User Oriented Plotting Functions

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Documentation for package ‘plgraphics’ version 1.2

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-- A --

asinp arc sine Transformation

-- C --

c.colors colors used by plgraphics
c.mon strings for month and weekday names
c.months strings for month and weekday names
c.weekdays strings for month and weekday names
c.wkd strings for month and weekday names
charSize Adjust character size to number of observations
clipat Clip Data Outside a Range
colorpale determine more pale colors for given colors
condquant Quantiles of a Conditional Distribution

-- D --

d.babysurvGr Survival of Premature Infants
d.babysurvival Survival of Premature Infants
d.birthrates Birthrates in Swiss Districts
d.birthratesVars Birthrates in Swiss Districts
d.blast Blasting for a tunnel
d.fossileSamples Coccolith Abundance and Environmental Variables
d.fossileShapes Coccolith Abundance and Environmental Variables
d.pollZH16 Air Pollution Monitoring in Zurich
d.pollZH16d Air Pollution Monitoring in Zurich
d.river Chemical Compounds in a Swiss River, Time Series
default.ploptions Set and Get User "Session" Options that Influence "plgraphics"s Behavior
deparseCond Analyze formula with conditional variables
doc Define and obtain the doc or tit attribute
doc<- Define and obtain the doc or tit attribute
drevgumbel "Reverse" Gumbel Distribution Functions
dropdata Drop Observations from a Data.frame
dropNA drop or replace NA values

-- F --

fitcomp Component Effects for a Model Fit
fitted.regrpolr Predict and Fitted for polr Models

-- G --

gendate Generate a variable expressing time with its attributes for plotting
gendateaxis Generate a variable expressing time with its attributes for plotting
gensmooth Smooth: wrapper function
genvarattributes Generate or Set Variable Attributes for Plotting
getmeth get S3 method of a generic function
getvariables Extract Variables or Variable Names
getvarnames Extract Variables or Variable Names

-- L --

legendr Add a Legend to a Plot
leverage Get leverage values
linear.predictors linear predictors from a (generalized) linear model
linpred linear predictors from a (generalized) linear model
logst Started Logarithmic Transformation

-- M --

markextremes Adjust the default proportion of extreme points to be labeled to the number of observations
modarg Modify default arguments according to a named vector or list

-- N --

nainf.exclude Drop Rows Containing NA or Inf
nainf.omit Drop Rows Containing NA or Inf
notice Generate a Notice

-- P --

panelSmooth Panel function for multiple plots
pl.control Arguments for plotting functions
plaxis Low level plotting functions for the 'pl' system
plbars Add bars to a pl plot
plcond Plot Two Variables Conditional on Two Others
plcoord Determines Values for Plotting with Limited "Inner" Plot Range
plframe Low level plotting functions for the 'pl' system
plinnerrange Inner Plotting Limits
pllimits Determine Inner Plot Range
pllines Plot Points and Lines in the 'pl' system
plmarginpar Set Graphical Parameters According to Those used in the Pl Function Called Last
plmark Labels for Extreme Points
plmatrix Scatterplot Matrix
plmbox Multibox plots
plmboxes Multibox plots
plmboxes.default Multibox plots
plmboxes.formula Multibox plots
plmframes Multiple Frames for Plotting
ploptions Set and Get User "Session" Options that Influence "plgraphics"s Behavior
ploptions.list The List of pl Options
plot.regr Diagnostic Plots for Regr Objects
plot.xdistResscale Residual Differences for Near Replicates: Tabulate and Test
plpanel Panel function for multiple plots
plpanelCond Panel function for multiple plots
plpoints Plot Points and Lines in the 'pl' system
plrefline Smooth and Reference Line Plotting
plregr Diagnostic Plots for Regr Objects
plregr.control Further Arguments to 'plregr'
plres2x Plot Residuals vs. Two Explanatory Variables
plresx Diagnostic Plots for Regr Objects
plscale Generate Plscaled Plotting Scale
plsmooth Smooth and Reference Line Plotting
plsmoothline Smooth and Reference Line Plotting
plsubset Subsetting a Data.Frame with pl Attributes
plticks Ticks for plotting
pltitle Low level plotting functions for the 'pl' system
plyx Scatterplot, enhanced
predict.regrpolr Predict and Fitted for polr Models
prettyscale Pretty Tickmark Locations for Transformed Scales
prevgumbel "Reverse" Gumbel Distribution Functions

-- Q --

qrevgumbel "Reverse" Gumbel Distribution Functions
quantilew Quantiles for weighted observations
quinterpol Interpolated Quantiles

-- R --

replaceNA drop or replace NA values
residuals.polr Residuals of a Binary, Ordered, or Censored Regression
residuals.regrcoxph Residuals of a Binary, Ordered, or Censored Regression
residuals.regrpolr Residuals of a Binary, Ordered, or Censored Regression
residuals.regrsurvreg Residuals of a Binary, Ordered, or Censored Regression
robrange Robust Range of Data
rrevgumbel "Reverse" Gumbel Distribution Functions

-- S --

setvarattributes Generate or Set Variable Attributes for Plotting
shortenstring Shorten Strings
showd Show a Part of a Data.frame
simresiduals Simulate Residuals
simresiduals.default Simulate Residuals
simresiduals.gam Simulate Residuals
simresiduals.glm Simulate Residuals
smoothLm Smoothing function used as a default in plgraphics / straight line "smoother"
smoothpar Adjust the smoothing parameter to number of observations
smoothRegr Smoothing function used as a default in plgraphics / straight line "smoother"
smoothxtrim Adjust range for smooth lines to number of observations
stamp Add a "Stamp", i.e., an Identification Line to a Plot
stdresiduals Get Standardized Residuals
sumNA Count NAs

-- T --

tit Define and obtain the doc or tit attribute
tit<- Define and obtain the doc or tit attribute
Tobit Prepare a Response for a Tobit Model
transferAttributes Transfer Attributes

-- W --

warn List Warnings
weekday Get Day of Week or Year, Month, Day

-- X --

xdistResdiff Residual Differences for Near Replicates: Tabulate and Test
xdistResscale Residual Differences for Near Replicates: Tabulate and Test

-- Y --

ymd Get Day of Week or Year, Month, Day