polySegratio-package |
Segregation Ratios for Autoployploids |
addMisclass |
Misclassifies marker data in objects of class autoMarker or autoCross |
addMissing |
Adds missing data to objects of class autoMarker or autoCross |
autoFill |
Automatically fill out blanks of a vector with the preceding label |
divide.autoMarkers |
Divide markers by parental type |
divideAutoMarkers |
S3 class divideAutoMarkers |
expected.segRatio |
Compute theoretical segregation proportions for regular autopolyploids |
makeLabel |
Generate labels from two columns where blanks in first column are replaced by preceding non-blank label |
plot.segRatio |
Plot segregation ratios for either observed or simulated marker data |
plot.simAutoCross |
Plot segregation ratios for either observed or simulated marker data |
plot.simAutoMarkers |
Plot segregation ratios for either observed or simulated marker data |
polySegratio |
Segregation Ratios for Autoployploids |
print.divideAutoMarkers |
Print objects of class simAutoMarkers |
print.segRatio |
Print segregation ratios |
print.simAutoCross |
Print objects of class simAutoMarkers |
print.simAutoMarkers |
Print objects of class simAutoMarkers |
print.testSegRatio |
Print objects of class testSegRatio |
segRatio |
S3 class segRatio |
segregationRatios |
Compute observed segregation proportions for dominant markers in autopolyploids |
sim.autoCross |
Simulate dominant markers for an autopolyploid cross for all parental types |
sim.autoMarkers |
Simulates dominant markers from an autopolyploid cross |
simAutoCross |
S3 class simAutoCross |
simAutoMarkers |
S3 class simAutoMarkers |
test.segRatio |
Classic tests for assessing marker dosage in autopolyploids |
testSegRatio |
S3 class testSegRatio |