pl.control {plgraphics}R Documentation

Arguments for plotting functions


Arguments that can be specified calling plyx and other 'pl' functions are checked and data is prepared for plotting.


pl.control(x=NULL, y=NULL, condvar = NULL, data = NULL, subset = NULL,
  transformed = TRUE, distinguishy = TRUE, gensequence = NULL,
  csize = NULL, csize.pch = NULL, 
  psize = NULL, plab = FALSE, pch = NULL, pcol = NULL,  
  smooth.weights = NULL, smooth.weight = NULL,
  markextremes = NULL, smooth = NULL,
  xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, varlabel = NULL,
  vcol = NULL, vlty = NULL, vpch = NULL, plscale = NULL, log = NULL,
  main = NULL, sub = NULL, .subdefault = NULL, mar = NULL, 
  gencoord = TRUE,
  plargs = pl.envir, ploptions = NULL, .environment. = parent.frame(),
  assign = TRUE, ... )


x, y, data

as in plyx


conditioning variables for plcond


subset of data.frame 'data' to be used for plotting. See details.


logical: should transformed variables be used?


logical: should multiple y's be distinguished? This is TRUE if pl.control is called from plyx.


logical: if only x or only y is set, should the other of these be specified as the sequence 1:nobs (where nobs is the number of observations)?


character expansion, applied to both labels and plotting characters.


expansion of plotting symbol relative to par("pch"). By default, it adjusts to the number of observations.

psize, plab, pch, pcol

Plotting characteristics of points, specified as a (unquoted) variable name found in data or as a vector. They set the size of the plotting symbols, labels (character strings), plotting character, and color, respectively.
plabs = TRUE asks for using the row names of data.

smooth.weights, smooth.weight

weights to be used in calculating smooth lines. Both are equivalent.


scalar: proportion of extreme points to be labelled


logical: should a smooth line be added?

xlab, ylab

axis labels


labels for variables replacing their names in the x and y arguments, either a simple vector of strings with an element for each variable, or a named vector, where names correspond to such variables.

vcol, vlty, vpch

color, line type and plotting character to be used when multiple y-s are plotted (in the sense of matplot)


plot scale: name of the function to be used for generating a plotting scale, like "log". A named character vector can be given, where the names correspond to variable names in data.


requires log scale as in R's basic plot function, e.g., equals either "x", "y" or "xy"

main, sub

string. Main title of the plot(s). If sub starts by ":" (the default), pl.control tries to generate an informative subtitle, determined by the data or a model formula.


for internal use: default of subtitle


plot margins


logical: should plotting coordinates be generated? This is avoided for low level pl graphics.


pl arguments, a list with components ploptions, see the following argument; pldata, the data used for plotting; pmarpar, graphical parameters defining margins.


Plotting attributes, e.g., plotting character, line types, colors and the like, for different aspects of plots. Result of ploptions. Defaults to pl.envir$ploptions.


used by the calling function to provide the environment for evaluating x and y


logical: should the result of pl.control be assigned to the pl.envir environment? This will be done for high level pl functions, but avoided for low level ones. It allows for reusing the settings and helps debug unexpected behavior.


further arguments. These may include:

psize, plab, pch, pcol, group,, smooth.weights:

these specify graphical elements for each observation (row of data). the respective columns are added to the pldata data.frame.


further ... arguments will be passed on to ploptions. The respective settings will be used in the calling pl function, but not permanently stored in ploptions in the pl.envir environment.


The function selects the data according to the arguments x, y, data and subset (the latter by calling plsubset). The argument subset should be used instead of data[subset,] if the dataset data contains variable attributes like varlabel, ticksat, .... The argument is evaluated in the dataset defined by data, i.e., variable names may be used to define the subset.


A list containing all the arguments, possibly in modified form. Specifically, the evaluations of the variables contained in x and y along with psize, plab, pch, pcol, smoothGroup, smoothWeights are collected in the component pldata. The component, ploptions, collects the ploptions, and plfeatures contains a list of additional features, both to be used in the calling high level pl function


Werner A. Stahel

See Also

plyx, plmatrix, ploptions


plyx(Sepal.Width~Sepal.Length, data=iris, axp=7, plab=TRUE, csize.plab=0.6)
## same as
plargs <- pl.control(Sepal.Width~Sepal.Length, data=iris)
plargs$pdata$plab <- row.names(iris)
plargs$csize.lab <- 0.6
plargs$axp <- 7
plyx(Sepal.Width~Sepal.Length, plargs=plargs)

[Package plgraphics version 1.2 Index]