specplot {praatpicture}R Documentation

Plot spectrogram


Function for plotting spectrograms called by praatpicture. Instead of using this function directly, just use praatpicture('my_sound_file', frames='spectrogram').


  tfrom0 = TRUE,
  freqRange = c(0, 5000),
  windowLength = 0.005,
  dynamicRange = 60,
  timeStep = 1000,
  windowShape = "Gaussian",
  colors = c("white", "black"),
  pitch_plotOnSpec = FALSE,
  pt = NULL,
  pitch_plotType = "draw",
  pitch_scale = "hz",
  pitch_freqRange = NULL,
  pitch_axisLabel = NULL,
  pitch_color = "black",
  formant_plotOnSpec = FALSE,
  fm = NULL,
  formant_plotType = "speckle",
  formant_dynamicRange = 30,
  formant_color = "black",
  intensity_plotOnSpec = FALSE,
  it = NULL,
  intensity_range = NULL,
  intensity_axisLabel = "Intensity (dB)",
  intensity_color = "black",
  tgbool = FALSE,
  lines = NULL,
  focusTierColor = "black",
  focusTierLineType = "dotted",
  ind = NULL,
  min_max_only = TRUE,
  axisLabel = "Frequency (Hz)"



Numeric vector corresponding to a sound signal.


Integer giving the sampling rate of the signal.


Numeric vector giving times corresponding to the signal.


Start time (in seconds) of desired plotted area.


End time (in seconds) of desired plotted area.


Logical; should time on the x-axis run from 0 or from the original time? Default is TRUE.


Vector of two integers giving the frequency range to be used for plotting spectrograms. Default is c(0,5000).


Window length in seconds for generating spectrograms. Default is 0.005.


Dynamic range in dB for generating spectrograms. The maximum intensity minus dynamicRange will all be printed in white. Default is 50.


How many time steps should be calculated for spectrograms? Default is 1000. Note that this takes a while to plot, so for fiddling with plotting parameters it is a good idea to choose a smaller value.


String giving the name of the window shape to be applied to the signal when generating spectrograms. Default is Gaussian; other options are square, Hamming, Bartlett, or Hanning.


Vector of strings giving the names of colors to be used for plotting the spectrogram; default is c('white', 'black'). The first value is used for plotting the lowest visible amplitude, and the last for plotting the highest visible amplitude. Vectors with more than two color names can be used for plotting values in between in different colors.


Boolean; should pitch be plotted on top of spectrogram? Default is FALSE.


Pitch object loaded using rPraat::pt.read or similar object.


String giving the type of pitch plot to produce; default is draw (a line plot), the only other option is speckle (a point plot). Alternatively a vector c('draw','speckle') can be passed, in which case both are used.


String giving the frequency scale to use when producing pitch plots. Default is hz; other options are logarithmic (also in Hz), semitones, erb, and mel.


Vector of two integers giving the frequency range to be used for producing pitch plots. Default is NULL, in which case the pitch range is automatically reset to c(-12,30) for the semitones scale, c(0,10) for the erb scale, and c(50,500) for the Hz-based scales, following Praat defaults.


String giving the name of the label to print along the y-axis when printing a pitch track. Default is NULL, in which case the axis label will depend on the scale.


String or vector of strings giving the name of the color to be used for plotting pitch. Default is 'black'. If a vector of two strings is passed, the second color will be used for background highlighting.


Boolean; should formants be plotted on top of spectrogram? Default is FALSE.


Formant object loaded using rPraat::formant.read or similar object.


String giving the type of formant plot to produce; default is speckle (a point plot), the only other option is draw (a line plot). Alternatively a vector c('draw','speckle') can be passed, in which case both are used.


Dynamic range in dB for producing formant plots. When a formant plot of formant_plotType='speckle' is drawn, no formants are shown in frames with intensity level formant_dynamicRange below the maximum intensity. Default is 30. If set to 0, all formants are shown.


String or vector of strings giving the name(s) of colors to be used for plotting formants. If one color is provided, all formants will be plotted in this color. If multiple colors are provided, different formants will be shown in different colors. Default is 'black'. If the length of this vector twice the number of formants plotted, the first half of strings will be used for the formants' primary colors and the second half will be used for background highlighting. If the length of this vector is one more than the number of formants plotted, the last string will be used for background highlighting.


Boolean; should intensity be plotted on top of spectrogram? Default is FALSE.


Intensity object loaded using rPraat::it.read or similar object.


Vector of two integers giving the intensity range to be used for producing intensity plots. Default is NULL, in which case the range is simply the minimum and maximum levels in the curve.


String giving the name of the label to print along the y-axis when plotting intensity. Default is Intensity (dB).


String or vector of strings giving the name of the color to be used for plotting intensity. Default is 'black'. If a vector of two strings is passed, the second color will be used for background highlighting.


Logical; should dotted lines be plotted corresponding to locations in a TextGrid? Default is FALSE.


Numeric vector giving locations in seconds of locations from a TextGrid to be plotted with dotted lines. Default is NULL.


String or vector of strings giving the color(s) to use for plotting focus tier lines. If multiple tiers are focused, a vector of the same length can be passed, and the nth tier will be plotted in the nth color. Default is 'black'.


String or vector of strings giving the line type(s) for plotting focus tier lines. If multiple tiers are focused, a vector of the same length can be passed, and the nth tier will be plotted in the nth line type. Default is 'dotted'.


Integer indexing waveform relative to other plot components. Default is NULL.


Logical; should only minimum and maximum values be given on the y-axis? Default is TRUE. Can also be a logical vector if some but not all plot components should have minimum and maximum values on the y-axis. Ignored for TextGrid component.


String giving the name of the label to print along the y-axis when plotting a spectrogram. Default is Frequency (Hz).


No return values, called internally by praatpicture and sibling functions.


# Don't use directly
datapath <- system.file('extdata', package='praatpicture')
soundFile <- paste0(datapath, '/1.wav')
praatpicture(soundFile, frames='spectrogram')

[Package praatpicture version 1.2.0 Index]