ExtractParam {pvldcurve} | R Documentation |
Extracts parameters from result list
Extracts the curve parameters from the result lists of the functions analysing the pressure volume curve (TurgorLossPoint, OsmoticPot and ModElasticity) or the functions analysing the leaf drying curve (StomatalClosure and Gmin)
result_list |
output list from the functions TurgorLossPoint, OsmoticPot, ModElasticity, StomatalClosure or Gmin |
data frame containing the results from the curve analysis only, depending on the function used, relative water deficit at turgor loss point (rwd.tlp), water potential at turgor loss point (water.pot.tlp), apoplastic fraction (apo.fract), osmotic potential at full saturation (osmotic.pot.full.sat), modulus of elasticity (modulus.elasticity), time since start of desiccation of stomatal closure (stom.clos.time), relative water deficit at stomatal closure (stom.clos.rwd), minimum conductance determined by the intercept of the leaf drying curve fit with the point of stomatal closure (stom.clos.gmin), by taking the mean from all minimum conductance values (mean.gmin) or minimum conductance determined by extrapolation of minimum conductance curve linearly to full saturation (gmin.full.sat)
# use pressure volume data provided by package
pv_data <- pressure_volume_data
# do pressure volume curve analysis
pv_data <- RelativeWaterDeficit(pv_data)
results <- OsmoticPot(pv_data, graph = FALSE)
# extract curve values