Simulate and Diagnose (Generalized) Linear Models

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Documentation for package ‘regressinator’ version 0.1.3

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augment_longer Augment a model fit with residuals, in "long" format
binned_residuals Obtain binned residuals for a model
bin_by_interval Group a data frame into bins
bin_by_quantile Group a data frame into bins
by_level Convert factor levels to numeric values
custom_family Family representing a GLM with custom distribution and link function
decrypt Decrypt message giving the location of the true plot in a lineup
empirical_link Empirically estimate response values on the link scale
model_lineup Produce a lineup for a fitted model
ols_with_error Family representing a linear relationship with non-Gaussian errors
parametric_boot_distribution Simulate the distribution of estimates by parametric bootstrap
partial_residuals Augment a model fit with partial residuals for all terms
population Define the population generalized regression relationship
predictor Specify the distribution of a predictor variable
response Specify a response variable in terms of predictors
rfactor Draw random values from a factor variable
sample_x Draw a data frame from the specified population.
sample_y Draw a data frame from the specified population.
sampling_distribution Simulate the sampling distribution of estimates from a population