plsRbeta-package |
plsRbeta-package |
bootplsbeta |
Non-parametric Bootstrap for PLS beta regression models |
coefs.plsRbeta |
Coefficients function for bootstrap techniques |
coefs.plsRbeta.raw |
Raw coefficients function for bootstrap techniques |
coefs.plsRbetanp |
Coefficients for bootstrap computations of PLSBeta models |
colon |
Tumor rate and spectral data |
ind_BCa_nt1BC |
ind_BCa_nt1BC |
ind_BCa_nt1BR |
ind_BCa_nt1BR |
ind_BCa_nt2BC |
ind_BCa_nt2BC |
ind_BCa_nt2BR |
ind_BCa_nt2BR |
ind_BCa_nt3 |
ind_BCa_nt3 |
ind_BCa_nt3BC |
ind_BCa_nt3BC |
ind_BCa_nt3BR |
ind_BCa_nt3BR |
ind_BCa_nt4BC |
ind_BCa_nt4BC |
ind_BCa_nt4BR |
ind_BCa_nt4BR |
ind_BCa_nt5BC |
ind_BCa_nt5BC |
ind_BCa_nt5BR |
ind_BCa_nt5BR |
ind_BCa_nt6BC |
ind_BCa_nt6BC |
ind_BCa_nt6BR |
ind_BCa_nt6BR |
kfolds2Chisq |
Computes Predicted Chisquare for kfold cross validated partial least squares beta regression models. |
kfolds2Chisqind |
Computes individual Predicted Chisquare for kfold cross validated partial least squares beta regression models. |
kfolds2CVinfos_beta |
Extracts and computes information criteria and fits statistics for kfold cross validated partial least squares beta regression models |
modpls.boot3 |
Bootstrap distribution of a 3 components model |
modpls_sub4 |
A plsRbetamodel model on a data subset |
permcoefs.plsRbeta |
Coefficients function for permutation bootstrap techniques |
permcoefs.plsRbeta.raw |
Raw coefficients function for permutation bootstrap techniques |
permcoefs.plsRbetanp |
Coefficients for permutation bootstrap computations of PLSBeta models |
plsRbeta |
Partial least squares Regression beta regression models |
plsRbetamodel.default |
Partial least squares Regression beta regression models |
plsRbetamodel.formula |
Partial least squares Regression beta regression models |
PLS_beta |
Partial least squares beta regression models |
PLS_beta_formula |
Partial least squares beta regression models |
PLS_beta_kfoldcv |
Partial least squares regression beta models with kfold cross validation |
PLS_beta_kfoldcv_formula |
Partial least squares regression beta models with kfold cross validation |
PLS_beta_wvc |
Light version of PLS_beta for cross validation purposes |
print.plsRbetamodel |
Print method for plsRbeta models |
print.summary.plsRbetamodel |
Print method for summaries of plsRbeta models |
simul_data_UniYX_beta |
Data generating function for univariate beta plsR models |
summary.plsRbetamodel |
Summary method for plsRbeta models |
tilt.bootplsbeta |
Non-parametric tilted bootstrap for PLS beta regression models |
TxTum |
Cancer infiltration rates |
TxTum.mod.bootBC1 |
Bootstrap distribution TxTum BC1 model |
TxTum.mod.bootBR6 |
Bootstrap distribution TxTum BR6 model |