psychometric-package {psychometric}R Documentation

Applied Psychometric Theory


Contains functions useful for correlation theory, meta-analysis (validity-generalization), reliability, item analysis, inter-rater reliability, and classical utility


Package: psychometric
Type: Package
Version: 2.4
License: GPL (version 2.0 or later)

This package corresponds to the basic concepts encountered in an introductory course in Psychometric Theory at the Graduate level. It is especially useful for Industrial/Organizational Psychologists, but will be useful for any student or practitioner of psychometric theory. I originally developed this package to correspond with concepts covered illustrated in PSYC 7429 at the University of MO - St. Louis course in Psychometric Theory.


Thomas D. Fletcher
Strategic Resources
State Farm Insurance Cos.

Maintainer: Thomas D. Fletcher

See Also

multilevel-package ltm-package psy-package polycor-package nlme-package


# Convert Pearson r to Fisher z'
r2z (.51)
# Convert Fisher z' to r
z2r (.563)

# Construct a CI about a True Score
# Observed = 700, Test Ave. = 500, SD = 100, and reliability = .9
CI.tscore (700, 500, 100, .9)

# Compute the classical utility of a test
# Assuming base-rate = .5, selection ratio = .5 and rxy = .5
ClassUtil(rxy=.5, BR=.5, SR=.5)

# Examine test score items
item.exam(TestScores[,1:10], y = TestScores[,11], discrim=TRUE)

[Package psychometric version 2.4 Index]