Randomization for Clinical Trials

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Documentation for package ‘randomizeR’ version 3.0.2

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randomizeR-package Randomization for Clinical Trials
a Function returning the adjusting parameter a slot of an S4 object
abcdPar Representing Accelerated Biased Coin Design
analyse Creates stratified sequences Compares stratified sequences to their respective non-stratified version under the influence of bias.
assess Assessing randomization sequences
assess-method Assessing randomization sequences
bbcdPar Representing Bayesian Biased Coin Design
blocks Function returning the block slot of an S4 object
bsdPar Representing Big Stick Design
calcProb Theoretical probability for randomization sequences
calculateProbabilities Theoretical probability for randomization sequences
chenPar Representing Chen's Design
chronBias Representing chronological bias
coin Function returning the coin slot of an S4 object
combineBias Combined bias criterion
compare Comparison of randomization procedures
compare-method Comparison of randomization procedures
corGuess Representing the expected number of correct guesses
createParam Representing any randomization procedure
createSeq Query to create a randomization sequence of a particular randomization procedure
crPar Representing Complete Randomization
derFunc Representing Derringer-Suich desirability functions
desirability Desirability functions within the scope of clinical trials
ebcPar Representing Efron's Biased Coin Design
evaluate Evaluation of several randomization procedures with respect to certain desirability functions applied to specified issues.
evaluate-method Evaluation of several randomization procedures with respect to certain desirability functions applied to specified issues.
expEndp Representation of exponentially distributed endpoints
gbcdPar Representing Generalized Biased Coin Design
generateAllSequences Complete set of randomization sequences
generateRandomSequences Generate random sequences
genNcps_new Calculation of the NCPs of each randomization sequence for the doubly noncentral t-distribution
genSeq Generate random sequences
genSeq-method Generate random sequences
getAllSeq Complete set of randomization sequences
getAllSeq-method Complete set of randomization sequences
getCorGuesses Matrix of the guesses of the investigator
getDesFunc Type of Desirability function
getDesFunc-method Type of Desirability function
getDesign Design of a randomization procedure
getDesign-method Design of a randomization procedure
getDesScores Applying desirability functions on issues of individual randomization sequences
getDesScores-method Applying desirability functions on issues of individual randomization sequences
getDistributionPars Get distribution parameters of a randomization list
getDistributionPars-method Get distribution parameters of a randomization list
getExpectation Get expectations of a randomization list
getExpectation-method Get expectations of a randomization list
getProb Theoretical probability for randomization sequences
getProb-method Theoretical probability for randomization sequences
getProbabilities Theoretical probability for randomization sequences
getRandList Accessor function for the randomization list
getRandomizationList Accessor function for the randomization list
get_p_values_new Calculating p values
GSD_allocation Calculates the Type I error for different randomization sequences from a randomization procedure for a group sequential design
GSD_allocation_seq Calculates the Type I error for a randomization sequence in a group sequential design
hadaPar Representing Hadamard Randomization
imbal Representing the allocation imbalance
issue Assessment criteria for clinical trials
issues Assessment criteria for clinical trials
K Function returning the number of trial arms slot of an S4 object
lambda Method returning the rate parameter of an expEndp S4 object
method Function returning the method of an S4 object
mpPar Representing Maximal Procedure
mti Function returning the MTI slot of an S4 object
mu Access the expectation value slot of a normEndp S4 object
N Function returning the sample size slot of an S4 object
normEndp Representation of normally distributed endpoints
overview Overview over the parameters used in the 'randomizeR' package
pbrPar Representing Permuted Block Randomization
plot Generic plotting of comparison objects
plot-method Generic plotting of comparison objects
plotDes desScore plotting
plotEv Evaluation plotting
plotSeq Sequence plotting
probUnDes Computing the probability of having desirability scores of zero
probUnDes-method Computing the probability of having desirability scores of zero
randBlocks Function returning the block slot of an S4 object
randomizeR Randomization for Clinical Trials
randPar Settings for randomization procedures
randSeq-class An S4 Class for the representation of randomization sequences
rarPar Representing Random Allocation Rule
ratio Function returning the allocation ratio slot of an S4 object
rho Function returning the adjusting parameter rho slot of an S4 object
rpbrPar Representing Randomized Permuted Block Randomization
rtbdPar Representing Randomized Truncated Binomial Design
saveAssess Saving an assess object
saveRand Saving a randomization lists
scale Method returning the scale parameter of an survEndp S4 object
seed Function returning the allocation seed slot of an object
selBias Representing selection bias
setPower Representing the power
shape Method returning the shape parameter of an survEndp S4 object
sigma Function returning the standard deviation slot of a normEndp S4 object
summary Summary of assessments of a randomization procedure
summary-method Summary of assessments of a randomization procedure
survEndp Representation of survival endpoints
tbdPar Representing Truncated Binomal Design
TV Function returning the target value slot of an S4 object
type Get type of an object
udPar Representing Wei's Urn Design