data from an RGL object
rglToBase Convert RGL userMatrix to lattice or base angles
rglToLattice Convert RGL userMatrix to lattice or base angles
rglwidget An htmlwidget to hold an RGL scene
rglwidgetOutput Functions for integration of RGL widgets into Shiny app
RGL_DEBUGGING Process Javascript for HTML dependency
RGL_SLOW_DEV Set a one-time slowdown on opening standard graphics
RGL_USE_NULL Report default use of null device
RGL_USE_WEBSHOT Export screenshot
rotate3d Work with homogeneous coordinates
rotationMatrix Work with homogeneous coordinates

-- S --

safe.dev.off Close graphics device in a safe way.
scale3d Work with homogeneous coordinates
scaleMatrix Work with homogeneous coordinates
scene3d Saves the current scene to a variable, and displays such variables
sceneChange Make large change to a scene from Shiny
segments3d Add primitive shape
select3d Select a rectangle in an RGL scene
selectionFunction3d Select a rectangle in an RGL scene
selectpoints3d Select points from a scene
set3d Work with RGL windows
setAxisCallbacks User-defined axis labelling callbacks.
setGraphicsDelay Set a one-time slowdown on opening standard graphics
setupKnitr Displaying RGL scenes in 'knitr' documents
setUserCallbacks Set mouse callbacks in R or Javascript code
setUserShaders Set user-defined shaders for RGL objects, or get shaders.
shade3d Draw 3D mesh objects
shade3d.mesh3d Draw 3D mesh objects
shadow3d Project shadows of mesh onto object.
shape3d Construct 3D mesh objects
shapelist3d Create and plot a list of shapes
shinyGetPar3d Communicate RGL parameters between R and Javascript in Shiny
shinyResetBrush Communicate RGL parameters between R and Javascript in Shiny
shinySetPar3d Communicate RGL parameters between R and Javascript in Shiny
show2d Draw a 2D plot on a rectangle in a 3D scene
snapshot3d Export screenshot
spheres3d Add spheres
spin3d Create a function to spin a scene at a fixed rate
sprites3d Add sprites
subdivision3d Subdivide a mesh
subdivision3d.mesh3d Subdivide a mesh
subscene3d Create, select or modify a subscene
subsceneInfo Get information on subscenes
subsceneList Set up multiple figure layouts
subsetControl Controls to use with playwidget()
surface3d Add surface
Sweave.snapshot Integrating RGL with Sweave

-- T --

tagged3d Find tags on rgl objects.
tetrahedron3d Sample 3D mesh objects
text3d Add text to plot
texts3d Add text to plot
textureSource Retrieve source code used to produce texture file.
thigmophobe3d Find the direction away from the closest point in a 3d projection
title3d Draw boxes, axes and other text outside the data
tkpar3dsave Modal dialog for saving par3d settings
tkrgl The former tkrgl package
tkspin3d Create TCL/TK controller for RGL window
tkspinControl Create a spin control in a TCL/TK window
tmesh3d Construct 3D mesh objects
toggleWidget An HTML widget to toggle display of elements of a scene
transform3d Work with homogeneous coordinates
translate3d Work with homogeneous coordinates
translationMatrix Work with homogeneous coordinates
triangles3d Add primitive shape
triangulate Triangulate a two-dimensional polygon
turn3d Create a solid of rotation from a two-dimensional curve

-- U --

useSubscene3d Create, select or modify a subscene

-- V --

vertexControl Set attributes of vertices
view3d Set up viewpoint

-- W --

wire3d Draw 3D mesh objects
wire3d.mesh3d Draw 3D mesh objects
writeASY Write Asymptote code for an RGL scene
writeOBJ Read and write Wavefront OBJ format files
writePLY Write Stanford PLY format files
writeSTL Read and write STL (stereolithography) format files

-- misc --

%>% Imported from magrittr
.check3d Check for an open RGL window.
3dobjects Add primitive shape