psex {poppr}R Documentation

Probability of encountering a genotype more than once by chance


Probability of encountering a genotype more than once by chance


  pop = NULL,
  by_pop = TRUE,
  freq = NULL,
  G = NULL,
  method = c("single", "multiple"),



a genind or genclone object.


either a formula to set the population factor from the strata slot or a vector specifying the population factor for each sample. Defaults to NULL.


When this is TRUE (default), the calculation will be done by population.


a vector or matrix of allele frequencies. This defaults to NULL, indicating that the frequencies will be determined via round-robin approach in rraf. If this matrix or vector is not provided, zero-value allele frequencies will automatically be corrected. For details, please see the documentation on correcting rare alleles.


an integer vector specifying the number of observed genets. If NULL, this will be the number of original multilocus genotypes for method = "single" and the number of populations for method = "multiple". G can also be a named integer vector for each population if by_pop = TRUE. Unnamed vectors with a lengths greater than 1 will throw an error.


which method of calculating psex should be used? Using method = "single" (default) indicates that the calculation for psex should reflect the probability of encountering a second genotype. Using method = "multiple" gives the probability of encountering multiple samples of the same genotype (see details).


options from correcting rare alleles. The default is to correct allele frequencies to 1/n


single encounter:

Psex is the probability of encountering a given genotype more than once by chance. The basic equation from Parks and Werth (1993) is

psex=1(1pgen)G)p_{sex} = 1 - (1 - p_{gen})^{G})

where G is the number of multilocus genotypes and pgen is the probability of a given genotype (see pgen for its calculation). For a given value of alpha (e.g. alpha = 0.05), genotypes with psex < alpha can be thought of as a single genet whereas genotypes with psex > alpha do not have strong evidence that members belong to the same genet (Parks and Werth, 1993).

multiple encounters:

When method = "multiple", the method from Arnaud-Haond et al. (1997) is used where the sum of the binomial density is taken.

psex=i=nN(Ni)(pgen)i(1pgen)Ni p_{sex} = \sum_{i = n}^N {N \choose i} \left(p_{gen}\right)^i\left(1 - p_{gen}\right)^{N - i}

where N is the number of sampling units i is the ith - 1 encounter of a given genotype, and pgen is the value of pgen for that genotype. This procedure is performed for all samples in the data. For example, if you have a genotype whose pgen value was 0.0001, with 5 observations out of 100 samples, the value of psex is computed like so:

  dbinom(0:4, 100, 0.0001)

using by_pop = TRUE and modifying G:

It is possible to modify G for single or multiple encounters. With method = "single", G takes place of the exponent, whereas with method = "multiple", G replaces N (see above). If you supply a named vector for G with the population names and by_pop = TRUE, then the value of G will be different for each population.

For example, in the case of method = "multiple", let's say you have two populations that share a genotype between them. The size of population A and B are 25 and 75, respectively, The values of pgen for that genotype in population A and B are 0.005 and 0.0001, respectively, and the number of samples with the genotype in popualtions A and B are 4 and 6, respectively. In this case psex for this genotype would be calculated for each population separately if we don't specify G:

  psexA = dbinom(0:3, 25, 0.005)
  psexB = dbinom(0:5, 75, 0.0001)

If we specify G = 100, then it changes to:

  psexA = dbinom(0:3, 100, 0.005)
  psexB = dbinom(0:5, 100, 0.0001)

We could also specify G to be the number of genotypes observed in the population (let's say A = 10, B = 20)

  psexA = dbinom(0:3, 10, 0.005)
  psexB = dbinom(0:5, 20, 0.0001)

Unless freq is supplied, the function will automatically calculate the round-robin allele frequencies with rraf and G with nmll.


a vector of Psex for each sample.


The values of Psex represent the value for each multilocus genotype. Additionally, when the argument pop is not NULL, by_pop is automatically TRUE.


Zhian N. Kamvar, Jonah Brooks, Stacy A. Krueger-Hadfield, Erik Sotka


Arnaud-Haond, S., Duarte, C. M., Alberto, F., & Serrão, E. A. 2007. Standardizing methods to address clonality in population studies. Molecular Ecology, 16(24), 5115-5139.

Parks, J. C., & Werth, C. R. 1993. A study of spatial features of clones in a population of bracken fern, Pteridium aquilinum (Dennstaedtiaceae). American Journal of Botany, 537-544.

