quarrint-package | Interaction Prediction Between Groundwater and Quarry Extension Using Discrete Choice Models and Artificial Neural Networks |
ann.interactions | Neural Network-based Interaction Index for a Quarry |
as.data.frame.quarry | Coerce a Quarry to a Data Frame |
compute.ann | Neural Network-based Interaction Index for a Quarry |
compute.ann.default | Neural Network-based Interaction Index for a Quarry |
compute.ann.quarry | Neural Network-based Interaction Index for a Quarry |
compute.dc | Discrete Choice Model-based Interaction Index for a Quarry |
compute.dc.default | Discrete Choice Model-based Interaction Index for a Quarry |
compute.dc.quarry | Discrete Choice Model-based Interaction Index for a Quarry |
compute.interaction | Compute the Interaction Index for a Quarry |
compute.interaction.default | Compute the Interaction Index for a Quarry |
compute.interaction.quarry | Compute the Interaction Index for a Quarry |
int.in.range | Check if an object is an integer in a given range |
interaction.index | Compute the Interaction Index for a Quarry |
print.interaction.index | Compute the Interaction Index for a Quarry |
print.quarry | Create a Quarry Object |
quarries | Quarries and Groundwater Interaction |
quarrint | Interaction Prediction Between Groundwater and Quarry Extension Using Discrete Choice Models and Artificial Neural Networks |
quarry | Create a Quarry Object |
train.ann | Training an Artificial Neural Network for Interaction Prediction. |