acoustic_backscatter_processing {realTimeloads} | R Documentation |
Process acoustic backscatter from hADCP
Processes acoustic backscatter from horizontally profiling ADCP (hADCP). Returns attenuation of sound due to water and suspended-sediment. Applies all corrections to acoustic backscatter detailed in the guideline.
Instrument_Noise_Level = NULL,
Include_Rayleigh = FALSE,
Include_near_field_correction = TRUE
Site |
Data frame with site, local vertical datum, and ADCP elevation information
- Site_name
Site name (string)
- Site_number
Unique site code (string)
- ADCP_elevation_above_bed_m
Elevation of the ADCP above the bed (m)
- ADCP_elevation_above_gauge_datum_m
Elevation of the ADCP above local gauge datum (m)
- Distance_of_gauge_datum_below_thalweg_m
Distance from local gauge datum to lower point in cross-section (m)
- Start_date_and_time
Installation date of ADCP (time, POSIXct)
- End_date_and_time
Date if/when ADCP is moved vertically (time, POSIXct)
- Comment
User comment (string)
Data frame with various readings from ADCP
- Site_number
Unique site code (string)
- time
Date and time (time, POSIXct)
- Ensemble
Measurment ensemble number (integer)
- Accoustic_Frequency_kHz
Acoustic frequency of ADCP (kHz)
- Transducer_radius_m
Radius of ADCP transducer (m)
- Beam_angle_degrees
Angle of beam relative to normal (degrees)
- Beam_aspect_ratio
Ratio of beam radius to beam length (-)
- Range_to_bed_of_acoustic_beams_m
Normal range to bed, optional (m)
- Range_to_water_surface_of_acoustic_beams_m
Normal range to water surface, optional (m)
- Number_of_Cells
Number of measurement cells along beam (integer)
- Bin_Size_m
Cell width measured normal to ADCP (m)
- Blanking_distance_m
Blanking distance measured normal to ADCP (m)
- Instrument_serial_number
Serial number of ADCP instrument (string)
- CPU_serial_number
Serial number of ADCP CPU (string)
- Ambient_Noise_Level_Beam_1_Counts
Ambient noise level for beam 1, optional (counts)
- Ambient_Noise_Level_Beam_2_Counts
Ambient noise level for beam 2, optional (counts)
- Distance_to_Bin_1_mid_point_m
Reported distance normal to ADCP to midpoint of bin/cell (m)
- Distance_to_surface_m
Reported depth of ADCP from vertical beam, optional (m)
- Speed_of_sound_m_per_s
Speed of sound used by ADCP in the field (m/s)
- Temperature_degC
Temperature recorded by ADCP (degrees C)
- Pressure_dbar
Pressure recorded by ADCP (dBar)
- Salinity_PSU
Salinity in PSU recorded or assumed in ADCP data file, optional (PSU)
- Distance_to_surface_m
Distance to water surface reported by vertical beam of ADCP (m)
- Power_supply_voltage
Power to ADCP (V)
Height |
Data frame with timeseries of river height
- time
Date and time (time, POSIXct)
- Height_m
Water surface elevation above gauge datum (m)
- Site_number
Unique site code (string)
Sonde |
Data frame with timeseries of conductivity, temperature, and depth from sonde
- time
Date and time (time, POSIXct)
- Water_Temperature_degC
Temperature (degrees C)
- Conductivity_uS_per_cm
Conductivity (microS/cm)
- Pressure_dbar
Pressure (dbar)
- Site_number
Unique site code (string)
Echo_Intensity_Beam_1 |
Data frame of acoustic backscatter measurements from beam 2
- Site_number
Unique site code (string)
- time
Date and time (time, POSIXct)
- Echo_Intensity_Counts_cell_n
Acoustic backscatter in nth cell (counts)
Echo_Intensity_Beam_2 |
Data frame of acoustic backscatter measurements from beam 2
- Site_number
Unique site code (string)
- time
Date and time (time, POSIXct)
- Echo_Intensity_Counts_cell_n
Acoustic backscatter in nth cell (counts)
Instrument_Noise_Level |
Estimate of noise level, recommended if ambient noise level is not recorded (counts)
Include_Rayleigh |
Logical to include data within Rayleigh Distance for processing of acoustic backsactter
Include_near_field_correction |
Logical to include near-field correction of Downing et al (1995)
List with processed data, all variable names and units are written-out in list items, see Livsey (in review) for details of each variable
Daniel Livsey (2023) ORCID: 0000-0002-2028-6128
Livsey, D.N. (in review). National Industry Guidelines for hydrometric monitoring–Part 12: Application of acoustic Doppler velocity meters to measure suspended-sediment load. Bureau of Meteorology. Melbourne, Australia.
InputData <- realTimeloads::ExampleData
Site <- InputData$Site
ADCP <- InputData$ADCP
Height <- InputData$Height
Sonde <- InputData$Sonde
EIa <- InputData$Echo_Intensity
# example code assumes backscatter is equal across beams
EIb <- InputData$Echo_Intensity
Output <- acoustic_backscatter_processing(Site,ADCP,Height,Sonde,EIa,EIb)
realTimeloads version 1.0.0