ExampleData {realTimeloads} | R Documentation |
Example data used to demonstrate computation of real-time sediment loads from horizontal acoustic Doppler current profiler (hADCP)
Synthetic dataset from modeled sediment transport and acoustic scattering detailed in the Appendices of Livsey (in review) Following dataframes are provided in list
, Site, site datum, and ADCP elevation information
- Site_name
Site name (string)
- Site_number
Unique site code (string)
- ADCP_elevation_above_bed_m
Elevation of the ADCP above the bed (m)
- ADCP_elevation_above_gauge_datum_m
Elevation of the ADCP above local gauge datum (m)
- Distance_of_gauge_datum_below_thalweg_m
Distance from local gauge datum to lower point in cross-section (m)
- Start_date_and_time
Installation date of ADCP (time, POSIXct)
- End_date_and_time
Date if/when ADCP is moved vertically (time, POSIXct)
- Comment
User comment (string)
, ADCP readings except acoustic backscatter
- Site_number
Unique site code (string)
- time
Date and time (time, POSIXct)
- Ensemble
Measurment ensemble number (integer)
- Accoustic_Frequency_kHz
Acoustic frequency of ADCP (kHz)
- Transducer_radius_m
Radius of ADCP transducer (m)
- Beam_angle_degrees
Angle of beam relative to normal (degrees)
- Beam_aspect_ratio
Ratio of beam radius to beam length (-)
- Number_of_Cells
Number of measurement cells along beam (integer)
- Bin_Size_m
Cell width measured normal to ADCP (m)
- Blanking_distance_m
Blanking distance measured normal to ADCP (m)
- Instrument_serial_number
Serial number of ADCP instrument (string)
- CPU_serial_number
Serial number of ADCP CPU (string)
- Ambient_Noise_Level_Beam_1_Counts
Ambient noise level for beam 1 (counts)
- Ambient_Noise_Level_Beam_2_Counts
Ambient noise level for beam 2 (counts)
- Distance_to_Bin_1_mid_point_m
Reported distance normal to ADCP to midpoint of bin/cell (m)
- Speed_of_sound_m_per_s
Speed of sound used by ADCP in the field (m/s)
- Temperature_degC
Temperature recorded by ADCP (degrees C)
- Pressure_dbar
Pressure recorded by ADCP (dBar)
- Distance_to_surface_m
Distance to water surface reported by vertical beam of ADCP (m)
- Power_supply_voltage
Power to ADCP (V)
, Acoustic backscatter measurements from ADCP
- Site_number
Unique site code (string)
- time
Date and time (time, POSIXct)
- Echo_Intensity_Counts_cell_n
Acoustic backscatter in nth cell (counts)
, Conductivity, temperature, and depth from sonde
- time
Date and time (time, POSIXct)
- Water_Temperature_degC
Temperature (degrees C)
- Conductivity_uS_per_cm
Conductivity (microS/cm)
- Pressure_dbar
Pressure (dbar)
- Turbidity_FNU
Turbidity (FNU)
- Site_number
Unique site code (string)
, River height in meters referenced to gauge datum
- time
Date and time (time, POSIXct)
- Height_m
Water surface elevation above gauge datum (m)
- Site_number
Unique site code (string)
, Discharge timeseries in cubic meters per second
- time
Date and time (time, POSIXct)
- Discharge_m_cubed_per_s
Dischage (cubic meters per second)
- Site_number
Unique site code (string)
, Measured sediment concentration in milligrams per liter (SSC or TSS)
- time
Date and time (time, POSIXct)
- SSCxs_mg_per_liter
Concentration of suspended-sediment in milligrams per liter, depth-averaged and velocity weighted average for cross-section
- SSCpt_mg_per_liter
Concentration of suspended-sediment in milligrams per liter, measured at-a-point at elevation of hADCP
- Site_number
Unique site code (string)
data(ExampleData) # lazy-load ony, unable to inspect contents in Rstudio
names(ExampleData) # load data for inspection in Rstudio and view names of items in list
Daniel Livsey (2023) ORCID: 0000-0002-2028-6128
Livsey, D.N. (in review). National Industry Guidelines for hydrometric monitoring–Part 12: Application of acoustic Doppler velocity meters to measure suspended-sediment load. Bureau of Meteorology. Melbourne, Australia.