overview {randomizeR} | R Documentation |
Overview over the parameters used in the randomizeR
This list of parameters yields a comprehensive overview of the parameters
used in the randomizeR
a |
nonnegative parameter which controls the degree of randomness:
For decreasing |
accrualTime |
duration of the accrual period in a survival study. |
add |
integer representing the number of balls that are added to the urn in each step. |
alpha |
the significance level of the test in each simulation. |
bc |
vector which contains the lengths |
b |
numeric vector of length at most 2 specifying the weight(s) for the punishment of deviations from the target value. |
cenRate |
exponential censoring rate in a survival study. |
cenTime |
total duration of a survival study (maximum length of followup). |
d |
effect size. |
df |
degrees of freedom (i.a. |
eta |
numeric specifying the magnitude of selection bias. |
file |
A connection, or a character string naming the file to write to. |
filledBlock |
final tolerated imbalance. This is the difference in number of patients of groups A and B that is permitted at the end of a trial. Usually this is set to zero. |
groups |
character vector of labels for the different treatments. |
ini |
integer representing the initial urn composition. |
k |
length of the block to be permuted. |
K |
number of treatment groups (e.g. K=2 if we compare one experimental against one control treatment). |
lb |
lower bound for the starting value of the poisson distribution. |
lambda |
vector of the exponential rate parameters in each treatment group. |
method |
method that is used to generate the (random) allocation
sequence. It can take values |
mti |
maximum tolerated imbalance in patient numbers during the trial. |
mu |
vector of the expected responses of the treatment groups, should have
length |
N |
integer for the total sample size of the trial. |
name |
name of a variable. |
obj |
object specifying the randomization procedure, see |
object |
any R object. |
p |
success probability of the biased coin (e.g. in Efron's Biased Coin Design). |
pr |
vector with patient responses, i.e. each patients resulting value after the treatment. |
q |
"cut-off" value in |
r |
numeric indicating the number of random sequences to be generated at random, or missing. |
ratio |
vector of length |
rb |
block lengths of the blocks that can be selected equiprobable at random. |
rho |
nonnegative parameter which my be adjusted according to how strongly it is
desired to balance the experiment. If |
rsob |
randomization sequence (of one block). |
rs |
randomization sequence (of all blocks). |
S |
matrix for the computation of the probabilities in the maximal procedure. |
saltus |
integer or |
seed |
a single value, interpreted as an integer, that specifies the seed for the random number generation. |
sigma |
vector of the standard deviations in each treatment group,
should have length |
SLs |
numeric vector of length at most 2 specifying the lower and/or upper specified border. |
theta |
factor of the time trend for further details see |
type |
character vector indicating which biasing strategy the
experimenter is using (selection bias) and which other bias is present in the
clinical trial (e.g. time trend). All biases included in the vector are
combined (i.e. added up) to form the total bias. Possible values are
TV |
numeric specifying the optimal desired value called the target value. |
ub |
upper bound for the last value of the poisson distribution. |
varEq |
x |
a variable |
allocRatio |
numerical vector that represents the allocation ratio for the different strata in a clinical trial |
strata |
numeric specifying the number of strata in a clinical trial |
maxcombo |
logical specifying if the maxcombo test is used |
weights |
numeric specifying the weights used for the test. Unless specified an unweighted test is conducted. |