poppr-package | The 'poppr' R package |
aboot | Calculate a dendrogram with bootstrap support using any distance applicable to genind or genclone objects. |
Aeut | Oomycete root rot pathogen *Aphanomyces euteiches* AFLP data |
amova | Perform Analysis of Molecular Variance (AMOVA) on genind or genclone objects. |
as.genambig | Switch between genind and genclone objects. |
as.genambig-method | Switch between genind and genclone objects. |
as.genclone | Switch between genind and genclone objects. |
as.genclone-method | Switch between genind and genclone objects. |
as.snpclone | Create a snpclone object from a genlight object. |
as.snpclone-method | Create a snpclone object from a genlight object. |
bitwise.dist | Calculate dissimilarity or Euclidean distance for genlight objects |
boot.ia | Bootstrap the index of association |
bootgen2genind | Switch between genind and genclone objects. |
bootgen2genind-method | Switch between genind and genclone objects. |
bootstrap | Calculate a dendrogram with bootstrap support using any distance applicable to genind or genclone objects. |
bruvo.between | Bruvo's distance for microsatellites |
bruvo.boot | Create a tree using Bruvo's Distance with non-parametric bootstrapping. |
bruvo.dist | Bruvo's distance for microsatellites |
bruvo.msn | Create minimum spanning network of selected populations using Bruvo's distance. |
clonecorrect | Remove potential bias caused by cloned genotypes in genind or genclone object. |
cutoff_predictor | Predict cutoff thresholds for use with mlg.filter |
diss.dist | Calculate a distance matrix based on relative dissimilarity |
diversity_boot | Perform a bootstrap analysis on diversity statistics |
diversity_ci | Perform bootstrap statistics, calculate, and plot confidence intervals. |
diversity_stats | Produce a table of diversity statistics |
edwards.dist | Calculate Genetic Distance for a genind or genclone object. |
filter_stats | Utilize all algorithms of mlg.filter |
fix_replen | Find and fix inconsistent repeat lengths |
genclone | GENclone and SNPclone classes |
genclone-class | GENclone and SNPclone classes |
genclone2genind | Switch between genind and genclone objects. |
genclone2genind-method | Switch between genind and genclone objects. |
genind2genalex | Export data from genind objects to genalex formatted \*.csv files. |
genotype_curve | Produce a genotype accumulation curve |
getfile | Get a file name and path and store them in a list. |
greycurve | Display a greyscale gradient adjusted to specific parameters |
ia | Index of Association |
imsn | Create minimum spanning networks interactively |
incomp | Check for samples that are incomparable due to missing data |
informloci | Remove all non-phylogentically informative loci |
info_table | Create a table summarizing missing data or ploidy information of a genind or genclone object |
is.clone | Check for validity of a genclone or snpclone object |
is.genclone | Check for validity of a genclone or snpclone object |
is.snpclone | Check for validity of a genclone or snpclone object |
jack.ia | Index of Association |
locus_table | Create a table of summary statistics per locus. |
make_haplotypes | Split samples from a genind object into pseudo-haplotypes |
make_haplotypes-method | Split samples from a genind object into pseudo-haplotypes |
missingno | Treat missing data |
mlg | Create counts, vectors, and matrices of multilocus genotypes. |
mlg.crosspop | Create counts, vectors, and matrices of multilocus genotypes. |
mlg.filter | MLG definitions based on genetic distance |
mlg.filter-method | MLG definitions based on genetic distance |
mlg.filter<- | MLG definitions based on genetic distance |
mlg.filter<--method | MLG definitions based on genetic distance |
mlg.id | Create counts, vectors, and matrices of multilocus genotypes. |
mlg.table | Create counts, vectors, and matrices of multilocus genotypes. |
mlg.vector | Create counts, vectors, and matrices of multilocus genotypes. |
mll | Access and manipulate multilocus lineages. |
mll-method | Access and manipulate multilocus lineages. |
mll.custom | Define custom multilocus lineages |
mll.custom-method | Define custom multilocus lineages |
mll.custom<- | Define custom multilocus lineages |
mll.custom<--method | Define custom multilocus lineages |
mll.levels | Define custom multilocus lineages |
mll.levels-method | Define custom multilocus lineages |
mll.levels<- | Define custom multilocus lineages |
mll.levels<--method | Define custom multilocus lineages |
mll.reset | Reset multilocus lineages |
mll.reset-method | Reset multilocus lineages |
mll<- | Access and manipulate multilocus lineages. |
mll<--method | Access and manipulate multilocus lineages. |
monpop | Peach brown rot pathogen *Monilinia fructicola* |
msn.bruvo | Create minimum spanning network of selected populations using Bruvo's distance. |
msn.poppr | Create a minimum spanning network of selected populations using a distance matrix. |
nei.dist | Calculate Genetic Distance for a genind or genclone object. |
nmll | Access and manipulate multilocus lineages. |
nmll-method | Access and manipulate multilocus lineages. |
old2new_genclone | Convert an old genclone object to a new genclone object |
old_partial_clone | Simulated data illustrating a Minimum Spanning Network based on Bruvo's Distance |
old_Pinf | Phytophthora infestans data from Mexico and South America. |
pair.ia | Index of Association |
partial_clone | Simulated data illustrating a Minimum Spanning Network based on Bruvo's Distance |
pgen | Genotype Probability |
Pinf | Phytophthora infestans data from Mexico and South America. |
plot_poppr_msn | Plot minimum spanning networks produced in poppr. |
poppr | Produce a basic summary table for population genetic analyses. |
poppr.all | Process a list of files with poppr |
poppr.amova | Perform Analysis of Molecular Variance (AMOVA) on genind or genclone objects. |
poppr.msn | Create a minimum spanning network of selected populations using a distance matrix. |
poppr_has_parallel | Determines whether openMP is support on this system. |
popsub | Subset data by population |
Pram | Phytophthora ramorum data from OR Forests and Nurseries (OR and CA) |
prevosti.dist | Calculate Genetic Distance for a genind or genclone object. |
private_alleles | Tabulate alleles the occur in only one population. |
provesti.dist | Calculate Genetic Distance for a genind or genclone object. |
psex | Probability of encountering a genotype more than once by chance |
rare_allele_correction | Correcting rare allele frequencies |
read.genalex | Importing data from genalex formatted \*.csv files. |
recode_polyploids | Recode polyploid microsatellite data for use in frequency based statistics. |
resample.ia | Index of Association |
reynolds.dist | Calculate Genetic Distance for a genind or genclone object. |
rogers.dist | Calculate Genetic Distance for a genind or genclone object. |
rraf | Round Robin Allele Frequencies |
rrmlg | Round Robin Multilocus Genotypes |
samp.ia | Calculate random samples of the index of association for genlight objects. |
shufflepop | Shuffle individuals in a 'genclone' or 'genind' object independently over each locus. |
snpclone | GENclone and SNPclone classes |
snpclone-class | GENclone and SNPclone classes |
test_replen | Test repeat length consistency. |
upgma | UPGMA |
win.ia | Calculate windows of the index of association for genlight objects. |