gendateaxis {plgraphics}R Documentation

Generate a variable expressing time with its attributes for plotting


gendateaxis generates suitable attributes for plotting a date or time variable.
gendate generates a date variable and is an extension of as.POSIXct.


gendate(date = NULL, year = 2000, month = 1, day = 1, hour = 0, 
  min = 0, sec = 0, data = NULL, format = "y-m-d", origin = NULL)

gendateaxis(date = NULL, year = 2000, month = 1, day = 1, hour = 0,
  min = 0, sec = 0, data = NULL, format = "y-m-d", origin = NULL,



vector of class dates or chron or vector to be converted into such an object. May also be the name of such a variable contained in data. If date has class dates or chron, the arguments year, month and day are ignored.

year, month, day, hour, min, sec

numeric vectors giving the year, month, day of month, hour, minute, second – or the name of such a variable contained in data. day, hour, min, sec can be fractional, see Details. If these arguments are used, the supersede the respective parts in date.


data.frame, where variables can be found


format for date in case that the latter is a character vector


year of origin for dates, defaults to ploptions("date.origin")


list pl options, generated by pl.control


If hour is fractional, e.g., 6.2, the fraction is respected, that is, it will be the same as time 06:12. If min is also given, the fraction of hour is ignored. Similar for day and min.
If hour is >=24, the day is augmented by hour%/%24 and the hour is set to hour%%24. Similar for min and sec.


For gendate, a vector of times in POSIXct format.
For gendateaxis, this is augmented by the attribute


numerical values used for plotting. If years, months or days vary in the data, the units are days. Otherwise, they are hours, minutes, or seconds, depending on the highest category that varies.

Unless the dates only cover one of the categories (only years differ, or only months, ...), the following plotting attributes are added:


vector where tickmarks are shown. It contains its own attribute small if secondary ticks are suitable.


May be years, quarters, month names, days, ...


vecor of coordinates to place the ticklabels


equals "", since the time scale makes it clear enough that the axis represents time.


Werner A. Stahel

See Also

genvarattributes, axis.Date


## call gendateaxis without 'real' data
tt <- gendate(year=rep(2010:2012, each=12), month=rep(1:12, 3))
ta <- gendateaxis(tt)

## ... derived from data
d.river$dt <- gendateaxis(date="date", hour="hour", data=d.river)
plyx(O2~dt, data=d.river, subset=months(date)!="Sep")
plyx(O2~dt, data=d.river[months(d.river$date)!="Sep",])
plyx(O2~dt, data=d.river, subset=1:1000)

[Package plgraphics version 1.2 Index]