'Praat Picture' Style Plots of Acoustic Data

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Documentation for package ‘praatpicture’ version 1.2.0

Help Pages

conv2sc Convert capital letters to Unicode small caps
draw_arrow Draw arrow on praatpicture plot component
draw_lines Draw straight lines on plot component
draw_rectangle Draw rectangle on praatpicture plot component
emupicture Make Praat Picture style plots in EMU
formantplot Plot formant object
intensityplot Plot intensity object
make_annot Annotate praatpicture plot component
make_TextGrid Interactively create a TextGrid object
pitchplot Plot pitch object
praatanimation Make animations from Praat Picture-style plots of acoustic data
praatpicture Make Praat Picture style plots of acoustic data
shiny_praatpicture Run praatpicture as Shiny app
specplot Plot spectrogram
talking_praatpicture Make Praat Picture style plots of acoustic data with embedded audio
tgplot Plot TextGrid
tg_createTier Interactively create a TextGrid tier
tg_stylize Convert Praat font styles to R font styles
waveplot Plot waveform