Analyte Flux and Load from Estimates of Concentration and Discharge

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Documentation for package ‘realTimeloads’ version 1.0.0

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acoustic_backscatter_processing Process acoustic backscatter from hADCP
attenuation_of_sound_by_water Compute attenuation of sound in water given frequency, temperature, and salinity
bootstrap_regression Regression parameters estimated using bootstrap resampling
butterworth_tidal_filter Return non-tidal signal in data after Rulh and Simpson (2005)
compute_load Compute load with uncertainty on concentration estimates
ctd2sal Compute salinity (PSU) from conductivity, water temperature, and depth
estimate_timeseries Compute timeseries with uncertainty from bootstrap regression
ExampleCode Computes sediment load per guideline from ExampleData
ExampleCodeSCI Computes sediment load from optical and acoustic backscatter measurements
ExampleData Example data used to demonstrate computation of real-time sediment loads from horizontal acoustic Doppler current profiler (hADCP)
hADCPLoads Compute sediment load per guideline using acoustic backscatter from processed hADCP data
import_data Load data from comma-delimited .txt files to list to be used in function hADCPLoads()
impute_data Returns x with gaps imputed using ARIMA and Decision Trees, optional uncertainty estimation using Monte Carlo resampling
linear_interpolation_with_time_limit Linearly interpolate timeseries time(x) onto new timesetep ti
near_field_correction Near-field correction of Downing et al (1995)
speed_of_sound Compute speed of sound in water given salinity, temperature, and depth
surrogate_to_analyte_interpolation Interpolate timeseries x(tx) onto y(ty)