bin_by_interval {regressinator}R Documentation

Group a data frame into bins


Groups a data frame (similarly to dplyr::group_by()) based on the values of a column, either by dividing up the range into equal pieces or by quantiles.


bin_by_interval(.data, col, breaks = NULL)

bin_by_quantile(.data, col, breaks = NULL)



Data frame to bin


Column to bin by


Number of bins to create. bin_by_interval() also accepts a numeric vector of two or more unique cut points to use. If NULL, a default number of breaks is chosen based on the number of rows in the data. In bin_by_quantile(), if the number of unique values of the column is smaller than breaks, fewer bins will be produced.


bin_by_interval() breaks the numerical range of that column into equal-sized intervals, or into intervals specified by breaks. bin_by_quantile() splits the range into pieces based on quantiles of the data, so each interval contains roughly an equal number of observations.


Grouped data frame, similar to those returned by dplyr::group_by(). An additional column .bin indicates the bin number for each group. Use dplyr::summarize() to calculate values within each group, or other dplyr operations that work on groups.


cars |>
  bin_by_interval(speed, breaks = 5) |>
  summarize(mean_speed = mean(speed),
            mean_dist = mean(dist))

cars |>
  bin_by_quantile(speed, breaks = 5) |>
  summarize(mean_speed = mean(speed),
            mean_dist = mean(dist))

[Package regressinator version 0.1.3 Index]