Calculating Topological Properties of Phylogenies

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Documentation for package ‘phyloTop’ version 2.1.2

Help Pages

avgLadder Average ladder size
cherries Cherry number
colless.phylo Colless number
configShow Plot a tree highlighting configurations
getDepths Find the depth of each node
getLabGenealogy Create genealogy
ILnumber IL number
ladderShow Show ladders
ladderSizes Ladder sizes
makeEpiRecord Simulate epidemiological record
maxHeight Maximum tree height
nConfig Configuration sizes in a tree
nodeDepth Node depth
nodeDepthFrac Fraction of nodes beyond a given depth
nodeImb Node imbalance
nodeImbFrac Fraction of nodes with given imbalance
phyloTop phyloTop: topological properties of phylogenies
pitchforks Number of pitchforks
rtree4 Random phylo4 tree
sackin.phylo Sackin index
splitTop Split topology
stairs Stairs
subtreeShow Highlight a subtree
treeImb Tree imbalance
widths Number of nodes at each depth