spectral_properties {psd} | R Documentation |
Calculate properties of multitaper power spectral density estimates
Various spectral properties may be computed from the vector of tapers, and if necessary the sampling frequency.
spectral_properties(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'spec'
spectral_properties(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'tapers'
spectral_properties(x, ...)
## Default S3 method:
spectral_properties(x, f.samp = 1, n.freq = NULL, p = 0.95, db.ci = FALSE, ...)
x |
object to calculate spectral properties for; or a vector of number of tapers |
... |
additional arguments |
f.samp |
numeric; the sampling frequency (e.g. Hz) of the series the tapers are for |
n.freq |
integer; the number of frequencies of the original spectrum
(if |
p |
numeric; the coverage probability, bound within |
db.ci |
logical; should the uncertainty confidence intervals be returned as decibels? |
Parameter Details:
See spec_confint
for details.
The frequency resolution depends on the number of tapers (K
), and
is found from
\frac{K \cdot f_N}{N_f}
where f_N
is the Nyquist
frequency and N_f
is the
number of frequencies estimated.
Degrees of Freedom
There are two degrees of freedom for each taper K
\nu = 2 K
The bandwidth of a multitaper estimate depends on the number of
Following Walden et al (1995) the effective bandwidth is \approx 2W
W = \frac{K + 1}{2 N}
and N
is the number of terms in the series, which makes N \cdot W
approximate time-bandwidth product.
A list with the following properties (and names):
: the number of tapersstderr.chi .upper, .lower, .median
: results returned fromspec_confint
: effective spectral resolutiondof
: degrees of freedom; will be slightly inaccurate for single-taper periodogramsbw
: effective bandwidth of the spectrum
A.J. Barbour
See Also
## Not run: #REX
## Spectral properties from the number of tapers used
## (portions extracted from overview vignette)
# Theoretical uncertainties from Chi^2 distribution
sp <- spectral_properties(as.tapers(1:50), p=0.95, db.ci=TRUE)
plot(stderr.chi.upper ~ taper, sp, type="s",
ylim=c(-10,20), yaxs="i", xaxs="i",
xlab=expression("number of tapers ("* nu/2 *")"), ylab="dB",
main="Spectral uncertainties")
lines(stderr.chi.lower ~ taper, sp, type="s")
lines(stderr.chi.median ~ taper, sp, type="s", lwd=2)
lines(stderr.chi.approx ~ taper, sp, type="s", col="red",lwd=2)
# An example using the Project MAGNET dataset
tapinit <- 15 # tapers
dt <- 1 # 1/km
# remove mean/trend (not really necessary but good practice; also, done internally)
ats <- prewhiten(ts(magnet$clean, deltat=dt), plot=FALSE)$prew_lm
# normal and adaptive multitaper spectra
Pspec <- psdcore(ats, dt, tapinit)
Aspec <- pspectrum(ats, dt, tapinit, niter=3, plot=FALSE)
# calculate spectral properties
spp <- spectral_properties(Pspec$taper, db.ci=TRUE)
spa <- spectral_properties(Aspec$taper, db.ci=TRUE)
# function to create polygon data, and create them
pspp <- create_poly(Pspec$freq, dB(Pspec$spec), spp$stderr.chi.approx)
psppu <- create_poly(Pspec$freq, dB(Pspec$spec), spp$stderr.chi.upper)
pspa <- create_poly(Aspec$freq, dB(Aspec$spec), spa$stderr.chi.approx)
pspau <- create_poly(Aspec$freq, dB(Aspec$spec), spa$stderr.chi.upper)
## Project MAGNET uncertainties
main="Project MAGNET Spectral Uncertainty (p > 0.95)",
ylab="", xlab="spatial frequency, 1/km", yaxt="n", frame.plot=FALSE)
text(.05, -1.4, "3.01 dB")
polygon(psppu$xx, (psppu$yy), col="light grey", border="black", lwd=0.5)
polygon(pspp$xx, (pspp$yy), col="dark grey", border=NA)
text(0.15, 6, "With adaptive\ntaper refinement", cex=1.2)
polygon(pspau$xx, (pspau$yy)-10, col="light grey", border="black", lwd=0.5)
polygon(pspa$xx, (pspa$yy)-10, col="dark grey", border=NA)
text(0.35, 22, "Uniform tapering", cex=1.2)
## Project MAGNET resolution
frq <- Aspec$freq
relp <- dB(1/spa$resolution)
plot(frq, relp,
col="light grey",
type="h", xaxs="i", yaxs="i",
ylab="dB", xlab="frequency, 1/km",
main="Project MAGNET Spectral Resolution and Uncertainty")
lines(frq, relp)
lines(frq, spp$stderr.chi.upper+relp, lwd=1.5, lty=3)
lines(frq, spa$stderr.chi.upper+relp, lwd=3, lty=2)
abline(h=dB(sqrt(vardiff(Aspec$spec))), lwd=1.5, lty=2, col="red")
## End(Not run)#REX