praatanimation {praatpicture}R Documentation

Make animations from Praat Picture-style plots of acoustic data


Animate some aspect of a Praat Picture-style plot of acoustic data, potentially aligned with transcriptions.


  width = 1080,
  height = 720,
  frameRate = 24,
  n_frames = 50,
  loop = TRUE,
  outputFile = NULL,
  outputFormat = "gif",
  useViewer = TRUE,
  verbose = TRUE,
  pointsize = 25,
  start = 0,
  end = 0,
  spec_freqRange = c(0, 5000),
  spec_windowLength = 0.005,
  spec_dynamicRange = 50,
  spec_timeStep = 1000,
  pitch_timeStep = NULL,
  pitch_floor = 50,
  pitch_ceiling = 600,
  pitch_freqRange = c(50, 500),
  pitch_semitonesRe = 100,
  formant_timeStep = NULL,
  formant_windowLength = 0.025,
  formant_dynamicRange = 30,
  formant_freqRange = c(50, 5500),
  intensity_timeStep = NULL,
  intensity_minPitch = 100,
  intensity_range = NULL,



String giving the file name of a sound file with the .wav extension.


Number giving the desired width of the resulting animation in pixels; default is 1080.


Number giving the desired height of the resulting animation in pixels; default is 720.


Number giving the desired frame rate of the resulting animation in Hz; default is 24, i.e. 24 frames per second.


Number giving the desired number of frames of the resulting animation; default is 50.


Logical; should the animation be looped? Default is TRUE. Ignored when outputType is mp4.


String giving the desired file name of the animation. Default is NULL, in which case GIF files are named praatgif.gif and MP4 files are named praatvid.mp4. If you choose a different name, make sure that the file extension matches the selected outputType.


String giving the desired file type; default is gif, the only other option is mp4.S


Logical; should the animation be shown in the Viewer pane in RStudio? Default is TRUE; if true, the animation is only saved in a temporary directory, but can be downloaded from a browser.


Logical; should status messages be printed in the console as figures are being generated? Default is TRUE.


Number; which point size should be used for text in the animation? Default is 25. See grDevices::png() for more details.


Start time (in seconds) of desired plotted area. Default is 0. Alternatively, a vector giving the first and last start time in the animation.


End time (in seconds) of desired plotted area. Default is 0 (= the entire file). Alternatively, a vector giving the first and last end time in the animation.


Vector of two integers giving the frequency range to be used for plotting spectrograms. Default is c(0,5000). Alternatively, a vector of four integers giving the first and last lowest frequency, followed by the first and last highest frequency in the animation; i.e., c(0,0,5000,10000) will produce an animation where the upper frequency boundary gradually increases from 5000 Hz to 10,000 Hz.


Window length in seconds for generating spectrograms. Default is 0.005. Alternatively, a vector giving the first and last window lengths in the animation.


Dynamic range in dB for generating spectrograms. The maximum intensity minus spec_dynamicRange will all be printed in white. Default is 50. Alternatively, a vector giving the first and last dynamic range values in the animation.


How many time steps should be calculated for spectrograms? Default is 1000. Alternatively, a vector giving the first and last time step values in the animation.


Measurement interval in seconds for tracking pitch. Default is NULL, in which case the measurement interval is equal to 0.75 / pitch_floor. Alternatively, a vector giving the first and last measurement intervals in the animation.


Frequency in Hz; no pitch candidates considered below this frequency. Default is 75. Alternatively, a vector giving the first and last pitch floors to be used in the animation.


Frequency in Hz; no pitch candidates considered above this frequency. Default is 600. Alternatively, a vector giving the first and last pitch ceilings to be used in the animation.


Vector of two integers giving the frequency range to be used for producing pitch plots. Default is c(50,500). If the frequency scales semitones or erb are used, the pitch range is automatically reset to the Praat defaults for these scales (c(-12,30) and c(0,10), respectively). Alternatively, a vector of four integers giving the first and last lowest frequency, followed by the first and last highest frequency in the animation (see spec_freqRange for usage details).


Frequency in Hz giving the reference level for converting pitch frequency to semitones. Default is 100. Alternatively, a vector giving the first and last semitone reference levels to be used in the animation.


Measurement interval in seconds for tracking formants. Default is NULL, in which case the measurement interval is equal to formant_windowLength / 4. Alternatively, a vector giving the first and last measurement intervals to be used in the animation.


The effective duration of the analysis window used for tracking formants in seconds; the actual duration of the analysis window is twice this value. Alternatively, a vector giving the first and last window lengths to be used in the animation.


Dynamic range in dB for producing formant plots. When a formant plot of formant_plotType='speckle' is drawn, no formants are shown in frames with intensity level formant_dynamicRange below the maximum intensity. Default is 30. If set to 0, all formants are shown. Alternatively, a vector giving the first and last dynamic range levels to be used in the animation.


Vector of two integers giving the frequency range to be used for producing formant plots. Default is c(0,5500). Alternatively, a vector of four integers giving the first and last lowest frequency, followed by the first and last highest frequency in the animation (see spec_freqRange for usage details).


Measurement interval in seconds for tracking intensity. Default is NULL, in which case the measurement interval is equal to 0.8 * intensity_minPitch. Alternatively, a vector giving the first and last measurement intervals to be used in the animation.


Lowest pitch in Hz used when calculating intensity; default is 100. Alternatively, a vector giving the first and last minimum pitch levels to be used in the animation.


Vector of two integers giving the intensity range to be used for producing intensity plots. Default is NULL, in which case the range is simply the minimum and maximum levels in the curve. Alternatively, a vector of four integers giving the first and last lowest level, followed by the first and last highest level in the animation (see spec_freqRange for usage details).


Further arguments passed to praatpicture.


No return value, produces an animated figure.

See Also

This function is a wrapper for either gifski::save_gif() or av::av_capture_graphics() used to produce animations based on praatpicture(). For more detail on your options, see the praatpicture() help file.


## Not run: 
datapath <- system.file('extdata', package='praatpicture')
soundFile <- paste0(datapath, '/1.wav')

# Show increasing frequency range
praatanimation(soundFile, spec_freqRange=c(0,0,4000,12000))

# Transition from narrowband to broadband spectrogram
praatanimation(soundFile, spec_windowLength=c(0.005,0.03))

# Etc.

## End(Not run)

[Package praatpicture version 1.2.0 Index]