by_level {regressinator}R Documentation

Convert factor levels to numeric values


Replace each entry in a vector with its corresponding numeric value, for instance to use a factor variable to specify intercepts for different groups in a regression model.


by_level(x, ...)



Vector of factor values


Mapping from factor levels to values. Can be provided either as a series of named arguments, whose names correspond to factor levels, or as a single named vector.


Named vector of same length as x, with values replaced with those specified. Names are the original factor level name.

See Also

rfactor() to draw random factor levels, and the forcats package for additional factor manipulation tools


foo <- factor(c("spam", "ham", "spam", "ducks"))

by_level(foo, spam = 4, ham = 10, ducks = 16.7)

by_level(foo, c("spam" = 4, "ham" = 10, "ducks" = 16.7))

# to define a population with a factor that affects the regression intercept
intercepts <- c("foo" = 2, "bar" = 30, "baz" = 7)
pop <- population(
  group = predictor("rfactor",
                    levels = c("foo", "bar", "baz"),
                    prob = c(0.1, 0.6, 0.3)),
  x = predictor("runif", min = 0, max = 10),
  y = response(by_level(group, intercepts) + 0.3 * x,
               error_scale = 1.5)
sample_x(pop, 5)

[Package regressinator version 0.1.3 Index]