$-method |
p_GeoDa |
$-method |
p_GeoDaTable |
$-method |
p_GeoDaWeight |
$-method |
p_LISA |
as.data.frame.geoda |
convert rgeoda instance to data.frame |
as.geoda |
Create an instance of geoda-class from either an 'sf' or 'sp' object |
as.matrix.Weight |
spatial weights to matrix |
azp_greedy |
A greedy algorithm to solve the AZP problem |
azp_sa |
A simulated annealing algorithm to solve the AZP problem |
azp_tabu |
A tabu algorithm to solve the AZP problem |
create_weights |
Create an empty weights |
distance_weights |
Distance-based Spatial Weights |
eb_rates |
Empirical Bayes(EB) Rate |
gda_distance_weights |
(For internally use and test only) Distance-based Spatial Weights |
gda_kernel_knn_weights |
(For internally use and test only) K-NN Kernel Spatial Weights |
gda_kernel_weights |
(For internally use and test only) Distance-based Kernel Spatial Weights |
gda_knn_weights |
(For internally use and test only) K-Nearest Neighbors-based Spatial Weights |
gda_min_distthreshold |
(For internally use and test only) Minimum Distance Threshold for Distance-based Weights |
gda_queen_weights |
(For internally use and test only) Queen Contiguity Spatial Weights |
gda_rook_weights |
(For internally use and test only) Rook Contiguity Spatial Weights |
geoda |
'geoda' class |
geoda-class |
'geoda' class |
geoda_open |
Create an instance of geoda-class by reading from an ESRI Shapefile dataset |
get_neighbors |
Neighbors of one observation |
get_neighbors_weights |
Weights values of the neighbors of one observation |
has_isolates |
Isolation/Island in Spatial Weights |
hinge15_breaks |
(Box) Hinge15 Breaks |
hinge30_breaks |
(Box) Hinge30 Breaks |
is_symmetric |
Symmetry of Weights Matrix |
join_count_ratio |
Join Count Ratio |
kernel_knn_weights |
K-NN Kernel Spatial Weights |
kernel_weights |
Distance-based Kernel Spatial Weights |
knn_weights |
K-Nearest Neighbors-based Spatial Weights |
LISA class (Internally Used) |
LISA-class |
LISA class (Internally Used) |
lisa_bo |
Bonferroni bound value of local spatial autocorrelation |
lisa_clusters |
Get local cluster indicators |
lisa_colors |
Get cluster colors |
lisa_fdr |
False Discovery Rate value of local spatial autocorrelation |
lisa_labels |
Get cluster labels |
lisa_num_nbrs |
Get numbers of neighbors for all observations |
lisa_pvalues |
Get pseudo-p values of LISA |
lisa_values |
Get LISA values |
local_bijoincount |
Bivariate Local Join Count Statistics |
local_bimoran |
Bivariate Local Moran Statistics |
local_g |
Local Getis-Ord's G Statistics |
local_geary |
Local Geary Statistics |
local_gstar |
Local Getis-Ord's G* Statistics |
local_joincount |
Local Join Count Statistics |
local_moran |
Local Moran Statistics |
local_moran_eb |
Local Moran with Empirical Bayes(EB) Rate |
local_multigeary |
Local Multivariate Geary Statistics |
local_multijoincount |
(Multivariate) Colocation Local Join Count Statistics |
local_multiquantilelisa |
Multivariate Quantile LISA Statistics |
local_quantilelisa |
Quantile LISA Statistics |
make_spatial |
Make Spatial |
maxp_greedy |
A greedy algorithm to solve the max-p-region problem |
maxp_sa |
A simulated annealing algorithm to solve the max-p-region problem |
maxp_tabu |
A tabu-search algorithm to solve the max-p-region problem |
max_neighbors |
Maximum Neighbors of Spatial Weights |
mean_neighbors |
Mean Neighbors of Spatial Weights |
median_neighbors |
Median Neighbors of Spatial Weights |
min_distthreshold |
Minimum Distance Threshold for Distance-based Weights |
min_neighbors |
Minimum Neighbors of Spatial Weights |
natural_breaks |
Natural Breaks (Jenks) |
neighbor_match_test |
Local Neighbor Match Test |
percentile_breaks |
Percentile Breaks |
p_GeoDa |
p_GeoDa |
p_GeoDa-class |
p_GeoDa |
p_GeoDaTable |
p_GeoDaTable |
p_GeoDaTable-class |
p_GeoDaTable |
p_GeoDaWeight |
p_GeoDaWeight |
p_GeoDaWeight-class |
p_GeoDaWeight |
p_LISA |
p_LISA |
p_LISA-class |
p_LISA |
quantile_breaks |
Quantile Breaks |
queen_weights |
Queen Contiguity Spatial Weights |
read_gal |
Read a .GAL file |
read_gwt |
Read a .GWT file |
read_swm |
Read a .SWM file |
redcap |
Regionalization with dynamically constrained agglomerative clustering and partitioning |
rook_weights |
Rook Contiguity Spatial Weights |
save_weights |
Save Spatial Weights |
schc |
Spatially Constrained Hierarchical Clucstering (SCHC) |
set_neighbors |
Set neighbors of an observation |
set_neighbors_with_weights |
Set neighbors and weights values of an observation |
sf_to_geoda |
Create an instance of geoda-class from a 'sf' object |
skater |
Spatial C(K)luster Analysis by Tree Edge Removal |
spatial_lag |
Spatial Lag |
spatial_validation |
Spatial Validation |
sp_to_geoda |
Create an instance of geoda-class from a 'sp' object |
stddev_breaks |
Standard Deviation Breaks |
summary.Weight |
Summary of Spatial Weights |
update_weights |
Update meta data of a spatial weights |
Weight |
Weight class (Internally Used) |
Weight-class |
Weight class (Internally Used) |
weights_sparsity |
Sparsity of Spatial Weights |