Conductance {pvldcurve}R Documentation

Leaf Conductance


Calculates mole-based or concentraction-based conductance (stomatal or minimal conductance) (mmol s^-1 m^-2 or mm s^-1) of the double-sided leaf area by experimental weight loss data and weather data


Conductance(data, sample = "sample", fresh.weight = "fitted.fw",
  date.and.time = "date.and.time", leaf.area = "leaf.area",
  humidity = "humidity", temperature = "temperature",
  atmospheric.pressure = 101.35, driving.force = "mole")



data frame, with columns of equal length containg at least columns with time (and date) of the fresh weight measurements,the measured fresh weights (g) and the single-sided leaf area (cm^2) of the sample as well as the average relative humidity (%) and temperature (degree Celsius) during the measurement intervals. The data is to be ordered chronologically by sample. A column containing the sample IDs is optionally required if several samples were measured.


optional name of the column in data containing the sample ID; default: "sample"


optional name of the column in data containing the numeric fresh weight values (g); default: "fitted.fw" (fresh weight corrected by noises as outputted for leaf drying curves by the function FittedFW)


optional name of the column in data containing the time of the fresh weight measurements as class POSIXct; default: "date.and.time"


optional name of the column in data containing the numeric single-sided leaf area values (cm^2); default: "leaf.area"


optional name of the column in data containing the numeric humidity values (%); default: "humidity"


optional name of the column in data containing the numeric temperature values (degree Celsius); default: "temperature"


optional, giving the numeric atmospheric pressure in kPA, default = 101.325 (atmospheric pressure at sea level)


optional; possible values: mole or conc; defines whether conductance is expressed on the basis of a mole fraction-based (default) or a concentration-based driving force


Calculates mole-based conductance (mmol s^-1 m^-2) as:

g=T/VPDg = T / VPD

whereas T = transpiration (mmol s^-1 m^-2) is calculated as:

T=ΔFM1000(Δt60LA2/1000018.01528)1T = \Delta FM * 1000 * (\Delta t * 60 * LA * 2 /10000 * 18.01528)^-1

whereas Δ\DeltaFM = fresh matter reduction (g), Δ\Deltat = time interval (min), LA = single-sided leaf area (cm^2) and VPD = vapor pressure deficit (mol * mol^-1) is calculated as:

VPD=(1RH/100)(VPsat/AP) VPD = (1 - RH / 100) * (VPsat / AP)

whereas RH = relative humidity (%), VPsat = saturation vapor pressure (kPA), AP = atmospheric pressure (kPA), whereas:

VPsat=0.61121exp((18.678T/234.5)(T257.14+T))VPsat = 0.61121 * exp ((18.678 - T / 234.5) (T * 257.14 + T))

where T = air temperature (degree Celsius)

Concentration based conductance (mm s^-1) is derived from mole-based conductance g(mol) as:

g(conc)=g(mol)R(T+273.15)/AP/1000g(conc) = g(mol) * R * (T + 273.15) / AP / 1000

whereas: R = gas constant (8.3144598 J (mol * K)^-1) and T = absolute temperature (degree Celsius)


The original data frame extended by a numeric column with the mole-based or the concentration- based conductance (mmol s^-1 m^-2, mm s^-1) of the double-sided leaf area (conductance). The first value of each sample is NA since conductance values are computed from row i and i-1


# get example data
weight_loss_data <- leaf_drying_data
weather_data <- weather_data
df <- WeatherAllocation(weight_loss_data, weather_data)   # allocate weather to weight loss data

# extend the data frame by mole-based conductance values
df_with_conductance <- Conductance(df, fresh.weight = "fresh.weight")

# extend the data frame by concentration-based conductance values
df_with_conductance <- Conductance(df, fresh.weight = "fresh.weight", driving.force = "conc")

# calculate with atmospheric pressure of 99.8 kPA
df_with_conductance <- Conductance(df, fresh.weight = "fresh.weight", atmospheric.pressure = 99.8)

[Package pvldcurve version 1.2.6 Index]