prewhiten {psd}R Documentation

Prepare a series for spectral estimation


Remove (optionally) mean, trend, and Auto Regressive (AR) model from the original series.


prewhiten(tser, ...)

## Default S3 method:
prewhiten(tser, x.fsamp = 1, x.start = c(1, 1), ...)

## S3 method for class 'ts'
  AR.max = 0L,
  detrend = TRUE,
  demean = TRUE,
  impute = TRUE,
  plot = TRUE,
  verbose = TRUE,



vector; An object to prewhiten.


variables passed to prewhiten.ts (for non ts objects)


sampling frequency (for non ts objects)


start time of observations (for non ts objects)


numeric; the maximum AR order to fit.


logical; Should a trend (and mean) be removed?


logical; Should a mean value be removed?


logical; Should NA values be imputed?


logical; Should the results be plotted?


logical; Should messages be printed?


The R-S multitapers do not exhibit the remarkable spectral-leakage suppression properties of the Thomson prolate tapers, so that in spectra with large dynamic range, power bleeds from the strong peaks into neighboring frequency bands of low amplitude – spectral leakage. Prewhitening can ameliorate the problem, at least for red spectra [see Chapter 9, Percival and Walden (1993)].

The value of the AR.max argument is made absolute, after which this function has essentially two modes of operation (detailed below):

AR.max == 0

Remove (optionally) a mean and/or linear trend.

AR.max > 0

Remove an autoregressive model

In the second case, the time series is filtered in the time domain with a finite-impulse-response filter of AR.max terms. The filter is found by solving the Yule-Walker equations for which it is assumed the series was generated by an autoregressive process, up to order AR.max.

Mean and trend (AR.max == 0)

Power spectral density estimates can become badly biased (especially at lower frequencies) if a signal of the form f(x)=Ax+Bf(x) = A x + B is not removed from the series. If detrend=TRUE a model of this form is removed over the entire series using a linear least-squares estimator; in this case a mean value is removed regardless of the logical state of demean. To remove only a mean value, set detrend=FALSE and (obviously) demean=TRUE.

Auto Regressive (AR) innovations (AR.max > 0)

When an autoregressive model is removed from a non-stationary series, the residuals are known as 'innovations', and may be stationary (or very-nearly stationary). This function fits an AR model [order at least 1, but up to and including AR(AR.max)] to the series by solving the Yule-Walker equations; however, AIC is used to estimate the highest significant order, which means that higher-order components may not necessarily be fit. The resulting innovations can be used to better estimate the stationary component of the original signal, and possibly in an interactive editing method.

Note that the method used here–solving the Yule-Walker equations–is not a true maximum likelihood estimator; hence the AIC is calculated based on the variance estimate (no determinant). From ?ar: In ar.yw the variance matrix of the innovations is computed from the fitted coefficients and the autocovariance of x.

A quick way to determine whether this may be needed for the series is to run acf on the series, and see if significant non-zero lag correlations are found. A warning is produced if the fit returns an AR(0) fit, indicating that AR prewhitening most likely inappropriate for the series, which is apparently stationary (or very nearly so). (The innovations could end up having higher variance than the input series in such a case.)

Note that AR.max is restricted to the range [1,N1][1,N-1] where NN is the series length.


A list with the model fits (lm and ar objects), the linear and AR prewhitened series (ts objects), and a logical flag indicating whether the I/O has been imputed. This list includes: "lmdfit", "ardfit", "prew_lm", "prew_ar", and "imputed"

Note that if AR.max=0 the AR information will exist as NULL.

NA values

NA values are allowed. If present, and impute=TRUE, the na.locf function in the package zoo is used twice (with and without fromLast so that lead and trailing NA values are also imputed). The function name is an acronym for "Last Observation Carried Forward", a very crude method of imputation.


A.J. Barbour and Robert L. Parker

See Also

psdcore, pspectrum


## Not run: #REX

## Using prewhiten to improve spectral estimates

mts <- ts(magnet$clean)
# add a slope
mts.slope <- mts + seq_along(mts)

# Prewhiten by removing mean+trend, and
# AR model; fit truncates the series by 
# a few terms, so zero pad
mts <- prewhiten(mts.slope,  AR.max=10, zero.pad="rear")
mts.p <- mts[['prew_lm']]
mts.par <- mts[['prew_ar']]

# uniformly-tapered spectral estimates
PSD <- psdcore(mts.p, ntaper=20) <- psdcore(mts.par, ntaper=20)

# remove the effect of AR model[['spec']] <-[['spec']] / mean([['spec']])
PSD[['spec']] <- PSD[['spec']] /[['spec']]

plot(PSD, log='dB', lwd=2, ylim=c(-5,35))
plot(PSD, log='dB', add=TRUE, lwd=2, col="red")
plot(, log='dB', add=TRUE, col="blue", lwd=2)

## End(Not run)#REX

[Package psd version 2.1.1 Index]