Applied Psychometric Theory

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psychometric-package Applied Psychometric Theory
ABHt32 Table 3.2 from Arthur et al
alpha Cronbach's Coefficient Alpha
alpha.CI Confidence Interval for Coefficient Alpha
aprox.Qrbar Meta-Analytic Q statistic for r-bar
aprox.vare Sampling Error Variance
apt Applied Psychometric Theory
aRxx Artifact Distribtutions Used in Meta-Analysis
bRyy Artifact Distribtutions Used in Meta-Analysis
CAFAA Compound Attenuation Factor for Meta-Analytic Artifact Corrections
CI.alpha Confidence Interval for Coefficient Alpha
CI.obs Confidence Intervals for Test Scores
CI.Rsq Confidence Interval for R-squared
CI.Rsqlm Confidence Interval for Rsq - from lm()
CI.tscore Confidence Intervals for Test Scores
CIr Confidence Interval for a Correlation Coefficient
CIrb Confidence Interval about Sample Weighted Mean Correlation
CIrbar Confidence Interval about Sample Weighted Mean Correlation
CIrdif Confidence Interval for the difference in Correlation Coefficients
CIz Confidence Interval for Fisher z'
ClassUtil Classical Utility of a Test
CredIntRho Credibility Interval for Meta-Analytic Rho
cRR Artifact Distribtutions Used in Meta-Analysis
cRRr Correction for Range Restriction
CVF Compound Variance Factor for Meta-Analytic Artifact Corrections
CVratio Content Validity Ratio
discrim Item Discrimination
EnterMeta Enter Meta-Analysis Data
Est.true Estimation of a True Score
FileDrawer File Drawer N
FISHER r to z Fisher r to z'
Fisher z to r Fisher z' to r
FunnelPlot Funnel Plot for Meta-Analysis
HSJt35 Table 3.5 Hunter et al.
ICC.CI Confidence interval for the Intra-class Correlation
ICC.lme Intraclass Correlation Coefficient from a Mixed-Effects Model
ICC1.CI Confidence interval for the Intra-class Correlation
ICC1.lme Intraclass Correlation Coefficient from a Mixed-Effects Model
ICC2.CI Confidence interval for the Intra-class Correlation
ICC2.lme Intraclass Correlation Coefficient from a Mixed-Effects Model
item.exam Item Analysis
MargUtil Marginal and Total Utility of a Test
MetaTable Summary function for 'Complete' Meta-Analysis
psychometric Applied Psychometric Theory
pvaaa Percent of Variance Accounted for by Artifacts in Rho
pvse Percent of variance due to sampling error
Qrbar Meta-Analytic Q statistic for r-bar
Qrho Meta-Analytic Q statistic for rho
r.nil Nil hypothesis for a correlation
r.null Nil hypothesis for a correlation
r2z Fisher r to z'
rbar Sample size weighted mean correlation
rdif.nul Null hypothesis for difference in two correlations
rhoCA Meta-Analytically Derived Correlation Coefficient Corrected for Artifacts
SBlength Spearman-Brown Prophecy Formulae
SBrel Spearman-Brown Prophecy Formulae
SE.Est Standard Errors of Measurement (test scores)
SE.Meas Standard Errors of Measurement (test scores)
SE.Pred Standard Errors of Measurement (test scores)
SErbar Standard Error for Sample Size Weighted Mean Correlation
SERHET Standard Error for Sample Size Weighted Mean Correlation
SERHOM Standard Error for Sample Size Weighted Mean Correlation
SEz Standard Error of Fishers z prime
SpearmanBrown Spearman-Brown Prophecy Formulae
TestScores Fictitious Test Scores for Illustrative Purposes
TotUtil Marginal and Total Utility of a Test
Utility Marginal and Total Utility of a Test
varAV Variance Due to Attenuating Artifacts
vare Sampling Error Variance
vare36 Sampling Error Variance
varr Sample Size weighted variance
varRCA Variance in Meta-Analytic Rho
varRes Residual Variance in Meta-Analytic Correlation
varResT True residual variance in correlations
z2r Fisher z' to r