Adaptive, Sine-Multitaper Power Spectral Density and Cross Spectrum Estimation

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Documentation for package ‘psd’ version 2.1.1

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A C D G H I L M N O P R S T U V W Z misc

psd-package Adaptive power spectral density estimation using optimal sine multitapers

-- A --

adapt_message Adaptive sine multitaper power spectral density estimation Generic methods for objects with class "spec" Generic methods for objects with class "tapers"
as.list.spec Generic methods for objects with class "spec"
as.matrix.spec Generic methods for objects with class "spec"
as.tapers Coerce an object into a "tapers" object.

-- C --

coherence coherence
colvec Various utility functions.
constrain_tapers Taper constraint methods
constrain_tapers.default Taper constraint methods
constrain_tapers.tapers Taper constraint methods
create_poly Various utility functions.
ctap_loess Taper constraints using loess smoothing
ctap_loess.default Taper constraints using loess smoothing
ctap_loess.tapers Taper constraints using loess smoothing
ctap_simple Taper constraints using simple derivatives
ctap_simple.default Taper constraints using simple derivatives
ctap_simple.tapers Taper constraints using simple derivatives

-- D --

data.frame.tapers Generic methods for objects with class "tapers"
dB Various utility functions.
db Various utility functions.
decibels Various utility functions.
det_vector det_vector

-- G --

get_adapt_history Various environment manipulation functions.
get_psd_env_name Various environment manipulation functions.
get_psd_env_pointer Various environment manipulation functions.

-- H --

hfsnm Noise levels found in PBO strainmeter data at seismic frequencies.

-- I --

is.amt Various utility functions.
is.spec Various utility functions.
is.tapers Various utility functions.

-- L --

last_psd Various environment manipulation functions.
lines.spec Generic methods for objects with class "spec"
lines.tapers Generic methods for objects with class "tapers"

-- M --

magnet A single line of Project MAGNET horizontal field intensity
minspan Taper constraint methods
minspan.default Taper constraint methods
minspan.tapers Taper constraint methods
mod Various utility functions.
modulo_floor Nearest value below

-- N --

na_locf Various utility functions.
na_locf.default Various utility functions.
na_locf.matrix Various utility functions.
na_mat Various utility functions.
new_adapt_history Various environment manipulation functions.
normalization Normalization of power spectral density estimates.
normalize Normalization of power spectral density estimates.
normalize.amt Normalization of power spectral density estimates.
normalize.list Normalization of power spectral density estimates.
normalize.spec Normalization of power spectral density estimates.

-- O --

ones Various utility functions.

-- P --

parabolic_weights parabolic_weights_field
parabolic_weights.default parabolic_weights_field
parabolic_weights.tapers parabolic_weights_field
parabolic_weights_field parabolic_weights_field
parabolic_weights_rcpp parabolic_weights_field
pgram_compare Compare multitaper spectrum with cosine-tapered periodogram
pgram_compare.amt Compare multitaper spectrum with cosine-tapered periodogram
phase phase
pilot_spec Calculate initial power spectral density estimates
pilot_spec.default Calculate initial power spectral density estimates
pilot_spec.matrix Calculate initial power spectral density estimates
pilot_spec.ts Calculate initial power spectral density estimates
pilot_spectrum Calculate initial power spectral density estimates
plot.tapers Generic methods for objects with class "tapers"
points.tapers Generic methods for objects with class "tapers"
prewhiten Prepare a series for spectral estimation
prewhiten.default Prepare a series for spectral estimation
prewhiten.ts Prepare a series for spectral estimation
print.summary.tapers Generic methods for objects with class "tapers"
print.tapers Generic methods for objects with class "tapers"
psd Adaptive power spectral density estimation using optimal sine multitapers
psd-environment Various environment manipulation functions.
psd-normalization Normalization of power spectral density estimates.
psd-utilities Various utility functions.
psdcore Multitaper power spectral density estimates of a series
psdcore.default Multitaper power spectral density estimates of a series
psdcore.matrix Multitaper power spectral density estimates of a series
psdcore.ts Multitaper power spectral density estimates of a series
psd_envAssign Various environment manipulation functions.
psd_envAssignGet Various environment manipulation functions.
psd_envClear Various environment manipulation functions.
psd_envGet Various environment manipulation functions.
psd_envList Various environment manipulation functions.
psd_envRefresh Various environment manipulation functions.
psd_envStatus Various environment manipulation functions.
pspectrum Adaptive sine multitaper power spectral density estimation
pspectrum.default Adaptive sine multitaper power spectral density estimation
pspectrum.matrix Adaptive sine multitaper power spectral density estimation
pspectrum.spec Adaptive sine multitaper power spectral density estimation
pspectrum.ts Adaptive sine multitaper power spectral density estimation
pspectrum_basic Adaptive sine multitaper power spectral density estimation

-- R --

rcpp_ctap_simple c++ implementation of the RLP constraint filter
resample_fft_rcpp Resample an fft using varying numbers of sine tapers
resample_mvfft Resample an fft using varying numbers of sine tapers
riedsid Constrained, optimal tapers using the Riedel & Sidorenko-Parker method
riedsid.default Constrained, optimal tapers using the Riedel & Sidorenko-Parker method
riedsid.spec Constrained, optimal tapers using the Riedel & Sidorenko-Parker method
riedsid2 Constrained, optimal tapers using the Riedel & Sidorenko-Parker method
riedsid2.default Constrained, optimal tapers using the Riedel & Sidorenko-Parker method
riedsid2.spec Constrained, optimal tapers using the Riedel & Sidorenko-Parker method
riedsid_rcpp replaces time consuming portion of riedsid2
rowvec Various utility functions.

-- S --

spec-methods Generic methods for objects with class "spec"
spec.pilot Calculate initial power spectral density estimates
spec.psd Adaptive power spectral density estimation using optimal sine multitapers
spectral_properties Calculate properties of multitaper power spectral density estimates
spectral_properties.default Calculate properties of multitaper power spectral density estimates
spectral_properties.spec Calculate properties of multitaper power spectral density estimates
spectral_properties.tapers Calculate properties of multitaper power spectral density estimates
spec_confint Confidence intervals for multitaper power spectral density estimates
spec_confint.default Confidence intervals for multitaper power spectral density estimates
spec_confint.spec Confidence intervals for multitaper power spectral density estimates
spec_confint.tapers Confidence intervals for multitaper power spectral density estimates
spec_details Generic methods for objects with class "spec"
splineGrad Numerical derivatives of a series based on its smooth-spline representation
splineGrad.default Numerical derivatives of a series based on its smooth-spline representation
summary.tapers Generic methods for objects with class "tapers"

-- T --

tapers Coerce an object into a "tapers" object.
tapers-constraints Taper constraint methods
tapers-methods Generic methods for objects with class "tapers"
tapers-refinement Taper constraints using simple derivatives
Tohoku Observations of teleseismic strains from the 2011 Tohoku earthquake.

-- U --

update_adapt_history Various environment manipulation functions.
update_adapt_history.default Various environment manipulation functions.
update_adapt_history.spec Various environment manipulation functions.

-- V --

varddiff Various utility functions.
varddiff.default Various utility functions.
varddiff.spec Various utility functions.
vardiff Various utility functions.
vector_reshape Various utility functions.

-- W --

wipp30 Water levels from borehole WIPP30

-- Z --

zeros Various utility functions.

-- misc --

.spec_confint Confidence intervals for multitaper power spectral density estimates