acoustic_backscatter_processing | Process acoustic backscatter from hADCP |
attenuation_of_sound_by_water | Compute attenuation of sound in water given frequency, temperature, and salinity |
bootstrap_regression | Regression parameters estimated using bootstrap resampling |
butterworth_tidal_filter | Return non-tidal signal in data after Rulh and Simpson (2005) |
compute_load | Compute load with uncertainty on concentration estimates |
ctd2sal | Compute salinity (PSU) from conductivity, water temperature, and depth |
estimate_timeseries | Compute timeseries with uncertainty from bootstrap regression |
ExampleCode | Computes sediment load per guideline from ExampleData |
ExampleCodeSCI | Computes sediment load from optical and acoustic backscatter measurements |
ExampleData | Example data used to demonstrate computation of real-time sediment loads from horizontal acoustic Doppler current profiler (hADCP) |
hADCPLoads | Compute sediment load per guideline using acoustic backscatter from processed hADCP data |
import_data | Load data from comma-delimited .txt files to list to be used in function hADCPLoads() |
impute_data | Returns x with gaps imputed using ARIMA and Decision Trees, optional uncertainty estimation using Monte Carlo resampling |
linear_interpolation_with_time_limit | Linearly interpolate timeseries time(x) onto new timesetep ti |
near_field_correction | Near-field correction of Downing et al (1995) |
speed_of_sound | Compute speed of sound in water given salinity, temperature, and depth |
surrogate_to_analyte_interpolation | Interpolate timeseries x(tx) onto y(ty) |