ApplyCombMod |
Apply a combined exponential and linear model |
ApplyCombMod2 |
Apply a combined exponential and linear model |
Conductance |
Leaf Conductance |
ExtractFitParam |
Extracts the fitting parameters from results list |
ExtractParam |
Extracts parameters from result list |
FitLeafArea |
Leaf area fitting |
FittedFW |
Correct continuous fresh weight measurements |
FWSaturated |
Saturated fresh weight estimation |
Gmin |
Minimum leaf conductance |
leaf_drying_data |
Experimentally determined leaf drying data |
MergeDf |
Merges data to data frames |
ModElasticity |
Modulus of elasticity |
OrderCheck |
Order Check |
OsmoticPot |
Pressure Volume Curve Analysis |
PlotOutput |
Plot Output |
pressure_volume_data |
Pressure volume curve data |
RelativeWaterContent |
Relative Water Content (RWC) |
RelativeWaterDeficit |
Relative Water Deficit (RWD) |
RWDInterval |
Mean relative water deficit (RWD) of an interval |
SaturationVaporPressure |
Saturation vapor pressure (VPsat) |
StomatalClosure |
Point of stomatal closure |
TimeInterval |
Time Interval |
TimeSinceStart |
Time Since Start |
Transpiration |
Leaf transpiration |
TurgorLossPoint |
Turgor Loss Point |
ValidityCheck |
Ensures the validity of the input data |
ValidityCheckDetail |
Checks if column exists in data, is numeric and has the same lenghts as the others existence |
VaporPressureDeficit |
Vapor Pressure Deficit (VPD) |
WeatherAllocation |
Weather Allocation |
weather_data |
Weather data |
WeightDifference |
Weight Difference |