See Also

pgen, rraf, rrmlg, rare_allele_correction



# With multiple encounters
Pram_psex <- psex(Pram, by_pop = FALSE, method = "multiple")
plot(Pram_psex, log = "y", col = ifelse(Pram_psex > 0.05, "red", "blue"))
abline(h = 0.05, lty = 2)
title("Probability of multiple encounters")
## Not run: 

# For a single encounter (default)
Pram_psex <- psex(Pram, by_pop = FALSE)
plot(Pram_psex, log = "y", col = ifelse(Pram_psex > 0.05, "red", "blue"))
abline(h = 0.05, lty = 2)
title("Probability of second encounter")

# This can be also done assuming populations structure
Pram_psex <- psex(Pram, by_pop = TRUE, method = "multiple")
plot(Pram_psex, log = "y", col = ifelse(Pram_psex > 0.05, "red", "blue"))
abline(h = 0.05, lty = 2)
title("Probability of multiple encounters\nwith pop structure")

# The above, but correcting zero-value alleles by 1/(2*rrmlg) with no 
# population structure assumed
# Type ?rare_allele_correction for details.
Pram_psex2 <- psex(Pram, by_pop = FALSE, d = "rrmlg", mul = 1/2, method = "multiple")
plot(Pram_psex2, log = "y", col = ifelse(Pram_psex2 > 0.05, "red", "blue"))
abline(h = 0.05, lty = 2)
title("Probability of multiple encounters\nwith pop structure (1/(2*rrmlg))")

# We can also set G to the total population size
(G <- nInd(Pram))
Pram_psex <- psex(Pram, by_pop = TRUE, method = "multiple", G = G)
plot(Pram_psex, log = "y", col = ifelse(Pram_psex > 0.05, "red", "blue"))
abline(h = 0.05, lty = 2)
title("Probability of multiple encounters\nwith pop structure G = 729")

# Or we can set G to the number of unique MLGs
(G <- rowSums(mlg.table(Pram, plot = FALSE) > 0))
Pram_psex <- psex(Pram, by_pop = TRUE, method = "multiple", G = G)
plot(Pram_psex, log = "y", col = ifelse(Pram_psex > 0.05, "red", "blue"))
abline(h = 0.05, lty = 2)
title("Probability of multiple encounters\nwith pop structure G = nmll")

## An example of supplying previously calculated frequencies and G
# From Parks and Werth, 1993, using the first three genotypes.

# The row names indicate the number of samples found with that genotype
x <- "
 Hk Lap Mdh2 Pgm1 Pgm2 X6Pgd2
54 12 12 12 23 22 11
36 22 22 11 22 33 11
10 23 22 11 33 13 13"

# Since we aren't representing the whole data set here, we are defining the
# allele frequencies before the analysis.
afreq <- c(Hk.1 = 0.167, Hk.2 = 0.795, Hk.3 = 0.038, 
           Lap.1 = 0.190, Lap.2 = 0.798, Lap.3 = 0.012,
           Mdh2.0 = 0.011, Mdh2.1 = 0.967, Mdh2.2 = 0.022,
           Pgm1.2 = 0.279, Pgm1.3 = 0.529, Pgm1.4 = 0.162, Pgm1.5 = 0.029,
           Pgm2.1 = 0.128, Pgm2.2 = 0.385, Pgm2.3 = 0.487,
           X6Pgd2.1 = 0.526, X6Pgd2.2 = 0.051, X6Pgd2.3 = 0.423)

xtab <- read.table(text = x, header = TRUE, row.names = 1)

# Here we are expanding the number of samples to their observed values.
# Since we have already defined the allele frequencies, this step is actually
# not necessary. 
all_samples <- rep(rownames(xtab), as.integer(rownames(xtab)))
xgid        <- df2genind(xtab[all_samples, ], ncode = 1)

freqs <- afreq[colnames(tab(xgid))] # only used alleles in the sample
pSex  <- psex(xgid, by_pop = FALSE, freq = freqs, G = 45)

# Note, pgen returns log values for each locus, here we take the sum across
# all loci and take the exponent to give us the value of pgen for each sample
pGen <- exp(rowSums(pgen(xgid, by_pop = FALSE, freq = freqs)))

res  <- matrix(c(unique(pGen), unique(pSex)), ncol = 2)
colnames(res) <- c("Pgen", "Psex")
res <- cbind(xtab, nRamet = rownames(xtab), round(res, 5))
rownames(res) <- 1:3
res # Compare to the first three rows of Table 2 in Parks & Werth, 1993

## End(Not run)

[Package poppr version 2.9.6 Index]