quarries {quarrint}R Documentation

Quarries and Groundwater Interaction


Each record of the data frame details a quarry and a groudwater as well as their level of interaction. This level of interaction correspond to the environmental risk, or potential impact of the quarry on the regional hydrology.

Depending on the parameters of the quarry and the groundwater, there will be a low, medium, high or very high level of interaction. Hence, the interaction determines the level of investigation of the feasibility study to undertake before considering any extension of the quarry:

The 6 retained parameters are grouped in 2 categories:

Each of those parameters is classified into 4 modalities.




A data frame with 3327 observations on the following 36 variables.


The id of the observation.


An integer in [1, 4] giving the interaction level.

  1. Low.

  2. Medium.

  3. High.

  4. Very high.


An integer in [1, 4]. Hydrogeological context. Refers to the combinations of geological formations according to their hydrodynamic characteristics.

  1. Aquiclude formation.

  2. Aquitard formation.

  3. Aquifer formation.

  4. Carbonate aquifer formation.


An integer in [1, 4]. Piezometric context: altimetric level of the quarry floor. Characterizes the relative position between the quarry pit bottom and the groundwater piezometric level.

  1. Higher than the piezometric level of the water table.

  2. Lower than the piezometric level of the water table but higher than the river thalweg which is the regional base level.

  3. Lower than the piezometric level of the water table and the altimetric level of the river thalweg which is the regional base level.

  4. Lower than the piezometric level of the water table and the altimetric level of the river thalweg which is not the regional level any more (the river is perched).


An integer in [1, 4]. Geological context. Characterizes the lithology and extension of the geological formation exploited in the quarry and those of the neighbouring geological formations that will govern the groundwater flow directions.

  1. Completely isolated by other formations with low permeability.

  2. Limited extension and partly compartmentalized.

  3. Local extension.

  4. Regional extension.


An integer in [1, 4]. Relative position of the quarry and the water catchments. Catchments (well, spring, gallery, etc.) for public distribution of drinking water are threatened by various sources of pollution. Closer a quarry gets to the catchment, greater its impact may be important. Consequently, 4 successive perimeters, within which the activities and facilities are regulated, are set up around the catchment based on the velocity of groundwater (transfert time).

  1. Outside the drainage zone of a catchment.

  2. In the drainage zone of a catchment.

  3. In the distant prevention area of a catchment (50 days of delay in case of aquifer contamination).

  4. In the close prevention area of a catchment (24 hours of delay in case of aquifer contamination).


An integer in [1, 4]. Production of the catchments. Volume exploited in catchments for public distribution in the hydrogeological formation near the quarry.

  1. Lower than 2 m3/h.

  2. Between 2 and 10 m3/h.

  3. Between 10 and 30 m3/h.

  4. Greater than 30 m3/h.


An integer in [1, 4]. Potential quality of the catchments. Quality and the potability of the groundwater.

  1. Poor quality.

  2. Water potabilisable with minor treatment.

  3. Good quality water.

  4. Water of exceptional quality (mineral water).


An integer set to 1 if INTERACTION = 1, 0 otherwhise.


An integer set to 1 if INTERACTION = 2, 0 otherwhise.


An integer set to 1 if INTERACTION = 3, 0 otherwhise.


An integer set to 1 if INTERACTION = 4, 0 otherwhise.


An integer set to 1 if H = 1, 0 otherwhise.


An integer set to 1 if H = 2, 0 otherwhise.


An integer set to 1 if H = 3, 0 otherwhise.


An integer set to 1 if H = 4, 0 otherwhise.


An integer set to 1 if Z = 1, 0 otherwhise.


An integer set to 1 if Z = 2, 0 otherwhise.


An integer set to 1 if Z = 3, 0 otherwhise.


An integer set to 1 if Z = 4, 0 otherwhise.


An integer set to 1 if G = 1, 0 otherwhise.


An integer set to 1 if G = 2, 0 otherwhise.


An integer set to 1 if G = 3, 0 otherwhise.


An integer set to 1 if G = 4, 0 otherwhise.


An integer set to 1 if C = 1, 0 otherwhise.


An integer set to 1 if C = 2, 0 otherwhise.


An integer set to 1 if C = 3, 0 otherwhise.


An integer set to 1 if C = 4, 0 otherwhise.


An integer set to 1 if T = 1, 0 otherwhise.


An integer set to 1 if T = 2, 0 otherwhise.


An integer set to 1 if T = 3, 0 otherwhise.


An integer set to 1 if T = 4, 0 otherwhise.


An integer set to 1 if L = 1, 0 otherwhise.


An integer set to 1 if L = 2, 0 otherwhise.


An integer set to 1 if L = 3, 0 otherwhise.


An integer set to 1 if L = 4, 0 otherwhise.


Deparment of Geology, University of Namur, Namur, Belgium - https://www.unamur.be/en/sci/geology


Barthelemy, J., Carletti, T., Collier L., Hallet,V., Moriame, M., Sartenaer, A. (2016) Interaction prediction between groundwater and quarry extension using discrete choice models and artificial neural networks Environmental Earth Sciences (in press)

Collier, L., Barthelemy, J., Carletti, T., Moriame, M., Sartenaer, A., Hallet, V. (2015) Calculation of an Interaction Index between the Extractive Activity and Groundwater Resources Energy Procedia 76, 412-420


# histogram of INTERACTION levels

[Package quarrint version 1.0.0 Index]