quarrint-package {quarrint}R Documentation

Interaction Prediction Between Groundwater and Quarry Extension Using Discrete Choice Models and Artificial Neural Networks


An implementation of two interaction indices between extractive activity and groundwater resources based on hazard and vulnerability parameters used in the assessment of natural hazards. One index is based on a discrete choice model and the other is relying on an artificial neural network.


Package: quarrint
Type: Package
Version: 1.0.0
Date: 2016-11-23
Depends: R(>= 2.10.0), neuralnet
License: GPL-2

This package provides two interactions indices between quarries (extractive activity) and groundwater ressources using two different methodologies, namely the discrete choice models and artificial neural networks. The design of those indices is fully detailed in Barthelemy et al. (2016).

The quarries and the groudwater ressources are described by 6 parameters, each classified into 4 modalities. These parameters are grouped into 2 distinct categories:

Each of the resulting 3327 physically feasible combinations of these parameters (out of a theoretical number of 4 6 = 4096 possible combinations) determines one particular quarry site type. These feasible combination are provided in the data frame quarries.

Depending on the values of the parameters, the interaction index can then be low, medium, high or very high. The interaction level can then be used to inform a quarry operator on the required level of investigation before considering any extension of the quarry.

The method compute.interaction provides an interface to compute the 2 interaction indices. It takes as an input an object of type quarry that can be constructed with the method quarry.

The discrete choice-based and the neural network-based indices can be respectively be computed with the functions compute.dc and compute.ann also taking as an input an object of type quarry.

The package also includes the function train.ann to allow the training of custom artificial neural network that can be used with the functions compute.ann and compute.interaction.

Finally an auxillary function int.in.range is also provided to determine if a given integer is within a specified range.


Johan Barthelemy, Timoteo Carletti, Louise Collier, Vincent Hallet, Marie Moriame, M. and Annick Sartenaer.

Maintainer: Johan Barthelemy johan@uow.edu.au.


Barthelemy, J., Carletti, T., Collier L., Hallet, V., Moriame, M., Sartenaer, A. (2016) Interaction prediction between groundwater and quarry extension using discrete choice models and artificial neural networks Environmental Earth Sciences (in press)

Collier, L., Barthelemy, J., Carletti, T., Moriame, M., Sartenaer, A., Hallet, H. (2015) Calculation of an Interaction Index between the Extractive Activity and Groundwater Resources Energy Procedia 76, 412-420

See Also

neuralnet for training and using artifical neural network and BIOGEME to estimate discrete choice models (http://biogeme.epfl.ch/home.html).


# creating a quarry
q <- quarry(geological.context = 2, hydrogeological.context = 4,
            piezometric.context = 1, quarry.position = 4,
            production.catchment = 4, quality.catchment = 3)
# computing the interaction index
inter.idx <- compute.interaction(q)

[Package quarrint version 1.0.0 Index]