Regression with Functional Data

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Documentation for package ‘refund’ version 0.1-35

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-- A --

af Construct an FGAM regression term
af_old Construct an FGAM regression term

-- B --

bayes_fosr Bayesian Function-on-scalar regression

-- C --

ccb.fpc Corrected confidence bands using functional principal components
cd4 Observed CD4 cell counts
cmdscale_lanczos Faster multi-dimensional scaling
coef.pffr Get estimated coefficients from a pffr fit
coef.pfr Extract coefficient functions from a fitted pfr-object
coefboot.pffr Simple bootstrap CIs for pffr
coefficients.pfr Extract coefficient functions from a fitted pfr-object
content The CONTENT child growth study
COVID19 The US weekly all-cause mortality and COVID19-associated deaths in 2020
create.prep.func Construct a function for preprocessing functional predictors

-- D --

DTI Diffusion Tensor Imaging: tract profiles and outcomes
DTI2 Diffusion Tensor Imaging: more fractional anisotropy profiles and outcomes

-- E -- Return call with all possible arguments

-- F --

fbps Sandwich smoother for matrix data
ff Construct a function-on-function regression term
ffpc Construct a PC-based function-on-function regression term
ffpcplot Plot PC-based function-on-function regression terms
fgam Functional Generalized Additive Models
fitted.pffr Obtain residuals and fitted values for a pffr models
fosr Function-on-scalar regression
fosr.perm Permutation testing for function-on-scalar regression Permutation testing for function-on-scalar regression
fosr.perm.test Permutation testing for function-on-scalar regression
fosr.vs Function-on Scalar Regression with variable selection
fosr2s Two-step function-on-scalar regression
fpc Construct a FPC regression term
fpca.face Functional principal component analysis with fast covariance estimation
fpca.lfda Longitudinal Functional Data Analysis using FPCA Functional principal components analysis by smoothed covariance
fpca.ssvd Smoothed FPCA via iterative penalized rank one SVDs.
fpca2s Functional principal component analysis by a two-stage method
fpcr Functional principal component regression
f_sum Sum computation 1
f_sum2 Sum computation 2
f_sum4 Sum computation 2
f_trace Trace computation

-- G --

gasoline Octane numbers and NIR spectra of gasoline
gibbs_cs_fpca Cross-sectional FoSR using a Gibbs sampler and FPCA
gibbs_cs_wish Cross-sectional FoSR using a Gibbs sampler and Wishart prior
gibbs_mult_fpca Multilevel FoSR using a Gibbs sampler and FPCA
gibbs_mult_wish Multilevel FoSR using a Gibbs sampler and Wishart prior
gls_cs Cross-sectional FoSR using GLS

-- L --

lf Construct an FLM regression term
lf.vd Construct a VDFR regression term
lf_old Construct an FLM regression term
lpeer Longitudinal Functional Models with Structured Penalties
lpfr Longitudinal penalized functional regression

-- M --

mfpca.face Multilevel functional principal components analysis with fast covariance estimation Multilevel functional principal components analysis by smoothed covariance
model.matrix.pffr Obtain model matrix for a pffr fit

-- O --

ols_cs Cross-sectional FoSR using GLS

-- P --

pco Principal coordinate ridge regression
pco_predict_preprocess Make predictions using pco basis terms
pcre pffr-constructor for functional principal component-based functional random intercepts.
peer Construct a PEER regression term in a 'pfr' formula
PEER.Sim Simulated longitudinal data with functional predictor and scalar response, and structural information associated with predictor function
peer_old Functional Models with Structured Penalties
pffr Penalized flexible functional regression
pffr.check Some diagnostics for a fitted pffr model
pffrGLS Penalized function-on-function regression with non-i.i.d. residuals
pffrSim Simulate example data for pffr
pfr Penalized Functional Regression
pfr_old Penalized Functional Regression (old version)
plot.fosr Default plotting of function-on-scalar regression objects
plot.fosr.perm Permutation testing for function-on-scalar regression
plot.fosr.vs Plot for Function-on Scalar Regression with variable selection
plot.fpcr Default plotting for functional principal component regression output
plot.lpeer Plotting of estimated regression functions obtained through 'lpeer()'
plot.peer Plotting of estimated regression functions obtained through 'peer()'
plot.pffr Plot a pffr fit
plot.pfr Plot a pfr object
poridge Principal coordinate ridge regression
predict.fbps Prediction for fast bivariate _P_-spline (fbps)
predict.fgam Prediction from a fitted FGAM model
predict.fosr Prediction from a fitted bayes_fosr model
predict.fosr.vs Prediction for Function-on Scalar Regression with variable selection
Predict.matrix.dt.smooth Predict.matrix method for dt basis
Predict.matrix.fpc.smooth mgcv-style constructor for prediction of FPC terms
Predict.matrix.pco.smooth Principal coordinate ridge regression
Predict.matrix.pcre.random.effect mgcv-style constructor for prediction of PC-basis functional random effects
Predict.matrix.peer.smooth mgcv-style constructor for prediction of PEER terms
Predict.matrix.pi.smooth Predict.matrix method for pi basis
predict.pffr Prediction for penalized function-on-function regression
predict.pfr Prediction from a fitted pfr model
print.summary.pffr Print method for summary of a pffr fit
pwcv Pointwise cross-validation for function-on-scalar regression

-- Q --

Q Simulated longitudinal data with functional predictor and scalar response, and structural information associated with predictor function
qq.pffr QQ plots for pffr model residuals
quadWeights Compute quadrature weights

-- R --

re Random effects constructor for fgam
residuals.pffr Obtain residuals and fitted values for a pffr models
rlrt.pfr Likelihood Ratio Test and Restricted Likelihood Ratio Test for inference of functional predictors

-- S --

sff Construct a smooth function-on-function regression term
smooth.construct.dt.smooth.spec Domain Transformation basis constructor
smooth.construct.fpc.smooth.spec Basis constructor for FPC terms
smooth.construct.pco.smooth.spec Principal coordinate ridge regression
smooth.construct.pcre.smooth.spec mgcv-style constructor for PC-basis functional random effects
smooth.construct.peer.smooth.spec Basis constructor for PEER terms
smooth.construct.pi.smooth.spec Parametric Interaction basis constructor
smooth.construct.pss.smooth.spec P-spline constructor with modified 'shrinkage' penalty
sofa SOFA (Sequential Organ Failure Assessment) Data
summary.pffr Summary for a pffr fit
summary.pfr Summary for a pfr fit

-- V --

vb_cs_fpca Cross-sectional FoSR using Variational Bayes and FPCA
vb_cs_wish Cross-sectional FoSR using Variational Bayes and Wishart prior
vb_mult_fpca Multilevel FoSR using Variational Bayes and FPCA
vb_mult_wish Multilevel FoSR using Variational Bayes and Wishart prior
vis.fgam Visualization of FGAM objects
vis.pfr Visualization of PFR objects

-- X --

Xt_siginv_X Internal computation function