Predicting Species Accumulation Curves

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Documentation for package ‘preseqR’ version 4.0.0

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preseqR-package Predicting r-species accumulation curves
bbc.rSAC BBC estimator
cs.rSAC CS estimator
Dickens Dickens' vocabulary
ds.rSAC RFA estimator
ds.rSAC.bootstrap RFA estimator with bootstrap
fisher.alpha Parameter alpha in the logseries estimator
fisher.rSAC Logseries estimator
FisherButterfly Fisher's butterfly data
kmer.frac.curve Fraction of k-mers observed at least r times
kmer.frac.curve.bootstrap Fraction of k-mers observed at least r times with bootstrap
preseqR.interpolate.rSAC Interpolation
preseqR.nonreplace.sampling Sampling
preseqR.optimal.sequencing Optimal amount of sequencing for scWGS
preseqR.rSAC Best practice for r-SAC - a fast version
preseqR.rSAC.bootstrap Best practice for r-SAC
preseqR.rSAC.sequencing.rmdup Predicting r-SAC in WES/WGS
preseqR.sample.cov Predicting generalized sample coverage
preseqR.sample.cov.bootstrap Predicting generalized sample coverage with bootstrap
preseqR.simu.hist Simulation
preseqR.ztnb.em Fitting a zero-truncated negative binomial distribution
Shakespeare Shakespeare's word type frequencies
SRR061157_k31 k-mer counts of a metagenomic data
SRR1301329_1M_base Coverage histogram of a WES data
SRR1301329_1M_read Read counts of a WES data
SRR1301329_base Coverage histogram of a WES data
SRR1301329_read Read counts of a WES data
SRR611492 Coverage histogram of a scWGS data
SRR611492_5M Coverage histogram of a scWGS data
Twitter Social network
WillButterfly Fisher's butterfly data
ztnb.rSAC ZTNB estimator
ztp.rSAC ZTP estimator